The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Frank Jones Archives
Frank Jones •ï¿½20 Items / 1 Book, 4 Articles, 15 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    All Fingers and No Hands (Review)
    The Grand Piano, by Paul Goodman
    1. The Grand Piano by Paul Goodman
    The Partisan Review, July 1942, p. 340
  2. [+]
    Bon Voyage, S.V.B. (Review)
    The Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benet, by Basil Davenport and Stephen Vincent Benet
    1. The Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benet by Basil Davenport and Stephen Vincent Benet
    The Nation, September 12, 1942, p. 217
  3. [+]
    Childe Nicolas (Review)
    Confound the Wise, by Nicolas Calas
    1. Confound the Wise by Nicolas Calas
    The Nation, September 19, 1942, p. 242
  4. [+]
    Cross-Purposes (Review)
    New Directions in Prose and Poetry, Number Seven: 1942, by James Laughlin
    1. New Directions in Prose and Poetry, Number Seven: 1942 by James Laughlin
    The Nation, April 3, 1943, pp. 497-498
  5. [+]
    An Emancipator Frees Himself (Review)
    The Fruits of the Earth, by Andre Gide
    1. The Fruits of the Earth by Andre Gide
    The Partisan Review, November 1949, pp. 1146-1147
  6. [+]
    First Fruits, Mostly Sour (4 Reviews)
    Sing for Your Supper, by Sylvi Edith Mackey
    1. Sing for Your Supper by Sylvi Edith Mackey
    2. The Nameless by Lewis James Williams
    3. Pieces of Three by Meyer Liben
    4. The Two Persephones by Robert Morse
    The Nation, February 20, 1943, p. 278
  7. Intermediate Oral Latin Reader (1915)
    Based on Cicero's de Senectute, with Extracts from Martial and Horace
  8. [+]
    At It Again (3 Reviews)
    The Best Poems of 1941, by Thomas Moult
    1. The Best Poems of 1941 by Thomas Moult
    2. Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1938-1942 by Alan F. Pater
    3. An American Anthology by Tom Boggs
    The Nation, December 26, 1942, p. 725
  9. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, August 12, 1971, pp. 29-32
  10. [+]
    The Lonely Majority (2 Reviews)
    From the Modern Repertoire: Series One, by Eric Bentley
    1. From the Modern Repertoire: Series One by Eric Bentley
    2. From the Modern Repertoire: Series Two by Eric Bentley
    The New Republic, November 24, 1952, p. 21
  11. [+]
    A Medium of Greatness (Review)
    Selected Prose of Hugo von Hofmannsthal, by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
    1. Selected Prose of Hugo von Hofmannsthal by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
    The New Republic, October 13, 1952, p. 19
  12. New Roads, New Routes, New Lines of Goods
    The Partisan Review, March 1948, pp. 348-356
  13. [+]
    Old Soul Mad Againe (Review)
    Remember to Remember, by Henry Miller
    1. Remember to Remember by Henry Miller
    The Partisan Review, January 1948, pp. 117-122
  14. [+]
    Ourself When Young (Review)
    Genesis: Book One, by Delmore Schwartz
    1. Genesis: Book One by Delmore Schwartz
    The Nation, August 14, 1943, p. 186
  15. [+]
    A Poet (Review)
    Eleven Poems on the Same Theme, by Robert Penn Warren
    1. Eleven Poems on the Same Theme by Robert Penn Warren
    The Nation, September 26, 1942, p. 277
  16. [+]
    Skilled Workers (4 Reviews)
    Natalie Maisie and Pavilastukay, by John Masefield
    1. Natalie Maisie and Pavilastukay by John Masefield
    2. Song and Idea by Richard Eberhart
    3. If There Is Time by Hildegarde Flanner
    4. Poems by John Berryman
    The Nation, April 17, 1943, p. 569
  17. [+]
    The Sorcerer as Elegist (Review)
    Parts of a World, by Wallace Stevens
    1. Parts of a World by Wallace Stevens
    The Nation, November 7, 1942, p. 488
  18. Books and the Arts
    The Theater in Paris
    The Nation, March 31, 1945, pp. 363-365
  19. Reviews
    Well-Intentioned/Well-Equipped (6 Reviews)
    The Frozen Sea, by Charles Neider
    1. The Frozen Sea by Charles Neider
    2. Rage for Order by Austin Warren
    3. On the Iliad by Rachel Bespaloff
    4. The Moment, and Other Essays by Virginia Woolf
    5. The Common Reader by Virginia Woolf
    6. The Second Common Reader by Virginia Woolf
    The Partisan Review, May 1948, pp. 587-592
  20. Writers and Defeat
    The Partisan Review, March 1942, pp. 117-124
  21. No Items Found