The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Waclaw Jedrzejewicz Archives
Waclaw Jedrzejewicz •ï¿½8 Items / 3 Books, 5 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Affirmations of Freedom (2 Reviews)
    Ten Contemporary Polish Stories, by Edmund Ordon
    1. Ten Contemporary Polish Stories by Edmund Ordon
    2. The Broken Mirror by Pawel Mayewski
    The Saturday Review, August 9, 1958, p. 26
  2. [+]
    Culture Condemned (Review)
    Early Soviet Writers, by Viacheslav Zavalishin
    1. Early Soviet Writers by Viacheslav Zavalishin
    The Saturday Review, October 11, 1958, p. 44
  3. Diplomat in Berlin, 1933-1939 (1968)
    Papers and Memoirs of Jozef Lipski, Ambassador of Poland
    3 Reviews
  4. Diplomat in Paris, 1936-1939 (1970)
    Papers and Memoirs of Juliusz Lukasiewicz, Ambassador of Poland.
    4 Reviews
  5. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    Stosunki Polsko-Niemieckie, 1937-1939, by Peter K. Raina
    1. Stosunki Polsko-Niemieckie, 1937-1939 by Peter K. Raina
    The American Historical Review, June 1977, p. 688
  6. Poland in the British Parliament, 1939-1945 (1960)
    Documentary Material Relating to the Cause of World War Two
    1 Review
  7. [+]
    Structure of the Russian Soul (Review)
    Short Stories of Russia Today, by Yvonne Kapp
    1. Short Stories of Russia Today by Yvonne Kapp
    The Saturday Review, January 17, 1959, p. 64
  8. [+]
    Waiting for the Nightmare's End (Review)
    The Eighth Day of the Week, by Marek Hlasko
    1. The Eighth Day of the Week by Marek Hlasko
    The Saturday Review, September 6, 1958, p. 21
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