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D. Keith Mano Archives
D. Keith Mano Archives
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D. Keith Mano •ï¿½
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Arts & Manners
Abba Eban
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
January 31, 1975
, p. 113
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 14, 1975
, p. 290
Arts & Manners
Alwin Nikolais
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 29, 1974
, p. 376
America Stinks---I
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 14, 1978
, p. 481
America Stinks---II
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 28, 1978
, p. 542
An American Eden
D. Keith Mano
When the Going Was Good!, by Jeffrey Hart
When the Going Was Good!
by Jeffrey Hart
National Review,
October 1, 1982
, pp. 1226-1227
American Existential
D. Keith Mano
They Don't Dance Much, by James Ross
They Don't Dance Much
by James Ross
National Review,
July 4, 1975
, p. 732
The Amos and Andy Young Show
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 23, 1977
, p. 1507
Arts & Manners
Assertiveness Training
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
May 14, 1976
, p. 510
Arts & Manners
Atlantic City
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
February 6, 1976
, p. 97
Arts & Manners
Atrocity Jane
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
November 23, 1973
, p. 1303
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 24, 1977
, p. 735
Books, Arts, & Manners
The Authoress as Aphid
D. Keith Mano
How to Save Your Own Life, by Erica Jong
How to Save Your Own Life
by Erica Jong
National Review,
April 29, 1977
, p. 498
Arts & Manners
Aye, There's the Rub
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 1, 1972
, p. 963
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 2, 1973
, p. 265
Arts & Manners
Ballsless in Peking
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 14, 1973
, p. 1001
Banal Bunnies
D. Keith Mano
Watership Down, by Richard Adams
Watership Down
by Richard Adams
National Review,
April 26, 1974
, p. 486
Arts & Manners
The Barf Squad
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 10, 1975
, p. 1119
Barium Enema
D. Keith Mano
Chilly Scenes of Winter, by Ann Beattie
Chilly Scenes of Winter
by Ann Beattie
National Review,
December 24, 1976
, p. 1419
Arts & Manners
The Bayside Apparitions
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 20, 1975
, p. 672
Beauty Is Truth
D. Keith Mano
Miss Rhode Island, by Norman Kotker
Miss Rhode Island
by Norman Kotker
National Review,
December 8, 1978
, p. 1551
Before Waugh and Greene, Gerhardie
(3 Reviews)
D. Keith Mano
Futility, by William Gerhardie
by William Gerhardie
The Polyglots
by William Gerhardie
Of Mortal Love
by William Gerhardie
National Review,
April 11, 1975
, pp. 403-404
Bellow's Dead Center
D. Keith Mano
Humboldt's Gift, by Saul Bellow
Humboldt's Gift
by Saul Bellow
National Review,
November 7, 1975
, p. 1246
Arts & Manners
Berrigan Agonistes
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 1, 1974
, p. 263
Best of Season
D. Keith Mano
A Rumor of War, by Philip Caputo
A Rumor of War
by Philip Caputo
National Review,
September 2, 1977
, p. 1001
Big Mitzvah
D. Keith Mano
Indecent Exposure, by David McClintick
Indecent Exposure
by David McClintick
National Review,
March 4, 1983
, p. 267
Big Reject
D. Keith Mano
Passion Play, by Jerzy Kosinski
Passion Play
by Jerzy Kosinski
National Review,
October 12, 1979
, p. 1312
Arts & Manners
Bishop's Pawn Up
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
January 4, 1974
, p. 38
Arts & Manners
The Body Baroque
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
November 9, 1973
, p. 1248
Boll's 'Lost' Novel
D. Keith Mano
A Soldier's Legacy, by Heinrich Boll
A Soldier's Legacy
by Heinrich Boll
National Review,
October 4, 1985
, p. 46
Books in Brief
D.K. Mano
Sincerity and Authenticity, by Lionel Trilling
Sincerity and Authenticity
by Lionel Trilling
National Review,
December 22, 1972
, p. 1417
Boop, Boop...
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 15, 1972
, p. 1022
Arts & Manners
Born Unfree
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 30, 1976
, p. 453
Boston Laconic
D. Keith Mano
Cogan's Trade, by George V. Higgins
Cogan's Trade
by George V. Higgins
National Review,
June 7, 1974
, p. 655
Arts & Manners
Bourbeois Gay
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 12, 1973
, p. 1125
The Bridge
D. Keith Mano
Bring Abbie Hoffman Home
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 13, 1978
, pp. 1292-1293
Brother, Can You Spare a Stamp?
D. Keith Mano
The Post-Modern Aura, by Charles Hamilton Newman
The Post-Modern Aura
by Charles Hamilton Newman
National Review,
August 23, 1985
, p. 48
D. Keith Mano
A Lonely Rage, by Bobby Seale
A Lonely Rage
by Bobby Seale
National Review,
March 31, 1978
, p. 413
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
May 25, 1973
, p. 584
Arts & Manners
Burials - I
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 3, 1973
, p. 844
Arts & Manners
Burials - II
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 17, 1973
, p. 896
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 28, 1975
, p. 348
The Cabalist
D. Keith Mano
Old Love, by Isaac Bashevis Singer
Old Love
by Isaac Bashevis Singer
National Review,
May 16, 1980
, pp. 612-613
Cannibalism in the Episcopal Church
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 10, 1971
, p. 867
Capri Duplex
D. Keith Mano
1934~~Nineteen Thirty-Four, by Alberto Moravia
1934~~Nineteen Thirty-Four
by Alberto Moravia
National Review,
September 2, 1983
, p. 1084
Census Preview
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
November 10, 1978
, p. 1434
A Centaur Thing
D. Keith Mano
The Changeling, by Joy Williams
The Changeling
by Joy Williams
National Review,
August 4, 1978
, p. 969
Cheap Feel
D. Keith Mano
The Journals of Thornton Wilder, 1939-1961, by Donald Gallup and Thornton Wilder
The Journals of Thornton Wilder, 1939-1961
by Donald Gallup and Thornton Wilder
National Review,
January 31, 1986
, p. 57
Chesterton's Flag
D. Keith Mano
The Man Who Was Thursday, by G.K. Chesterton
The Man Who Was Thursday
by G.K. Chesterton
National Review,
August 15, 1975
, p. 893
The Cigarette Game
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 23, 1984
, p. 50
Collector's Item
D. Keith Mano
The Connoisseur, by Evan S. Connell, Jr.
The Connoisseur
by Evan S. Connell, Jr.
National Review,
February 28, 1975
, p. 233
Coming Out at Columbia
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 28, 1972
, pp. 463-464
Complimentary Copy
D. Keith Mano
A Certain Man, by Zane Kotker
A Certain Man
by Zane Kotker
National Review,
February 4, 1977
, p. 164
Arts & Manners
County Fair
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 13, 1974
, pp. 1045-1046
Arts & Manners
Culture in Middletown
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 6, 1974
, p. 1414
Arts & Manners
Daer Mr. Rusher...
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 6, 1973
, p. 741
Arts & Manners
A Day at the Races
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 15, 1976
, p. 1126
A Day for Soviet Jewry
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 7, 1978
, p. 851
A Day in Court
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 21, 1978
, p. 909
The Death and Life of Harry Goth
D. Keith Mano
A Death Foretold
D. Keith Mano
Chronicle of a Death Foretold, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
National Review,
June 10, 1983
, p. 699
Death of a Foreman
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 21, 1980
, p. 366
Arts & Manners
Deaths of a Saleman
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
January 7, 1977
, p. 35
Art & Manners
The Detectives - I
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 30, 1973
, p. 368
Arts & Manners
The Detectives---II
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 13, 1973
, p. 421
Arts & Manners
Detente with Satan
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
May 24, 1974
, p. 595
Doughy Middleness
D. Keith Mano
Buchanan Dying, by John Updike
Buchanan Dying
by John Updike
National Review,
August 30, 1974
, p. 987
Down and Out in Holland
D. Keith Mano
Cannibals and Missionaries, by Mary McCarthy
Cannibals and Missionaries
by Mary McCarthy
National Review,
August 8, 1980
, p. 974
Drive? He Said
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 3, 1979
, p. 983
D. Keith Mano
Human Options, by Norman Cousins
Human Options
by Norman Cousins
National Review,
April 30, 1982
, p. 497
Arts & Manners
The Elephants' Graveyard
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 18, 1975
, p. 778
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
February 18, 1977
, p. 209
Arts & Manners
Epic Tedium
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
February 1, 1974
, p. 143
D. Keith Mano
The Red Monarch, by Yuri Krotkov
The Red Monarch
by Yuri Krotkov
National Review,
May 25, 1979
, pp. 688-689
Arts & Manners
An Evening with the Enemies
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 28, 1973
, p. 1058
Exasperating Brilliance
D. Keith Mano
The Eye of the Storm, by Patrick White
The Eye of the Storm
by Patrick White
National Review,
February 15, 1974
, p. 214
D. Keith Mano
Falconer, by John Cheever
by John Cheever
National Review,
July 22, 1977
, p. 833
The Existential Pleasures of Snobbery
D. Keith Mano
The Existential Pleasures of Engineering, by Samuel C. Florman
The Existential Pleasures of Engineering
by Samuel C. Florman
National Review,
May 28, 1976
, pp. 568-569
Arts & Manners
Exorcise the Body
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 12, 1974
, p. 432
The Faces of Timothy Leary
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 15, 1977
, p. 449
Fairest Socialism
D. Keith Mano
Wild Berries, by Yevgeny Yevtushenko
Wild Berries
by Yevgeny Yevtushenko
National Review,
December 14, 1984
, p. 47
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 8, 1979
, pp. 756-757
The Farmers' Protest
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
May 11, 1979
, p. 636
Fearful Symmetry
D. Keith Mano
Letters, by John Barth
by John Barth
National Review,
December 21, 1979
, pp. 1633-1634
Female Lewd
D. Keith Mano
Teen Angel, by Sonia Pilcer
Teen Angel
by Sonia Pilcer
National Review,
March 2, 1979
, p. 310
A Feminist Exercise
D. Keith Mano
Kathy Boudin and the Dance of Death, by Ellen Frankfort
Kathy Boudin and the Dance of Death
by Ellen Frankfort
National Review,
February 24, 1984
, p. 55
(3 Reviews)
D. Keith Mano
A Balanced Ticket
The Tenants
by Bernard Malamud
by E.M. Forster
Meet Me in the Green Glen
by Robert Penn Warren
National Review,
December 3, 1971
, pp. 1358-1359
(3 Reviews)
D. Keith Mano
Intellectual Wattage: High and Low
Jungle Lovers
by Paul Theroux
My Son Is a Splendid Driver
by William Inge
Punch Goes the Judy
by William Sonzski
National Review,
June 29, 1971
, p. 708
(3 Reviews)
D. Keith Mano
Uses of the Novel
by Karl Shapiro
Books Do Furnish a Room
by Anthony Powell
The Day of the Jackal
by Frederick Forsyth
National Review,
September 24, 1971
, p. 1062
(2 Reviews)
D. Keith Mano
Enormous Trifles
An Accidental Man
by Iris Murdoch
Girl, 20
by Kingsley Amis
National Review,
April 14, 1972
, p. 408
(4 Reviews)
D. Keith Mano
When They Are Good...
The Life Guard
by John Wain
The German Lesson
by Siegfried Lenz
Not to Disturb
by Muriel Spark
Trouble at the Top
by Charles Bracelen Flood
National Review,
June 9, 1972
, p. 646
(3 Reviews)
D. Keith Mano
A Variety of Talents
The Ewings
by John O'Hara
by Vladimir Nabokov
Doctor Brodie's Report
by Jorge Luis Borges
National Review,
March 3, 1972
, p. 226
(3 Reviews)
D. Keith Mano
Meanings and Mannerisms
I Am Elijah Thrush
by James Purdy
Captain Blackman
by John Alfred Williams
The Innocents
by Margery Sharp
National Review,
September 1, 1972
, p. 961
Fiction: Infant Formula
D. Keith Mano
Her Only Sin, by Benjamin Stein
Her Only Sin
by Benjamin Stein
National Review,
April 25, 1986
, p. 56
Fiction: Letting Go
D. Keith Mano
The Joke, by Milan Kundera
The Joke
by Milan Kundera
National Review,
January 21, 1983
, p. 59
Fiction: That Trivial Finesse
D. Keith Mano
World's Fair, by E.L. Doctorow
World's Fair
by E.L. Doctorow
National Review,
March 14, 1986
, p. 54
Fiddler in the Basement
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 27, 1979
, p. 573
Finally Exonerated
D. Keith Mano
Oswald's Game, by Jean Davison
Oswald's Game
by Jean Davison
National Review,
April 6, 1984
, pp. 50-51
Finding the Legend
D. Keith Mano
What's Bred in the Bone, by Robertson Davies
What's Bred in the Bone
by Robertson Davies
National Review,
June 6, 1986
, pp. 54-55
Fine Writing That Irks
D. Keith Mano
Something Happened, by Joseph Heller
Something Happened
by Joseph Heller
National Review,
November 22, 1974
, p. 1364
First Fiction
D. Keith Mano
Blindness, by Henry Green
by Henry Green
National Review,
October 27, 1978
, p. 1357
Arts & Manners
Fortune Tellers
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 8, 1973
, p. 636
Arts & Manners
Foundering Fathers
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 20, 1973
, p. 791
Frontier in a Rented Room
D. Keith Mano
Enemies Within, by Michael Z. Lewin
Enemies Within
by Michael Z. Lewin
National Review,
October 11, 1974
, p. 1179
A Frozen Moore
D. Keith Mano
The Great Victorian Collection, by Brian Moore
The Great Victorian Collection
by Brian Moore
National Review,
September 26, 1975
, p. 1064
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 22, 1973
, p. 688
The Gay Beauty Pageant
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
November 23, 1979
, p. 1509
The Genuine Article
D. Keith Mano
My Own Ground, by Hugh Nissenson
My Own Ground
by Hugh Nissenson
National Review,
July 9, 1976
, p. 737
Getting Better All the Time
D. Keith Mano
A Choice of Enemies, by George V. Higgins
A Choice of Enemies
by George V. Higgins
National Review,
May 18, 1984
, p. 50
Getting Tan
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 7, 1980
, p. 306
Arts & Manners
Gigantic Easter
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
May 10, 1974
, p. 539
Arts & Manners
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 13, 1972
, p. 1140
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 1, 1977
, p. 391
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
United Fruit
National Review,
August 5, 1977
, p. 898
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Arithmetic of Love
National Review,
August 19, 1977
, p. 954
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Super Freaks
National Review,
May 13, 1977
, p. 566
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Comrade Yuri
National Review,
November 11, 1977
, p. 1313
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Lunch Girls
National Review,
February 3, 1978
, p. 167
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Seeing Streetwise
National Review,
January 6, 1978
, p. 43
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 1, 1978
, p. 1097
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Gamblers Anonymous
National Review,
September 29, 1978
, p. 1226
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Blown Out of Proportion
National Review,
February 2, 1979
, p. 185
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
I Leave the Episcopal Church
National Review,
July 20, 1979
, p. 931
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Kate Millett
National Review,
June 22, 1979
, pp. 820-821
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 22, 1980
, p. 1035
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Bug Off
National Review,
December 12, 1980
, p. 1521
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
A Chinese Waiter
National Review,
February 22, 1980
, p. 239
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Saying a Mouthful
National Review,
July 11, 1980
, p. 855
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Kung Phooey
National Review,
May 2, 1980
, p. 546
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
May 30, 1980
, p. 674
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Women in Disarray
National Review,
November 14, 1980
, pp. 1408-1409
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Erin Go Blah
National Review,
November 28, 1980
, p. 1471
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
God in Radioland
National Review,
October 3, 1980
, p. 1213
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 17, 1980
, p. 1280
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Cosmic Watergate
National Review,
September 5, 1980
, pp. 1094-1095
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Russian Martyrs
National Review,
December 25, 1981
, p. 1560
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Blue Collar Woodstock
National Review,
February 20, 1981
, p. 176
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Blue-Collar Woodstock II
National Review,
March 6, 1981
, p. 236
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Plastic Surgery
National Review,
November 13, 1981
, p. 1363
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
A Free Market in the Skin Trade
National Review,
November 27, 1981
, p. 1432
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Last American Play
National Review,
October 2, 1981
, p. 1154
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Atlantic City Revisited
National Review,
October 16, 1981
, p. 1219
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Not Writing
National Review,
September 18, 1981
, p. 1094
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Poland and the Left
National Review,
April 2, 1982
, p. 371
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Strange Agony of Susan Sontag
National Review,
April 16, 1982
, p. 439
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Reflections on the Nuke Freeze March
National Review,
August 6, 1982
, p. 969
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Sensory Deprivation
National Review,
December 10, 1982
, p. 1564
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
My Mother Explains It All to You
National Review,
December 24, 1982
, p. 1628
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
February 5, 1982
, p. 184
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Psyched Up
National Review,
February 19, 1982
, p. 184
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Formerly Gleason's Gym
National Review,
January 22, 1982
, p. 63
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 23, 1982
, pp. 911-912
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Ceremonies of Fire
National Review,
June 25, 1982
, p. 780
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Con Artists
National Review,
March 5, 1982
, p. 245
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Guarding Criminals
National Review,
May 14, 1982
, pp. 574-575
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Interviewing Me
National Review,
May 28, 1982
, p. 643
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Nobel Sperm Bank
National Review,
November 12, 1982
, p. 1429
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Lie Detectors
National Review,
October 29, 1982
, p. 1362
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 3, 1982
, p. 1097
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Working Women: A Topless Dancer
National Review,
September 17, 1982
, p. 1166
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Sewer Ball
National Review,
April 15, 1983
, p. 452
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Aptitude Testing
National Review,
August 5, 1983
, p. 953
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
A Hundred-Mile Race
National Review,
August 19, 1983
, p. 1032
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Andre the Giant
National Review,
December 9, 1983
, p. 1566
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Anorexia Nervosa
National Review,
December 23, 1983
, pp. 1626-1627
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Julian Bond & the Lawyer
National Review,
February 4, 1983
, p. 133
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Thoughts on the Draft Resistance
National Review,
February 18, 1983
, pp. 200-201
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Journal of a Plague Year
National Review,
July 8, 1983
, p. 836
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Ariel Sharon
National Review,
June 24, 1983
, pp. 766-767
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 18, 1983
, p. 338
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Radio Sex
National Review,
May 13, 1983
, pp. 577-578
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Coffin and the Ambassador
National Review,
May 27, 1983
, p. 638
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
On Laughing to Death
National Review,
November 11, 1983
, p. 1430
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Fiction as News
National Review,
October 28, 1983
, p. 1355
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Sweepstakes Players
National Review,
September 16, 1983
, pp. 1158-1159
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Rubin Redux
National Review,
September 30, 1983
, pp. 1224-1225
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Armada International
National Review,
April 20, 1984
, p. 57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
My Mother Doesn't Go to Williamsburg
National Review,
August 24, 1984
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Phone-Sex Industray---Part I
National Review,
December 28, 1984
, p. 49
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Singles Industry
National Review,
February 10, 1984
, p. 52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Best of Pravda, 1982
National Review,
January 27, 1984
, p. 60
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 13, 1984
, p. 52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Computer Crime
National Review,
July 27, 1984
, p. 51
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Marrying Up
National Review,
June 1, 1984
, p. 51
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Mano Story
National Review,
June 15, 1984
, p. 57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Learning to Flirt
National Review,
May 4, 1984
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Some Reflections on Censorship
National Review,
November 16, 1984
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Skirmishing---Part I
National Review,
October 5, 1984
, p. 57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Skirming---Part II
National Review,
October 19, 1984
, p. 60
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Playing Detective
National Review,
September 7, 1984
, p. 51
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
No Way, Jose
National Review,
April 19, 1985
, p. 51
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Memories of Columbia 1968
National Review,
August 9, 1985
, p. 52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Is There an Idiot in the House?
National Review,
December 13, 1985
, p. 51
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Phone-Sex Industry---Part II
National Review,
February 8, 1985
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Vietnam Veterans' Parade
National Review,
July 26, 1985
, p. 52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Morphogenetics---Part I
National Review,
June 14, 1985
, p. 50
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Morphogenetics---Part II
National Review,
June 28, 1985
, p. 49
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Set These Feet on Fire
National Review,
March 8, 1985
, p. 52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Pawnbroker's Soliloquy
National Review,
March 22, 1985
, pp. 58-59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Foot Reflexology
National Review,
May 3, 1985
, p. 60
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Rather Boring
National Review,
May 17, 1985
, p. 51
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Bitching Again
National Review,
November 1, 1985
, p. 73
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Brother Farrakhan
National Review,
November 29, 1985
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Cambridge Revisited
National Review,
October 18, 1985
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 6, 1985
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
In England
National Review,
September 20, 1985
, p. 52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Education of a Playwright
National Review,
April 11, 1986
, p. 57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Counting Cards
National Review,
August 1, 1986
, pp. 42-43
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Anti-Apartheid Circus
National Review,
August 15, 1986
, p. 52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Indian Wrestling
National Review,
December 5, 1986
, p. 57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
On Losing
National Review,
December 19, 1986
, p. 60
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
AIDS Update
National Review,
February 14, 1986
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Politicization of AIDS
National Review,
February 28, 1986
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Scanning the City
National Review,
July 4, 1986
, pp. 47-48
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Interview With James Webb
National Review,
June 20, 1986
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Geraldine Ferraro
National Review,
March 28, 1986
, p. 67
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Bombing Out in El Salvador
National Review,
May 9, 1986
, p. 57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The People Magazine Sin Poll
National Review,
May 23, 1986
, p. 50
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Child Abuse
National Review,
November 7, 1986
, p. 60
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Playin' Gitar on the MTV
National Review,
October 24, 1986
, pp. 58-59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Redneck in Canada
National Review,
September 12, 1986
, p. 57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Black Sex War
National Review,
September 26, 1986
, p. 57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
A Meditation After Easter
National Review,
April 24, 1987
, p. 60
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 28, 1987
, p. 54
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Getting Personal
National Review,
December 31, 1987
, p. 52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Federalist Paper
National Review,
February 13, 1987
, p. 58
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Dogs in the Manger
National Review,
January 30, 1987
, p. 65
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 17, 1987
, p. 53
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Cheating Industry
National Review,
June 5, 1987
, p. 50
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Making of a Terrorist
National Review,
June 19, 1987
, p. 57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 13, 1987
, p. 60
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
A Nurse
National Review,
March 27, 1987
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Corporate America Sucks Up
National Review,
May 8, 1987
, p. 55
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Jury-Duty Journal
National Review,
November 20, 1987
, p. 65
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Homeless in New York
National Review,
October 9, 1987
, p. 64
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Aura Watching
National Review,
October 23, 1987
, p. 66
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Performing Liberal
National Review,
September 11, 1987
, p. 69
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Reflections During Lent
National Review,
April 1, 1988
, p. 56
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Party Line
National Review,
April 15, 1988
, p. 55
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Baseball Politics
National Review,
August 19, 1988
, p. 55
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Guardian Angels
National Review,
December 30, 1988
, pp. 55-59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Evil Rock Nears Middle Age
National Review,
February 19, 1988
, p. 60
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
January 22, 1988
, p. 67
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 8, 1988
, p. 52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Nuclear Co-Options
National Review,
July 22, 1988
, p. 51
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Bitching Once More
National Review,
June 10, 1988
, p. 55
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Redneck Goes Buddhist
National Review,
March 4, 1988
, p. 55
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Goetz Confession
National Review,
May 13, 1988
, pp. 60-61
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Dreams of Fiction
National Review,
November 25, 1988
, p. 53
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Ugly George Talks About TV
National Review,
October 14, 1988
, p. 57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Arresting Gays
National Review,
October 28, 1988
, pp. 57-61
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
True Romance at 65
National Review,
September 2, 1988
, p. 50
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Jane Lund
National Review,
September 30, 1988
, p. 59
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Dinner on Rajneesh
National Review,
April 7, 1989
, pp. 56-57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Environmental Trojan Horse
National Review,
August 4, 1989
, pp. 50-53
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Writing for Television
National Review,
August 18, 1989
, pp. 50-51
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 8, 1989
, p. 48
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
On Environmentalism
National Review,
February 10, 1989
, p. 63
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Dancing Gays
National Review,
February 24, 1989
, pp. 56-57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Why We Are Funny
National Review,
June 16, 1989
, pp. 50-53
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Yugoslavian Notes
National Review,
June 30, 1989
, pp. 57-58
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Making of Fat Man and Little Boy
National Review,
November 10, 1989
, pp. 63-66
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The New York Halloween Parade
National Review,
November 24, 1989
, pp. 56-57
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Love of Randomness
National Review,
October 13, 1989
, p. 58
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Feiffer at Sixty
National Review,
September 15, 1989
, pp. 58-61
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
A Redneck in Athens
National Review,
April 16, 1990
, p. 58
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
The Marketing of Misery
National Review,
July 23, 1990
, pp. 50-52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
May 14, 1990
, p. 58
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
Legalize Drugs
National Review,
May 28, 1990
, pp. 49-52
The Gimlet Eye
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 22, 1992
, pp. 64-66
The Gimlet
D. Keith Mano
Wisdom Teeth
National Review,
June 27, 1980
, p. 794
Gnomic Naive
D. Keith Mano
Chance Meetings: A Memoir, by William Saroyan
Chance Meetings: A Memoir
by William Saroyan
National Review,
May 12, 1978
, p. 599
D. Keith Mano
The Seven Deadly Sins Today, by Henry Fairlie
The Seven Deadly Sins Today
by Henry Fairlie
National Review,
June 23, 1978
, p. 787
Arts & Manners
God's in His Garden
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 18, 1972
, p. 910
Arts & Manners
Going Country
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
January 18, 1974
, p. 89
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
January 21, 1977
, p. 98
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 27, 1973
, p. 471
Arts & Manners
The Great Battle
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 20, 1974
, p. 1467
Arts & Manners
The Great Filter Foul-Up
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
February 18, 1972
, p. 171
Arts & Manners
The Greening of Sam Brown---I
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 3, 1976
, p. 957
Arts & Manners
The Greening of Sam Brown---II
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 17, 1976
, p. 1010
Arts & Manners
The Health Clubs
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
November 24, 1972
, p. 1302
Health Food
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 3, 1978
, p. 291
Arts & Manners
Heavyweight Fraud
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 21, 1974
, p. 705
Here at the New Yorker
D. Keith Mano
Happy to Be Here, by Garrison Keillor
Happy to Be Here
by Garrison Keillor
National Review,
December 11, 1981
, p. 1492
D. Keith Mano
A Hostage to the Devil
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 28, 1977
, p. 1237
How to Pick Up Girls
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 7, 1979
, p. 1575
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 21, 1973
, p. 1412
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 14, 1979
, p. 1168
I Get a Tattoo
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 9, 1978
, p. 731
In Suspense
D. Keith Mano
Him With His Foot in His Mouth, by Saul Bellow
Him With His Foot in His Mouth
by Saul Bellow
National Review,
August 10, 1984
, p. 48
Arts & Manners
In the Pit
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
May 11, 1973
, p. 528
Inanimate Object from Washington
D. Keith Mano
Nicholson at Large, by Ward Just
Nicholson at Large
by Ward Just
National Review,
January 23, 1976
, p. 41
Arts & Manners
Infinitive: To Witness
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 4, 1977
, p. 274
Inventors' Expo '78
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 18, 1978
, p. 1035
Irish Is Not Enough
D. Keith Mano
Tin Wife, by Joe Flaherty
Tin Wife
by Joe Flaherty
National Review,
June 29, 1984
, pp. 50-51
It's Adversary, but Is It Art?
D. Keith Mano
Myron, by Gore Vidal
by Gore Vidal
National Review,
January 17, 1975
, p. 51
The Jocks---I
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 16, 1979
, p. 373
The Jocks---II
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 30, 1979
, p. 433
Arts & Manners
Joe Papp and His Children
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 29, 1972
, p. 1073
Kenner's Code
D. Keith Mano
A Homemade World, by Hugh Kenner
A Homemade World
by Hugh Kenner
National Review,
May 23, 1975
, p. 568
Arts & Manners
The Kid
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 12, 1975
, p. 995
A King's Demise
D. Keith Mano
Careless Love, by Peter Guralnick
Careless Love
by Peter Guralnick
National Review,
March 8, 1999
, p. 52
Arts & Manners
Krishna Kids
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
February 16, 1973
, p. 215
D. Keith Mano
Laurie's Portmantaeu
National Review,
March 23, 1998
, pp. 59-60
The Last Time I'll See Paris
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 9, 1984
, p. 59
Books Arts & Manners
The Last Traitor
D. Keith Mano
Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case, by Allen Weinstein
Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case
by Allen Weinstein
National Review,
May 26, 1978
, pp. 658-660
Arts & Manners
Lib on the Rocks
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 15, 1974
, p. 326
Arts & Manners
The Liberated Man
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
May 9, 1975
, p. 512
A Life
D. Keith Mano
Son of the Revolution, by Liang Heng and Judith Shapiro
Son of the Revolution
by Liang Heng and Judith Shapiro
National Review,
April 29, 1983
, p. 506
Limited Edition
D. Keith Mano
The Writer's Art, by James J. Kilpatrick
The Writer's Art
by James J. Kilpatrick
National Review,
September 21, 1984
, p. 52
The Little Sleep
D. Keith Mano
The Great American Newspaper, by Kevin Michael McAuliffe
The Great American Newspaper
by Kevin Michael McAuliffe
National Review,
January 19, 1979
, p. 109
Living History
D. Keith Mano
A Very Private Plot, by William F. Buckley Jr.
A Very Private Plot
by William F. Buckley Jr.
National Review,
February 21, 1994
, pp. 58-59
Love Bits
D. Keith Mano
It's No Sin to Be Rich, by William Davis
It's No Sin to Be Rich
by William Davis
National Review,
February 17, 1978
, p. 223
D. Keith Mano
Lunar Attractions, by Clark Blaise
Lunar Attractions
by Clark Blaise
National Review,
April 13, 1979
, p. 493
Arts & Manners
Mad Lib
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 2, 1974
, p. 871
A Magic Book
D. Keith Mano
The Long Tunnel: A Coal Miner's Journal, by Meade Arble
The Long Tunnel: A Coal Miner's Journal
by Meade Arble
National Review,
June 10, 1977
, p. 672
Making Hitler Possible
D. Keith Mano
The Portage to San Cristobal of A. H., by George Steiner
The Portage to San Cristobal of A. H.
by George Steiner
National Review,
June 11, 1982
, p. 704
Arts & Manners
Making Soaps
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 10, 1976
, p. 1355
Man and Superman
D. Keith Mano
Man and Superman, by George Bernard Shaw
Man and Superman
by George Bernard Shaw
National Review,
January 5, 1979
, p. 43
Man in Motion
D. Keith Mano
Cruising Speed, by William F. Buckley, Jr.
Cruising Speed
by William F. Buckley, Jr.
National Review,
October 8, 1971
, pp. 1121-1122
A Man in the Subway
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 17, 1978
, p. 358
D. Keith Mano
Honor, Power, Riches, Fame and the Love of Women, by Ward Just
Honor, Power, Riches, Fame and the Love of Women
by Ward Just
National Review,
October 26, 1979
, p. 1374
Arts & Manners
At the Mercer
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
November 10, 1972
, p. 1259
Arts & Manners
The Migrants
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 29, 1976
, p. 1185
Minor League Ball
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 31, 1979
, p. 1108
Mister Louse
D. Keith Mano
Reach to Eternity, by Dobrica Cosic
Reach to Eternity
by Dobrica Cosic
National Review,
July 25, 1980
, p. 913
The Modern Muse
D. Keith Mano
Acquainted with the Night, and Other Stories, by Lynne Schwartz
Acquainted with the Night, and Other Stories
by Lynne Schwartz
National Review,
February 22, 1985
, p. 48
Modest on Purpose
D. Keith Mano
The Children of Ham, by Claude Brown
The Children of Ham
by Claude Brown
National Review,
October 1, 1976
, p. 1074
Monk Meets Girl (Etc.)
D. Keith Mano
Confessions of a Taoist on Wall Street, by David Payne
Confessions of a Taoist on Wall Street
by David Payne
National Review,
April 5, 1985
, p. 55
Arts & Manners
Moon Madness
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
November 8, 1974
, p. 1301
Arts & Manners
The Moscow Circus
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
January 19, 1973
, p. 97
The Mostess on the Ball
D. Keith Mano
The Literary Politicians, by Mitchell S. Ross
The Literary Politicians
by Mitchell S. Ross
National Review,
January 20, 1978
, p. 99
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 25, 1976
, p. 685
Muddle vs. The Week
D. Keith Mano
Testimony: The Memoirs of Dmitri Shostakovich, by Solomon Volkov and Dmitri Shostakovich
Testimony: The Memoirs of Dmitri Shostakovich
by Solomon Volkov and Dmitri Shostakovich
National Review,
April 4, 1980
, pp. 423-424
Arts & Manners
Muhammad Ali
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
November 26, 1976
, p. 1292
My Candidate for Mayor
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 8, 1977
, pp. 787-788
Arts & Manners
My Habit
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 27, 1972
, p. 1192
Arts & Manners
My Last Resort
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 27, 1974
, pp. 1111-1112
My Mother Doesn't Go to Haiti
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
February 16, 1979
, p. 251
The Naked and the Mummified
D. Keith Mano
Ancient Evenings, by Norman Mailer
Ancient Evenings
by Norman Mailer
National Review,
October 14, 1983
, p. 1293
No Rx for Menopause
D. Keith Mano
I Hear America Swinging, by Peter De Vries
I Hear America Swinging
by Peter De Vries
National Review,
August 20, 1976
, pp. 906-907
Arts & Manners
Norman Bombs
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 16, 1973
, p. 315
The Novel as Shrug
D. Keith Mano
My Life as a Man, by Philip Roth
My Life as a Man
by Philip Roth
National Review,
July 19, 1974
, pp. 828-831
An Omen or Three
D. Keith Mano
The Fifth Son, by Elie Wiesel
The Fifth Son
by Elie Wiesel
National Review,
July 12, 1985
, p. 57
On Mano's 'Jews for Jesus': An Exchange
Harry V. Jaffa and D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 9, 1977
, p. 1433
On Speed
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
May 27, 1977
, p. 624
On Target
D. Keith Mano
Off Center, by Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
Off Center
by Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
National Review,
September 19, 1980
, p. 1151
On the Scene
D. Keith Mano
The Bethsaida Miracle
National Review,
April 21, 1997
, p. 26
Out There in No Man's Land
D. Keith Mano
The Social History of the Machine Gun, by John Ellis
The Social History of the Machine Gun
by John Ellis
National Review,
March 5, 1976
, p. 222
Arts & Manners
Overeaters Anonymous
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 29, 1975
, p. 942
A Parable
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 22, 1978
, p. 1610
Pass the Bourbon
D. Keith Mano
Take This Man, by Frederick Busch
Take This Man
by Frederick Busch
National Review,
October 30, 1981
, pp. 1284-1285
Past-Lives Therapy
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 28, 1979
, p. 1247
Paz's Pinata
D. Keith Mano
The Labyrinth of Solitude, by Octavio Paz
The Labyrinth of Solitude
by Octavio Paz
National Review,
November 15, 1985
, p. 57
Perelman's Book of Martyr's
D. Keith Mano
That Old Gang o' Mine, by S.J. Perelman and Richard Marschall
That Old Gang o' Mine
by S.J. Perelman and Richard Marschall
National Review,
November 2, 1984
, p. 52
Arts & Manners
The Phenomenon
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 25, 1975
, p. 457
Poignant Instant, Stubborn Evil
D. Keith Mano
Beloved, by Toni Morrison
by Toni Morrison
National Review,
December 4, 1987
, p. 54
Books Arts & Manners
Poop Poop!
D. Keith Mano
Chesapeake, by James A. Michener
by James A. Michener
National Review,
September 15, 1978
, p. 1153
Arts & Manners
The Pornographer
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 19, 1975
, p. 1480
Powdered Soap
D. Keith Mano
Oilers and Sweepers, and Other Stories, by George Dennison
Oilers and Sweepers, and Other Stories
by George Dennison
National Review,
July 6, 1979
, p. 867
Prankster Revisited
D. Keith Mano
Ken Kesey, by Barry H. Leeds
Ken Kesey
by Barry H. Leeds
National Review,
March 19, 1982
, pp. 306-307
Precious and Preciouser
D. Keith Mano
The Four Wise Men, by Michel Tournier
The Four Wise Men
by Michel Tournier
National Review,
October 15, 1982
, p. 1290
Private Parts
D. Keith Mano
The Pornographer, by John McGahern
The Pornographer
by John McGahern
National Review,
February 8, 1980
, p. 167
The Proselytizer
D. Keith Mano
Arts & Manners
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 5, 1974
, p. 762
Arts & Manners
Public Asses TV
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
November 21, 1975
, p. 1298
Arts & Manners
Radical Styles
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 7, 1973
, p. 1361
Rainout Theater
D. Keith Mano
Crisis, by Hamilton Jordan
by Hamilton Jordan
National Review,
November 26, 1982
, p. 1493
Books in Brief
D.K. Mano
Death by Melancholy, by Walter Sullivan
Death by Melancholy
by Walter Sullivan
National Review,
March 2, 1973
, pp. 275-277
The Reviewer Says No
D. Keith Mano
Floater, by Calvin Trillin
by Calvin Trillin
National Review,
January 23, 1981
, pp. 48-49
Books Arts & Manners
The Rich Are Different?
D. Keith Mano
Fortune's Child, by Lewis H. Lapham
Fortune's Child
by Lewis H. Lapham
National Review,
June 13, 1980
, p. 735
Roadside America
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
September 16, 1977
, pp. 1064-1065
The Rock Stuff
D. Keith Mano
I Need More, by Iggy Pop and Anne Wehrer
I Need More
by Iggy Pop and Anne Wehrer
National Review,
July 22, 1983
, p. 884
The Rocky Horror Cult
D. Keith Mano
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975 Film), by Jim Sharman
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975 Film)
by Jim Sharman
National Review,
November 24, 1978
, pp. 1493-1494
Arts & Manners
Rod McKuen
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 11, 1976
, p. 624
A Room of One's Own
D. Keith Mano
The Ivankiad, by Vladimir Voinovich
The Ivankiad
by Vladimir Voinovich
National Review,
November 25, 1977
, p. 1374
Arts & Manners
The Rosenberg Kids
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 6, 1976
, p. 845
A Round on the House
D. Keith Mano
Memoirs, by Tennessee Williams
by Tennessee Williams
National Review,
April 16, 1976
, p. 405
Arts & Manners
The Sacrament of Bingo
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 24, 1975
, p. 1178
San Gennaro Looks upon His Festival
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
November 9, 1979
, p. 1447
Say Aaaahrrrgh
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 9, 1977
, p. 1445
Seance on a Saturday Night
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
January 4, 1980
, p. 50
A Sentinel Phenomenon
D. Keith Mano
How Should We Then Live?, by Francis A. Schaeffer
How Should We Then Live?
by Francis A. Schaeffer
National Review,
March 18, 1977
, p. 345
Arts & Manners
The Service Station
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 31, 1973
, p. 948
Sex and Art
D. Keith Mano
What Do Women Want?, by Dan Greenburg
What Do Women Want?
by Dan Greenburg
National Review,
July 9, 1982
, p. 848
Singles Sex
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
January 25, 1980
, p. 111
Books Arts & Manners
Sinus Song
D. Keith Mano
Snowblind, by Robert Sabbag
by Robert Sabbag
National Review,
October 14, 1977
, pp. 1180-1181
The Slaves
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
February 20, 1976
, pp. 162-163
Arts & Manners
Slums for the Insane---I
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
March 19, 1976
, p. 275
Arts & Manners
Slums for the Insane---II
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 2, 1976
, p. 334
Soccer, American Style
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
April 18, 1980
, pp. 486-487
Arts & Manners
Sorry, Wrong Revolution
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 26, 1973
, pp. 1183-1184
Speaking Out
D. Keith Mano
A Full Life, by Helen Gahagan Douglas
A Full Life
by Helen Gahagan Douglas
National Review,
August 20, 1982
, p. 1034
Arts & Manners
The Spirit of Twin Falls
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
October 25, 1974
, p. 1242
The Stadium
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
July 23, 1976
, p. 798
Starting Over
D. Keith Mano
Horn of Africa, by Philip Caputo
Horn of Africa
by Philip Caputo
National Review,
October 31, 1980
, p. 1340
Books, Arts & Manners
Still the Greatest
D. Keith Mano
King of the World, by David Remnick
King of the World
by David Remnick
National Review,
November 9, 1998
, p. 59
D. Keith Mano
The Suburbs of Hell, by Randolph Stow
The Suburbs of Hell
by Randolph Stow
National Review,
May 31, 1985
, p. 45
Arts & Manners
Sunnyside I
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 8, 1972
, p. 1355
Arts & Manners
Sunnyside II
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
December 22, 1972
, p. 1408
Take Five
D. Keith Mano
A Novel in Which Things Happen
Arts & Manners
Talent Scout
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
February 14, 1975
, p. 167
That's Entertainment
D. Keith Mano
Black Sun, by Geoffrey Wolff
Black Sun
by Geoffrey Wolff
National Review,
November 12, 1976
, p. 1241
This Will Hurt
D. Keith Mano
At Home with the Marquis de Sade, by Francine du Plessix Gray
At Home with the Marquis de Sade
by Francine du Plessix Gray
National Review,
December 31, 1998
, p. 44
D. Keith Mano
Totalitarian Ambit
D. Keith Mano
Farewell to the Sea, by Reinaldo Arenas
Farewell to the Sea
by Reinaldo Arenas
National Review,
July 18, 1986
, p. 54
Arts & Manners
Transcendal Meditation
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
June 6, 1975
, p. 618
Arts & Manners
Tupperware Game
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
January 5, 1973
, p. 34
Arts & Manners
Unnatural History
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 1, 1975
, p. 835
Vegas Deserta
D. Keith Mano
The Desert Rose, by Larry McMurtry
The Desert Rose
by Larry McMurtry
National Review,
November 25, 1983
, p. 1495
War Is Heaven
D. Keith Mano
Arts & Manners
Watergate Bizarre
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 16, 1974
, p. 929
Arts & Manners
WBAI Is Dead
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
February 2, 1973
, p. 152
Arts & Manners
What Have They Done to GI Joe?
D. Keith Mano
National Review,
August 4, 1972
, p. 858
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National Review
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