The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Anne Carroll Moore Archives
Anne Carroll Moore •ï¿½29 Items / 10 Books, 6 Articles, 13 Reviews
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  1. The Art of Beatrix Potter (1955)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  2. [+]
    Bells and Balloons (3 Reviews)
    The Hole in the Wall, by Rene d'Harnoncourt
    1. The Hole in the Wall by Rene d'Harnoncourt
    2. Poor Shaydullah by Boris Artzybasheff
    3. The Magic Rug by Ingri d'Aulaire and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire
    The Saturday Review, November 14, 1931, p. 281
  3. The Bold Dragoon and Other Ghostly Tales (1930)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  4. Children's Books of 1925
    The Bookman, October 1925, pp. 178-186
  5. Children's Books of 1926
    The Bookman, October 1926, pp. 208-214
  6. Children's Books of the Spring
    The Bookman, May 1924, pp. 296-305
  7. [+]
    The Children's Bookshop (Review)
    Spring Holiday
    1. The Spider's Palace, and Other Stories by Richard A.W. Hughes
    The Saturday Review, April 16, 1932, p. 673
  8. [+]
    The Children's Bookshop (3 Reviews)
    Spacious Picture Books
    1. Ola by Ingri d'Aulaire and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire
    2. Daniel Boone by Esther Averill and Lila Stanley
    3. The Story of Noah by Clifford Webb
    The Saturday Review, November 19, 1932, p. 254
  9. Christmas Packages
    The Bookman, December 1923, pp. 445-451
  10. Christmas Surprises
    The Bookman, December 1924, pp. 513-520
  11. Good Books for Children
    The New Republic, December 12, 1934, p. 138
  12. Knickerbockers' History of New York (1928)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  13. [+]
    A Living Child (Review)
    Where Is Adelaide?, by Eliza Orne White
    1. Where Is Adelaide? by Eliza Orne White
    The Saturday Review, November 18, 1933, p. 280
  14. The New Children's Books
    The Bookman, October 1924, pp. 162-170
  15. New Roads to Childhood (1923)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  16. Nicholas and the Golden Goose (1932)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  17. Nicholas Sees Ellen Terry
    The Bookman, August 1925, pp. 653-655
  18. Nicholas: A Manhattan Christmas Story (1924)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  19. Opening the New Children's Books
    The Bookman, October 1923, pp. 185-193
  20. Recent Children's Books
    The Bookman, April 1926, pp. 206-212
  21. The Reviewing of Children's Books
    The Bookman, May 1925, pp. 325-331
  22. Roads to Childhood (1920)
    Views and Reviews of Children's Books
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  23. [+]
    The Rootabaga Country (Review)
    Rootabaga Pigeons, by Carl Sandburg
    1. Rootabaga Pigeons by Carl Sandburg
    The Nation, December 5, 1923, p. 651
  24. Spring Roads to Children's Books
    The Bookman, April 1927, pp. 178-183
  25. A Symposium on Juvenile Reading
    The Saturday Review, November 16, 1929, p. 399
  26. The Three Owls (1925)
    A Book About Children's Books, Their Authors, Artists and Critics
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  27. The Three Owls, Third Book (1931)
    Contemporary Criticism of Children's Books, 1927-1930
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  28. Touchstones for Children's Libraries
    The Bookman, July 1926, pp. 579-585
  29. Writing and Criticism (1951)
    A Book for Margery Bianco
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  30. No Items Found