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Robert H. Lowie Archives
Robert H. Lowie •ï¿½65 Items / 23 Books, 17 Articles, 21 Reviews
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  1. Aboriginal Education in America
    The American Mercury, October 1928, pp. 192-195
  2. [+]
    Alfred Russel Wallace (Review)
    Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, by James Marchant and Alfred Russel W...
    1. Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences by James Marchant and Alfred Russel Wallace
    The New Republic, November 18, 1916, pp. 14-15
  3. [+]
    American History (Review)
    Penobscot Man, by Frank G. Speck
    1. Penobscot Man by Frank G. Speck
    The American Historical Review, January 1941, p. 416
  4. American Indian Cultures
    The American Mercury, July 1930, pp. 362-366
  5. [+]
    An Amiable Eugenicist (Review)
    The Next Age of Man, by Albert Edward Wiggam
    1. The Next Age of Man by Albert Edward Wiggam
    The New Republic, July 27, 1927, p. 261
  6. [+]
    Animal Life (Review)
    The Secrets of Animal Life, by J. Arthur Thomson
    1. The Secrets of Animal Life by J. Arthur Thomson
    The New Republic, July 28, 1920, p. 260
  7. Anthropology
    Primitive Skeptics
    The American Mercury, July 1933, pp. 320-322
  8. Books
    Anthropology (Review)
    The Racial History of Man, by Roland B. Dixon
    1. The Racial History of Man by Roland B. Dixon
    The Nation, June 13, 1923, p. 698
  9. [+]
    Archaeological Pacifism (Review)
    Downland Man, by H.J. Massingham
    1. Downland Man by H.J. Massingham
    The New Republic, July 20, 1927, p. 234
  10. Are We Civilized? (1929)
    Human Culture in Perspective
    5 Reviews, 3 Readable
  11. The Assiniboine (1909)
  12. Bathing Through the Ages
    The American Mercury, September 1928, pp. 62-64
  13. Chipewyan Tales (1912)
  14. The Crow Indians (1935)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  15. Culture and Ethnology (1917)
    3 Reviews
  16. [+]
    Culture Charting (Review)
    The Relation of Nature to Man in Aboriginal America, by Clark Wissler
    1. The Relation of Nature to Man in Aboriginal America by Clark Wissler
    The New Republic, November 10, 1926, p. 331
  17. Ernst Mach
    The New Republic, April 29, 1916, pp. 335-336
  18. [+]
    For the General (Review)
    Heredity and Environment in the Development of Men, by Edwin Grant Conklin
    1. Heredity and Environment in the Development of Men by Edwin Grant Conklin
    The New Republic, May 12, 1917, p. 59
  19. "Freemasons" Among North Dakota Indians
    The American Mercury, February 1930, pp. 192-196
  20. [+]
    Functional Anthropology (2 Reviews)
    Myth in Primitive Psychology, by Bronislaw Malinowski
    1. Myth in Primitive Psychology by Bronislaw Malinowski
    2. Sex and Repression in Savage Society by Bronislaw Malinowski
    The New Republic, December 14, 1927, p. 115
  21. The German People: A Social Portrait to 1914 (1945)
    2 Reviews
  22. The History of Ethnological Theory (1937)
  23. [+]
    In the Solomon Islands (Review)
    The Threshold of the Pacific, by Charles Elliot Fox
    1. The Threshold of the Pacific by Charles Elliot Fox
    The Nation, July 1, 1925, p. 44
  24. Indian Theologians
    The American Mercury, December 1931, pp. 472-479
  25. Indians of the Plains (1954)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  26. The Indian's World
    The Nation, November 3, 1926, p. 455
  27. International Rivalry in Science
    The New Republic, December 19, 1914, pp. 15-16
  28. The Inventiveness of the American Indian
    The American Mercury, September 1931, pp. 90-93
  29. Is America so Bad, after All?
    As It Seems to an American Born in Europe
    The Century Magazine, April 1925, pp. 723-729
  30. Literature and Ethnography
    The American Mercury, April 1930, pp. 454-457
  31. [+]
    The Manhood of Humanity (Review)
    The Manhood of Humanity, by Alfred Korzybski
    1. The Manhood of Humanity by Alfred Korzybski
    The New Republic, February 8, 1922, p. 313
  32. [+]
    Man's Evolution (Review)
    The Evolution and Progress of Mankind, by Hermann Klaatsch and Adolf Heilborn
    1. The Evolution and Progress of Mankind by Hermann Klaatsch and Adolf Heilborn
    The New Republic, August 1, 1923, p. 268
  33. The Matrilineal Complex (1919)
  34. [+]
    More Mythology (Review)
    Egyptian; Indo-Chinese Mythology, by W. Max Muller and James George Scott
    1. Egyptian; Indo-Chinese Mythology by W. Max Muller and James George Scott
    The New Republic, August 24, 1918, p. 113
  35. [+]
    More Mythology (Review)
    The Mythology of All Races, by John Arnott MacCulloch and George Foot Moore
    1. The Mythology of All Races by John Arnott MacCulloch and George Foot Moore
    The New Republic, February 1, 1919, p. 29
  36. [+]
    The Mound Builders (Review)
    The Mound-Builders, by Henry Clyde Shetrone
    1. The Mound-Builders by Henry Clyde Shetrone
    The New Republic, January 28, 1931, p. 305
  37. [+]
    The New Stone Age (Review)
    The New Stone Age in Northern Europe, by John M. Tyler
    1. The New Stone Age in Northern Europe by John M. Tyler
    The New Republic, October 19, 1921, p. 223
  38. The Northern Shoshone (1909)
  39. A Note on History and Race
    The American Mercury, March 1925, pp. 342-343
  40. The Origin and Spread of Cultures
    The American Mercury, April 1924, pp. 463-465
  41. [+]
    The Origin of Man (Review)
    The Origin of Man and of His Superstitions, by Carveth Read
    1. The Origin of Man and of His Superstitions by Carveth Read
    The New Republic, September 14, 1921, p. 80
  42. The Origin of the State (1927)
    6 Reviews, 3 Readable
  43. The People of Unknown Lands
    The Bookman, October 1920, pp. 156-159
  44. Prestige Among Indians
    The American Mercury, December 1927, pp. 446-448
  45. Primitive Religion (1924)
    6 Reviews, 3 Readable
  46. Primitive Society (1920)
    18 Chapters, 470pp - 3 Reviews
  47. [+]
    Readings in Evolution (Review)
    Readings in Evolution, Genetics, and Eugenics, by Horatio Hackett Newman
    1. Readings in Evolution, Genetics, and Eugenics by Horatio Hackett Newman
    The New Republic, March 1, 1922, p. 25
  48. The Religion of the Crow Indians (1922)
  49. Scientific Aspects of the Race Problem (1941)
    1 Review
  50. [+]
    Sociology in Two Dimensions (Review)
    Principles of Sociology, by Edward Alsworth Ross
    1. Principles of Sociology by Edward Alsworth Ross
    The Nation, October 13, 1920, p. 418
  51. The Sun Dance of the Crow Indians (1915)
  52. Toward Understanding Germany (1954)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  53. The Universalist Fallacy
    The New Republic, November 17, 1917, pp. 4-5
  54. [+]
    What Is Man? (Review)
    What is Man?, by J. Arthur Thomson
    1. What is Man? by J. Arthur Thomson
    The New Republic, December 10, 1924, p. 18
  55. Word-Formation in the American Indian Languages
    The American Mercury, July 1928, pp. 332-333
  56. No Items Found