The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Edward S. Martin Archives
Edward S. Martin •ï¿½284 Items / 239 Articles, 2 Reviews, 24 Poems, 18 Books
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  1. Abroad with Jane (1918)
  2. Abroad With Jane, I
    Scribners, July 1914, pp. 61-70
  3. Abroad With Jane, II
    Scribners, August 1914, pp. 260-268
  4. Abroad With Jane, III
    Scribners, September 1914, pp. 340-349
  5. Abroad With Jane, IV
    Scribners, October 1914, pp. 541-551
  6. Advertisement
    The Atlantic Monthly, January 1909, pp. 36-38
  7. All Aboard! Clear the Track!
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1933, pp. 509-519
  8. [+]
    And How! (Review)
    The World Does Move, by Booth Tarkington
    1. The World Does Move by Booth Tarkington
    The Saturday Review, November 24, 1928, p. 393
  9. And Now a New Deal
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1925, pp. 250-258
  10. Ape Study and the Crash in Stocks
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1930, pp. 257-260
  11. As Summer Wanes
    Scribners, September 1904, p. 296
  12. As the Year Goes Out
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1929, pp. 125-128
  13. As to Spring
    Scribners, May 1891, p. 575
  14. August
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1904, p. 382
  15. The Battleship Remarks
    Scribners, February 1915, p. 169
  16. Be Kind to Thyself
    Scribners, December 1888, p. 718
  17. The Beginning Husband and the Baby
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1911, pp. 132-136
  18. The Beginning Husband Continues
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1912, pp. 434-439
  19. The Beginning Husband Dines Out
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1912, pp. 903-907
  20. The Beginning Husband Gets a Rise
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1912, pp. 400-404
  21. Blandina
    Scribners, December 1895, p. 732
  22. The Blue Eagle Tries His Wings
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1933, pp. 765-775
  23. Bodies, Bees, and Politics
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1928, pp. 521-524
  24. By the Evening Fire
    Scribners, December 1904, p. 712
  25. By the Second Intention
    A Story
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1910, pp. 120-126
  26. Capitalism, Liberalism, Flight
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1930, pp. 765-769
  27. To Celestine in Brave Array
    Scribners, May 1899, p. 528
  28. Changing Pilots in a Squall
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1933, pp. 765-774
  29. Choosing a President
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1928, pp. 257-260
  30. "Christmas Again"
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1923, pp. 26-34
  31. Church Unity: The Passing Show
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1932, pp. 509-513
  32. Cities, and Especially Boston
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1927, pp. 265-273
  33. Coming Events, Including the Millenium
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1932, pp. 125-135
  34. Conan Doyle and the Spirit-World
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1930, pp. 637-641
  35. Contrasts
    Scribners, March 1905, p. 296
  36. Country Clubs and Hunt Clubs in America
    Scribners, September 1895, pp. 302-321
  37. The Country
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1902, pp. 825-831
  38. The Courtship of a Careful Man (1905)
    1 Review
  39. The Courtship of a Careful Man
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1902, pp. 191-198
  40. Cousin Anthony and I (1895)
  41. [+]
    A Critic's Career (Review)
    William Crary Brownell, by Gertrude Hall Brownell and William Crary Brownell, ...
    1. William Crary Brownell by Gertrude Hall Brownell and William Crary Brownell, ...
    The Saturday Review, January 20, 1934, p. 424
  42. Current Maladies
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1929, pp. 389-392
  43. Dated "February the 14th"
    Scribners, February 1890, p. 238
  44. Diagnosis
    Scribners, August 1904, pp. 140-142
  45. The Diary of a Nation (1917)
    The War and How We Got Into It
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  46. A Disguised Providence
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1902, pp. 447-454
  47. Divorce: A Lost Leader: Christmas
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1931, pp. 125-129
  48. Drives and Economy
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1925, pp. 763-768
  49. East-Side Considerations
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1898, pp. 853-862
  50. Eben Pynchot's Repentance
    Scribners, December 1892, pp. 721-730
  51. Editor's Drawer
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1897, pp. 160-163
  52. Editor's Drawer
    The Contemporary Suitor
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1897, p. 977
  53. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1920, pp. 125-128
  54. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1920, pp. 813-816
  55. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1920, pp. 677-680
  56. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1921, pp. 669-672
  57. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1921, pp. 125-128
  58. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1921, pp. 397-400
  59. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1921, pp. 261-264
  60. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1921, pp. 261-264
  61. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1921, pp. 125-128
  62. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1921, pp. 533-536
  63. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1921, pp. 805-808
  64. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1921, pp. 805-808
  65. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1921, pp. 669-672
  66. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1921, pp. 533-536
  67. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1922, pp. 681-684
  68. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1922, pp. 397-400
  69. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1922, pp. 261-264
  70. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1922, pp. 273-276
  71. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1922, pp. 129-132
  72. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1922, pp. 533-536
  73. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1922, pp. 815-818
  74. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1922, pp. 685-688
  75. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1922, pp. 551-554
  76. Editor's Easy Chair
    Theological Discussions
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1923, pp. 421-424
  77. Editor's Easy Chair
    "A Matter of Importance"
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1923, pp. 133-136
  78. Editor's Easy Chair
    The World and Its Control
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1923, pp. 277-280
  79. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Bats in Some Belfries
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1923, pp. 133-136
  80. Editor's Easy Chair
    What We Have to be Thinkful For
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1923, pp. 855-858
  81. Editor's Easy Chair
    Be Patient: Be Polite
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1923, pp. 711-714
  82. Editor's Easy Chair
    Uncle Sam and Europe
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1923, pp. 565-568
  83. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Prohibition: Advertisement: Organization"
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1924, pp. 697-700
  84. Editor's Easy Chair
    What Ails Contemporary Life?
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1924, pp. 417-420
  85. Editor's Easy Chair
    "In Time of Hesitation"
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1924, pp. 417-420
  86. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Passing the Mile-Post"
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1924, pp. 277-280
  87. Editor's Easy Chair
    Commencement Reflections
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1924, pp. 277-280
  88. Editor's Easy Chair
    Political Superstitions
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1924, pp. 133-136
  89. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Advertisement as a World Power"
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1924, pp. 553-556
  90. Editor's Easy Chair
    "The Rattle of Machinery"
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1924, pp. 841-844
  91. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Population Problem
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1924, pp. 802-823
  92. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Voter and the President
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1924, pp. 674-677
  93. Editor's Easy Chair
    The War Against Prejudice
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1924, pp. 544-547
  94. Editor's Easy Chair
    "New Freedom and the Girls"
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1926, pp. 389-397
  95. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1926, pp. 257-265
  96. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Neighbors, Rum, and Love of Money"
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1926, pp. 125-133
  97. Editor's Easy Chair
    "President Eliot"
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1926, pp. 784-793
  98. Editor's Easy Chair
    "To Pyramus, on Getting Married"
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1926, pp. 654-661
  99. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Commencement, Longevity, The Great Fourth"
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1926, pp. 521-529
  100. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Rediscovering Europe"
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1927, pp. 389-397
  101. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Various Loose Ends"
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1927, pp. 257-265
  102. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Embarrassments of Organization"
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1927, pp. 125-134
  103. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Sunspots and Justice"
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1927, pp. 785-792
  104. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Race Wars and Marriage"
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1927, pp. 653-661
  105. Editor's Easy Chair
    "Churchmen Wrestle at Lausanne"
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1927, pp. 521-529
  106. Editor's Easy Chair
    Guessing the Future
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1930, pp. 125-130
  107. Editor's Easy Chair
    Muddling Through
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1931, pp. 637-641
  108. Editor's Easy Chair
    Encyclicals, Present and Past
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1931, pp. 381-385
  109. Editor's Easy Chair
    A Seeker After Light
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1931, pp. 381-385
  110. Editor's Easy Chair
    Limitations of Government
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1931, pp. 253-257
  111. Editor's Easy Chair
    Three Important Lives
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1931, pp. 253-256
  112. Editor's Easy Chair
    What of the Night
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1931, pp. 125-129
  113. Editor's Easy Chair
    World Changes and War Debts
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1931, pp. 509-513
  114. Editor's Easy Chair
    Our Evil World, and Why
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1931, pp. 765-768
  115. Editor's Easy Chair
    Concerning Mr. Wickersham
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1931, pp. 637-641
  116. Editor's Easy Chair
    Trying to Help Europe
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1931, pp. 509-513
  117. Editor's Easy Chair
    Questions Asked and Some Guesses
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1932, pp. 381-385
  118. Editor's Easy Chair
    With Conventions in Prospect
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1932, pp. 253-258
  119. Editor's Easy Chair
    Our Presidential Summer
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1932, pp. 637-641
  120. Editor's Easy Chair
    Abatement of Delusions
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1932, pp. 509-513
  121. Editor's Easy Chair
    Munchausen's World
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1933, pp. 637-647
  122. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1933, pp. 117-121
  123. Editor's Easy Chair
    Systematized Anarchy
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1933, pp. 381-391
  124. Editor's Easy Chair
    Our Tussle with Machines
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1933, pp. 253-263
  125. Editor's Easy Chair
    Our Terrestiral Invalid
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1933, pp. 509-519
  126. Editor's Easy Chair
    What Colleges Can Teach
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1934, pp. 629-632
  127. Editor's Easy Chair
    Our Plant and Its Prospects
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1934, pp. 381-384
  128. Editor's Easy Chair
    Religion: Its Main Job
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1934, pp. 125-128
  129. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Law and the Gospel
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1934, pp. 373-376
  130. Editor's Easy Chair
    We Bump Along
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1934, pp. 245-249
  131. Editor's Easy Chair
    Habits of Money, People, and Drink
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1934, pp. 253-256
  132. Editor's Easy Chair
    In God We Trust
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1934, pp. 125-128
  133. Editor's Easy Chair
    Fountains of Honor
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1934, pp. 502-504
  134. Editor's Easy Chair
    NRA Me Down to Sleep
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1934, pp. 757-761
  135. Editor's Easy Chair
    Our Current Surplus of Hell-to-Pay
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1934, pp. 765-768
  136. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1934, pp. 637-640
  137. Editor's Easy Chair
    More Religion, Maybe
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1934, pp. 509-512
  138. Editor's Easy Chair
    Trial and Error
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1935, pp. 637-640
  139. Editor's Easy Chair
    Waning Authorities
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1935, pp. 381-402
  140. Editor's Easy Chair
    Minds in Travail
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1935, pp. 381-384
  141. Editor's Easy Chair
    What Must We Know?
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1935, pp. 253-256
  142. Editor's Easy Chair
    Blessed Are the Meek
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1935, pp. 253-270
  143. Editor's Easy Chair
    Folly of Men
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1935, pp. 125-162
  144. Editor's Easy Chair
    Free Will: Preserve It!
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1935, pp. 509-512
  145. Editor's Easy Chair
    Roosevelt Midway
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1935, pp. 765-768
  146. Editor's Easy Chair
    Moving the Bible House
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1935, pp. 637-666
  147. Editor's Easy Chair
    The Hat of Congress in the Ring
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1935, pp. 509-534
  148. The Editor's Easy Chair
    "The Strain of Current Life"
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1927, pp. 125-133
  149. The Editor's Easy Chair
    "Keep an Open Mind"
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1928, pp. 653-661
  150. The Editor's Easy Chair
    "Model T and the Millennium"
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1928, pp. 389-397
  151. The Editor's Easy Chair
    "War Memorials"
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1928, pp. 257-265
  152. The Editor's Easy Chair
    "Reorganizing the World"
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1928, pp. 521-529
  153. The Editor's Easy Chair
    "An Old School"
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1928, pp. 785-793
  154. The Editor's Easy Chair
    Wanted: Needles That Point North
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1931, pp. 765-768
  155. The Editor's Easy Chair
    The Great Game of Grab
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1932, pp. 125-129
  156. The Editor's Easy Chair
    Improving Humanity
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1932, pp. 765-768
  157. Egotism
    Scribners, June 1893, p. 759
  158. Einstein Gets Us Guessing
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1929, pp. 653-656
  159. At the End of a Campaign
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1928, pp. 785-788
  160. An Evening Sky
    Scribners, March 1900, p. 325
  161. Exclusiveness
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1906, pp. 610-613
  162. A Father to his Freshman Son
    The Atlantic Monthly, October 1912, pp. 441-446
  163. A Father to His Freshman Son (1918)
  164. A Father to his Graduate Girl
    The Atlantic Monthly, June 1917, pp. 732-736
  165. Fosgate's Annuity
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1928, pp. 653-656
  166. Fox-hunting in the Genesee Valley
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1892, pp. 511-524
  167. Free Will, Regulation, Non-Resistance
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1925, pp. 378-384
  168. Further Reflections of a Beginning Husband
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1911, pp. 615-619
  169. A Girl of Pompeii
    Scribners, March 1892, p. 392
  170. The Girl That Is to Be
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1914, pp. 915-918
  171. Going to Europe
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1928, pp. 389-392
  172. A Growth in Candor
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1933, pp. 382-390
  173. The Habits of the Sea
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1906, pp. 205-213
  174. Has Religion Gone to Grass?
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1930, pp. 781-784
  175. Hopes and Anxieties
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1932, pp. 253-257
  176. Immorality As a World Cure
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1926, pp. 787-795
  177. Immortality, Internationalism, and a New Institute
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1929, pp. 785-788
  178. In a New Century (1908)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  179. In Extenuation of the Incredible
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1925, pp. 634-641
  180. In the Fifties
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1915, pp. 594-598
  181. The Inner Man Who Speaks in Us
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1926, pp. 389-399
  182. Issues That Did Not Show
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1924, pp. 122-131
  183. Joseph Hodges Choate
    Mr. Choate in England, Extracts from His Letters Showing His Activities While Ambassador
    Scribners, October 1920, pp. 403-417
  184. Josephine
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1904, pp. 829-836
  185. Jostling the Simple Life
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1907, pp. 950-953
  186. The Life of Joseph Hodges Choate (1920)
    As Gathered Chiefly from His Letters, Including His Own Story of His Boyhood ...
    2 Reviews
  187. The Limitations of Virtue
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1925, pp. 505-513
  188. Lines Inscribed on a Hospital Clock
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1912, p. 137
  189. A Little Brother of the Rich (1888)
  190. A Little Out of Common
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1925, pp. 506-512
  191. Long Life or Not?
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1925, pp. 122-128
  192. A Look Around
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1930, pp. 521-524
  193. Looking On
    Scribners, October 1889, p. 506
  194. Lost Light
    Scribners, July 1889, p. 41
  195. Lucid Intervals (1900)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  196. The Luxury of Children, and Some Other Luxuries (1904)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  197. The Luxury of Children
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1903, pp. 402-410
  198. The Making of a Match
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1903, pp. 89-99
  199. Manhattan Lights
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1907, pp. 359-367
  200. Man's Increasing Powers
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1929, pp. 257-260
  201. Meringues on the Garbage
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1926, pp. 655-663
  202. The Mind of a Child
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1906, pp. 70-75
  203. Money
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1933, pp. 258-267
  204. Money, Men, and Problems
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1929, pp. 389-392
  205. Moods of a City Square
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1907, pp. 406-414
  206. More Religion, Maybe
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1933, pp. 637-655
  207. More Thoughts on the Leading Topic
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1929, pp. 257-260
  208. The Motor Cars'll Git You, ef You Don't Watch Out
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1926, pp. 257-265
  209. The Motor Craze
    The Outlook, November 19, 1910, pp. 627-630
  210. Much Ado about Women
    The Atlantic Monthly, January 1914, pp. 9-12
  211. Much Ado and More Making
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1929, pp. 785-788
  212. The Nazis and the Jews
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1933, pp. 125-135
  213. The New Inquisition
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1929, pp. 125-128
  214. New Year's, 1900
    Scribners, January 1900, p. 112
  215. Newspapers
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1927, pp. 793-799
  216. The Old Woman and Her Pig
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1932, pp. 637-641
  217. Old-fashioned Children
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1913, pp. 237-246
  218. An Optimist?---Why Not?
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1909, pp. 364-369
  219. Other People's Children
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1901, pp. 115-122
  220. Our Jangling Blessings
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1929, pp. 521-524
  221. Our Satisfaction with Mr. Coolidge
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1925, pp. 765-773
  222. Parents
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1900, pp. 18-23
  223. A Party at Madeira's
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1901, pp. 590-597
  224. A Philosopher in Central Park
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1914, pp. 350-358
  225. Poems (1914)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  226. Poems and Verses (1902)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  227. Possibilities of Prayer
    The North American Review, August 1893, pp. 252-253
  228. Power
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1929, pp. 653-656
  229. Problems of a Young Husband
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1911, pp. 912-916
  230. Proclivities and Compunctions
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1908, pp. 55-57
  231. The Quondam Club
    Scribners, June 1908, pp. 756-761
  232. Raising a Family
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1907, pp. 82-91
  233. Reading
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1908, pp. 513-515
  234. Real Life
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1903, pp. 634-639
  235. Reflections of a Beginning Husband (1913)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  236. Reflections of a Beginning Husband
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1910, pp. 45-51
  237. Regulation, Good and Bad
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1930, pp. 377-385
  238. Remarks on the Departed
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1930, pp. 249-257
  239. Reopening Under New Management
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1926, pp. 523-531
  240. Report of the Undersigned Members of the Delawa... (1893)
    1 Review
  241. Riches, News, and Cures
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1930, pp. 389-392
  242. Riches: A Christmas Essay
    The Atlantic Monthly, December 1905, pp. 721-726
  243. Riding Folly to a Fall
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1932, pp. 381-385
  244. The Sea Is His
    Scribners, August 1898, pp. 153-159
  245. The Seashore
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1905, pp. 519-525
  246. Shall Business Run the World?
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1925, pp. 378-384
  247. Shall Doctors Rule Us?
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1929, pp. 521-524
  248. Since They Buried Fitzpatrick
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1925, pp. 125-133
  249. Some Thoughts for the Despondent
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1926, p. 133
  250. Steps Toward Millennium
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1930, pp. 509-513
  251. Strong Points of Infancy
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1902, pp. 485-486
  252. Sun Spots and Politics
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1927, pp. 529-537
  253. Terrestrial Troubles, Men, and Tabloids
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1927, pp. 661-669
  254. Things That are Worth While
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1910, pp. 890-895
  255. Thirty Years Ago
    A Poem Read at Phillips Academy, Andover, Commencement, June, 1900
    McClure's Magazine, August 1900, pp. 309-312
  256. Thoughts Proper for Christmas
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1924, pp. 28-29
  257. Too Much Success
    The North American Review, July 1908, pp. 62-70
  258. The Touchstone of Belief
    The North American Review, January 1922, pp. 46-49
  259. Transplanted Men
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1925, pp. 250-256
  260. Two Generations---1850-1917
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1917, pp. 33-38
  261. The Unchanging Girl
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1913, pp. 82-92
  262. Undergraduate Life at Harvard
    Scribners, May 1897, pp. 531-552
  263. Understanding of Life
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1928, pp. 125-128
  264. Unemployed: The Kidnappers
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1932, pp. 765-769
  265. The Unrest of Women (1913)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  266. An Urban Harbinger
    Scribners, August 1899, p. 190
  267. The Use of Fathers
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1908, pp. 763-766
  268. W.D. Howells
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1920, pp. 265-266
  269. The Waning Faith in Force
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1930, pp. 653-656
  270. Wanted: International Co-operation
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1930, pp. 121-129
  271. The War Week by Week as Seen from New York (1914)
  272. What's Ahead; and Meanwhile (1927)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  273. When the City Amuses Itself
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1909, pp. 878-885
  274. Why Our Women Marry Abroad
    The North American Review, December 1894, p. 755
  275. Windfalls of Observation (1893)
  276. Winter in the Country
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1903, pp. 845-852
  277. Women
    McClure's Magazine, June 1901, pp. 103-114
  278. Work
    Scribners, May 1900, pp. 585-586
  279. A World That Is Saved
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1928, pp. 125-128
  280. World's End and Meanwhile
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1925, pp. 634-640
  281. Worth While
    Scribners, April 1893, pp. 462-465
  282. Writing
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1908, pp. 187-191
  283. Young Publius is Disgruntled
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1927, pp. 397-405
  284. No Items Found