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Charles H. Levermore Archives
Charles H. Levermore •ï¿½36 Items / 9 Books, 22 Reviews, 5 Articles
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  1. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    Jacksonian Democracy, 1829-1837, by William MacDonald
    1. Jacksonian Democracy, 1829-1837 by William MacDonald
    The American Historical Review, October 1906, pp. 164-165
  2. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    Volume VI, by John Bach McMaster
    1. Volume VI by John Bach McMaster
    The American Historical Review, July 1907, pp. 899-901
  3. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    The Life and Letters of Edwin Lawrence Godkin, by Rollo Ogden and Edwin Lawrence Godkin
    1. The Life and Letters of Edwin Lawrence Godkin by Rollo Ogden and Edwin Lawrence Godkin
    The American Historical Review, October 1907, pp. 168-170
  4. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    Volume VII, by John Bach McMaster
    1. Volume VII by John Bach McMaster
    The American Historical Review, April 1911, pp. 645-647
  5. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    Volume VIII, by John Bach McMaster
    1. Volume VIII by John Bach McMaster
    The American Historical Review, January 1914, pp. 363-366
  6. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706, by George Lincoln Burr
    1. Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706 by George Lincoln Burr
    The American Historical Review, October 1914, pp. 164-165
  7. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    A History of American Journalism, by James Melvin Lee
    1. A History of American Journalism by James Melvin Lee
    The American Historical Review, July 1918, p. 862
  8. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    History of Journalism in the United States, by George Henry Payne
    1. History of Journalism in the United States by George Henry Payne
    The American Historical Review, October 1920, pp. 107-108
  9. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    Boss Platt and His New York Machine, by Harold F. Gosnell
    1. Boss Platt and His New York Machine by Harold F. Gosnell
    The American Historical Review, July 1924, p. 785
  10. [+]
    Books of Medieval and Modern European History (Review)
    The War of Democracy: The Allies' Statement,
    1. The War of Democracy: The Allies' Statement
    The American Historical Review, October 1917, p. 170
  11. Books of Medieval and Modern European History
    The American Historical Review, April 1918, pp. 640-641
  12. A Complete Municipal University
    The North American Review, November 1912, pp. 705-713
  13. Forerunners and Competitors of the Pilgrims and Puritans (1912)
    Or, Narratives of Voyages Made by Persons Other Than the Pilgrims and Puritan...
    1 Review
  14. Fourth Year Book of the League of Nations (1924)
    And Chronicle of Related International Events January 1 - December 31, 1923
    1 Review
  15. Reviews of Books
    General Books and Books of Ancient History (Review)
    The Evolution of World-Peace, by F.S. Marvin
    1. The Evolution of World-Peace by F.S. Marvin
    The American Historical Review, January 1922, pp. 282-283
  16. Henry C. Carey and His Social System
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1890, pp. 553-582
  17. Parable of the Rich Householder
    World Politics and a Village Fire Department
    The Century Magazine, May 1924, pp. 127-129
  18. Political History Since 1815 (1889)
    (Excluding the United States)
  19. The Republic of New Haven (1886)
    A History of Municipal Evolution
    1 Review
  20. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The Colonial Era, by George Park Fisher
    1. The Colonial Era by George Park Fisher
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1892, pp. 723-725
  21. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    Volume IV, by John Bach McMaster
    1. Volume IV by John Bach McMaster
    The American Historical Review, October 1895, pp. 171-173
  22. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    The Historical Development of Modern Europe, by Charles M. Andrews
    1. The Historical Development of Modern Europe by Charles M. Andrews
    The American Historical Review, January 1897, pp. 354-355
  23. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    The Middle Period, 1817-1858, by John W. Burgess
    1. The Middle Period, 1817-1858 by John W. Burgess
    The American Historical Review, July 1897, pp. 746-748
  24. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    Bismarck: Some Secret Pages of His History, by Dr. Moritz Busch
    1. Bismarck: Some Secret Pages of His History by Dr. Moritz Busch
    The American Historical Review, April 1899, pp. 531-535
  25. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    The Historical Development of Modern Europe, by Charles M. Andrews
    1. The Historical Development of Modern Europe by Charles M. Andrews
    The American Historical Review, January 1899, pp. 357-359
  26. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    Throne-Makers, by William Roscoe Thayer
    1. Throne-Makers by William Roscoe Thayer
    The American Historical Review, January 1900, p. 344
  27. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    Volume V, by John Bach McMaster
    1. Volume V by John Bach McMaster
    The American Historical Review, January 1901, pp. 370-373
  28. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    Horace Greeley, by William Alexander Linn
    1. Horace Greeley by William Alexander Linn
    The American Historical Review, October 1903, p. 187
  29. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    Thomas Nast: His Period and His Pictures, by Albert Bigelow Paine
    1. Thomas Nast: His Period and His Pictures by Albert Bigelow Paine
    The American Historical Review, July 1905, pp. 907-908
  30. The Rise of Metropolitan Journalism, 1800-1840
    The American Historical Review, April 1901, pp. 446-465
  31. Samuel Train Dutton (1923)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  32. The Second Year Book of the League of Nations, ... (1922)
    Including the Complete Story of the Washington Conference, with the Complete ...
    2 Reviews
  33. The Whigs of Colonial New York
    The American Historical Review, January 1896, pp. 238-250
  34. No Items Found