The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Owen R. Lovejoy Archives
Owen R. Lovejoy •ï¿½12 Items / 8 Articles, 4 Books
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  1. The Barbarism of Slavery (1860)
  2. The Parents' Exposition
    The Survey, May 15, 1928, p. 215
  3. Ratify the Twentieth Amendment!
    Commonweal, March 4, 1925, pp. 456-457
  4. Remarks of Messrs. O. Lovejoy and W. M. Dunn (1863)
    On the Bill to Authorize the President to Enlist Soldiers of African Descent
  5. School-House or Coal-Breaker
    The Outlook, August 26, 1905, pp. 1011-1020
  6. State of the Union (1861)
  7. The Twentieth Amendment---A Debate
    I---Why a Child Labor Amendment
    The Forum, January 1925, pp. 13-20
  8. Uncle Sam's Runaway Boys
    The Survey, March 1, 1933, pp. 99-100
  9. We're In the Army Now
    The Nation, March 1, 1933, p. 230
  10. General Articles
    What Remains of Child Labor
    The New Republic, November 11, 1916, p. 39
  11. Will Trade Training Solve the Child-Labor Problem
    The North American Review, June 1910, pp. 773-784
  12. No Items Found