The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
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Joseph Jastrow Archives
Joseph Jastrow •ï¿½115 Items / 13 Books, 23 Articles, 78 Reviews, 1 Poem
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  1. The Academic Unrest
    The Nation, February 1, 1919, pp. 158-159
  2. The Advancement of Teaching
    The North American Review, October 1907, pp. 213-224
  3. [+]
    American Psychiatry (Review)
    The Psychology of Mental Disorders, by Abraham Myerson
    1. The Psychology of Mental Disorders by Abraham Myerson
    The New Republic, September 21, 1927, p. 128
  4. [+]
    Behaviorism (Review)
    Human Behavior, by Walter Samuel Hunter
    1. Human Behavior by Walter Samuel Hunter
    The Saturday Review, November 17, 1928, pp. 374-375
  5. [+]
    Blackboard Versus Column (Review)
    The Myth of the Individual, by Charles W. Wood
    1. The Myth of the Individual by Charles W. Wood
    The Saturday Review, June 25, 1927, p. 926
  6. [+]
    "Broken Arcs" (Review)
    Why Men Fail, by Morris Fishbein and William A. White
    1. Why Men Fail by Morris Fishbein and William A. White
    The Saturday Review, April 14, 1928, p. 755
  7. [+]
    A Calendar of Philosophy (Review)
    Experience and Nature, by John Dewey
    1. Experience and Nature by John Dewey
    The Forum, August 1926, p. 316
  8. [+]
    Catholic Psychology (Review)
    The New Psychology, by E. Boyd Barrett
    1. The New Psychology by E. Boyd Barrett
    The Saturday Review, January 16, 1926, p. 496
  9. Character and Temperament (1915)
  10. [+]
    Chemistry of Personality (Review)
    The Personal Equation, by Louis Berman
    1. The Personal Equation by Louis Berman
    The Saturday Review, December 12, 1925, p. 407
  11. [+]
    The Child in the Limelight (4 Reviews)
    The Psychology of Childhood, by Edgar J. Swift
    1. The Psychology of Childhood by Edgar J. Swift
    2. The Healthy-Minded Child by Nelson Antrim Crawford and Karl A. Menninger
    3. The Child from One to Six by Ada Hart Arlitt
    4. Just Normal Children by Florence Mateer
    The Saturday Review, November 22, 1930, pp. 366-367
  12. [+]
    Christian Science (Review)
    The Faith, the Falsity and the Failure of Christian Science, by Woodbridge Riley, Frede...
    1. The Faith, the Falsity and the Failure of Christian Science by Woodbridge Riley, Frederick W. Peabody, and Charles E. Humiston, ...
    The Nation, February 10, 1926, pp. 154-156
  13. [+]
    The Clue to the Rise of Man (Review)
    The Ascent of Humanity, by Gerald Heard
    1. The Ascent of Humanity by Gerald Heard
    The Saturday Review, August 17, 1929, p. 51
  14. Companionate Education
    Forum Education Series---VIII
    The Forum, August 1, 1928
  15. A Complacent Foundation
    The Nation, May 31, 1919, pp. 862-863
  16. [+]
    The Creative Mind (Review)
    Creative Imagination, by June E. Downey
    1. Creative Imagination by June E. Downey
    The Saturday Review, June 1, 1929, p. 1066
  17. Reviews of Books
    The Cult of Autosuggestion (4 Reviews)
    Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion, by Emile Coue
    1. Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion by Emile Coue
    2. The Practice of Autosuggestion by the Method of Emile Coue by Harry C. Brooks
    3. Emile Coue: The Man and His Work by Hugh Macnaghten
    4. My Pilgrimage to Coue by Ella Boyce Kirk
    The New Republic, February 7, 1923, p. 292
  18. Do the Dead Come Back?
    The Forum, February 1920, pp. 145-163
  19. The Education of Woodrow Wilson
    The Nation, February 8, 1928, p. 154
  20. Effective Thinking (1931)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  21. [+]
    Employment and the Fit (Review)
    The Twilight of the American Mind, by Walter B. Pitkin
    1. The Twilight of the American Mind by Walter B. Pitkin
    The Saturday Review, November 24, 1928, p. 397
  22. Error and Eccentricity in Human Belief (1962)
    1 Review
  23. ESP, House of Cards
    The American Scholar, Winter 1939, pp. 13-22
  24. [+]
    Everyman's Mentality (Review)
    Habits: Their Making and Unmaking, by Knight Dunlap
    1. Habits: Their Making and Unmaking by Knight Dunlap
    The Saturday Review, March 4, 1933, p. 464
  25. Fact and Fable in Psychology (1901)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  26. [+]
    Five Keys to Character (Review)
    The Anatomy of Personality, by Howard W. Haggard, M.D. and Clements C. Fry, M.D., ...
    1. The Anatomy of Personality by Howard W. Haggard, M.D. and Clements C. Fry, M.D., ...
    The Saturday Review, March 21, 1936, p. 7
  27. [+]
    A Fresh View of the Child (Review)
    The Language and Thought of the Child, by Jean Piaget
    1. The Language and Thought of the Child by Jean Piaget
    The Nation, February 2, 1927, p. 123
  28. [+]
    Freud and Beyond (Review)
    The Social Basis of Consciousness, by Trigant Burrow
    1. The Social Basis of Consciousness by Trigant Burrow
    The Forum, November 1927, p. 798
  29. [+]
    Freud and His Boswell (Review)
    Freud and His Time, by Fritz Wittels
    1. Freud and His Time by Fritz Wittels
    The Saturday Review, May 16, 1931, p. 827
  30. [+]
    Freudian Doctrine (Review)
    The Science of Living, by Alfred Adler
    1. The Science of Living by Alfred Adler
    The Saturday Review, January 18, 1930, p. 656
  31. [+]
    The Future of Freud (Review)
    The Structure and Meaning of Psychoanalysis, by William Healy, Augusta F. Bronner, and ...
    1. The Structure and Meaning of Psychoanalysis by William Healy, Augusta F. Bronner, and Anna Mae Bowers, ...
    The Saturday Review, June 28, 1930, p. 1157
  32. [+]
    Gauging Intelligence (Review)
    The Abilities of Man, by Charles Edward Spearman
    1. The Abilities of Man by Charles Edward Spearman
    The Saturday Review, July 14, 1928, p. 1035
  33. [+]
    A General Complex (Review)
    The Inferiority Feeling, by William S. Walsh
    1. The Inferiority Feeling by William S. Walsh
    The Saturday Review, December 29, 1928, p. 556
  34. [+]
    Glossolalia (Review)
    Speaking with Tongues, by George Barton Cutten
    1. Speaking with Tongues by George Barton Cutten
    The Saturday Review, December 17, 1927, p. 454
  35. Has Psychology Failed?
    The American Scholar, Summer 1935, pp. 261-269
  36. [+]
    The House of the Blessed (Review)
    The Psychology of Happiness, by Walter B. Pitkin
    1. The Psychology of Happiness by Walter B. Pitkin
    The Saturday Review, October 12, 1929, p. 230
  37. The House that Freud Built (1932)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  38. How Misery Breeds Crime
    The North American Review, March 1930, pp. 305-311
  39. [+]
    How to Be Happy (Review)
    The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell
    1. The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell
    The Saturday Review, October 11, 1930, p. 204
  40. [+]
    Human Reactions (Review)
    Gestalt Psychology, by Wolfgang Kohler
    1. Gestalt Psychology by Wolfgang Kohler
    The Saturday Review, August 3, 1929, p. 24
  41. [+]
    Introducing---"Anhedonia" (Review)
    When Life Loses Its Zest, by Abraham Myerson
    1. When Life Loses Its Zest by Abraham Myerson
    The Saturday Review, September 26, 1925, p. 150
  42. The Life of a College Professor
    The Outlook, November 27, 1897, pp. 764-766
  43. [+]
    Lo! Charles Fort! (Review)
    Wild Talents, by Charles Fort
    1. Wild Talents by Charles Fort
    The Saturday Review, July 2, 1932, p. 819
  44. The Logic of Mental Telegraphy
    Scribners, November 1895, pp. 571-576
  45. [+]
    Logic Takes a Holiday (Review)
    The Story of Prophecy, by Henry James Forman
    1. The Story of Prophecy by Henry James Forman
    The Saturday Review, August 15, 1936, p. 7
  46. Books of Special Interest
    Looking at Mind (2 Reviews)
    Mind and Its Place in Nature, by Durant Drake
    1. Mind and Its Place in Nature by Durant Drake
    2. Life, Mind, and Spirit by C. Lloyd Morgan
    The Saturday Review, August 14, 1926, p. 39
  47. [+]
    The Magna Charta of Youth (Review)
    Growing into Life, by David Seabury
    1. Growing into Life by David Seabury
    The Saturday Review, August 25, 1928, p. 68
  48. [+]
    Malcontents (Review)
    Powers That Be, by Alexander Cannon
    1. Powers That Be by Alexander Cannon
    The Saturday Review, October 19, 1935, pp. 20-21
  49. Mania Teutonica
    A Psychological Study of the War
    The Outlook, January 9, 1918, pp. 58-60
  50. [+]
    Mental Testing (Review)
    A Manual of Individual Mental Tests and Testing, by Augusta F. Bronner, William Healy, ...
    1. A Manual of Individual Mental Tests and Testing by Augusta F. Bronner, William Healy, and Gladys M. Lowe, ...
    The Saturday Review, September 17, 1927, p. 120
  51. [+]
    Mind in the Un-Making (Review)
    The Mind at Mischief, by William S. Sadler
    1. The Mind at Mischief by William S. Sadler
    The Saturday Review, November 30, 1929, pp. 476-477
  52. [+]
    Motivationism (Review)
    The Fundamentals of Human Motivation, by Leonard T. Troland
    1. The Fundamentals of Human Motivation by Leonard T. Troland
    The Saturday Review, November 2, 1929, pp. 344-345
  53. [+]
    Motive Psychology (Review)
    The Springs of Human Action, by Mehran K. Thomson
    1. The Springs of Human Action by Mehran K. Thomson
    The New Republic, August 10, 1927, p. 315
  54. [+]
    Naturalistic Ethics (Review)
    Science and Good Behavior, by H.M. Parshley
    1. Science and Good Behavior by H.M. Parshley
    The Saturday Review, February 2, 1929, p. 640
  55. The New Idol of the Market-Place
    "Getting and Spending, We Lay Waste Our Powers"
    The Century Magazine, February 1928, pp. 491-503
  56. [+]
    A New Science of Character (Review)
    Physique and Character, by Ernst Kretschmer
    1. Physique and Character by Ernst Kretschmer
    The Nation, July 7, 1926, p. 16
  57. The Nodding of Homer
    The Century Magazine, March 1900, p. 805
  58. Opinions About Books
    The Forum, July 1, 1928
  59. Books
    The Origin of Christian Science (Review)
    The Quimby Manuscripts, by Horatio W. Dresser
    1. The Quimby Manuscripts by Horatio W. Dresser
    The Nation, August 23, 1922, p. 191
  60. [+]
    Our Double Life (Review)
    Dreams and Personality, by Frederick Pierce
    1. Dreams and Personality by Frederick Pierce
    The Saturday Review, July 4, 1931, p. 943
  61. Articles
    Our Prejudices
    The Outlook, November 23, 1927, pp. 364-365
  62. A Pacifist Defense of America's War
    The North American Review, August 1917, pp. 199-208
  63. [+]
    The Paranoid Reich (Review)
    Is Germany Incurable?, by Richard M. Brickner
    1. Is Germany Incurable? by Richard M. Brickner
    The Nation, June 5, 1943, pp. 812-813
  64. [+]
    The Pathology of Emotion (Review)
    Emotions of Normal People, by William Moulton Marston
    1. Emotions of Normal People by William Moulton Marston
    The Saturday Review, May 4, 1929, pp. 978-979
  65. [+]
    Personality (Review)
    Problems of Personality, by C. Macfie Campbell
    1. Problems of Personality by C. Macfie Campbell
    The Saturday Review, June 26, 1926, p. 888
  66. [+]
    Philosophy en Passant (Review)
    The Enduring Quest, by H.A. Overstreet
    1. The Enduring Quest by H.A. Overstreet
    The Saturday Review, May 9, 1931, p. 810
  67. Piloting Your Own Life (1930)
    The Psychologist as Helmsman
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  68. [+]
    Primitive Mentality (Review)
    How Natives Think, by Lucien Levy-Bruhl
    1. How Natives Think by Lucien Levy-Bruhl
    The Nation, October 27, 1926, p. 433
  69. [+]
    The Primitive Thinker (Review)
    Primitive Man as Philosopher, by Paul Radin
    1. Primitive Man as Philosopher by Paul Radin
    The Nation, December 7, 1927, p. 662
  70. The Problems of "Psychic Research"
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1889, pp. 76-81
  71. [+]
    Progressive Psychology (3 Reviews)
    The Science of Psychology, by Raymond Holder Wheeler
    1. The Science of Psychology by Raymond Holder Wheeler
    2. Everyman's Psychology by John Adams
    3. The Thinking Machine by C. Judson Herrick
    The Nation, December 4, 1929, pp. 686-688
  72. Psychology and Literature
    The Saturday Review, July 18, 1931, p. 969
  73. [+]
    Psychology and Nationality (2 Reviews)
    The Psychology of Nationality and Internationalism, by W.B. Pillsbury
    1. The Psychology of Nationality and Internationalism by W.B. Pillsbury
    2. The Psychology of Nations by G.E. Partridge
    The Nation, February 2, 1921, p. 185
  74. The Psychology of Conviction (1918)
    A Study of Beliefs and Attitudes
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  75. Books
    Psychology of the Day (7 Reviews)
    Psychology: From the Standpoint of a Behaviorist, by John B. Watson
    1. Psychology: From the Standpoint of a Behaviorist by John B. Watson
    2. Human Psychology by Howard C. Warren
    3. General Psychology by Walter Samuel Hunter
    4. Educational Psychology by Daniel Starch
    5. Employment Psychology by Henry C. Link
    6. The New Science of Analyzing Character by Harry H. Balkin
    7. An Outline of Abnormal Psychology by James Winfred Bridges
    The Nation, July 3, 1920, p. 15
  76. [+]
    Psychology on Trial (Review)
    Psychology: Science or Superstition?, by Grace K. Adams
    1. Psychology: Science or Superstition? by Grace K. Adams
    The Saturday Review, April 2, 1932, p. 634
  77. [+]
    Psychopath in Our Midst (Review)
    Psychopathic Personalities, by Eugen Kahn
    1. Psychopathic Personalities by Eugen Kahn
    The Saturday Review, April 30, 1932, p. 702
  78. The Qualities of Men (1910)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  79. [+]
    The Real Menace (Review)
    Prohibiting Minds and the Present Social and Economic Crisis, by Stewart Paton
    1. Prohibiting Minds and the Present Social and Economic Crisis by Stewart Paton
    The Saturday Review, September 24, 1932, p. 125
  80. [+]
    A Recurrent Myth (Review)
    Caspar Hauser, by Jacob Wassermann
    1. Caspar Hauser by Jacob Wassermann
    The Saturday Review, December 8, 1928, p. 464
  81. [+]
    Remaking a Mind (Review)
    The Remaking of a Mind, by Hendrik de Man
    1. The Remaking of a Mind by Hendrik de Man
    The Nation, April 3, 1920, p. 432
  82. [+]
    The Road to Achievement (Review)
    The Psychology of Achievement, by Walter B. Pitkin
    1. The Psychology of Achievement by Walter B. Pitkin
    The Saturday Review, October 18, 1930, p. 239
  83. [+]
    The Science of Social Psychology (Review)
    An Introduction to Social Psychology, by L.L. Bernard
    1. An Introduction to Social Psychology by L.L. Bernard
    The Nation, October 5, 1927, p. 342
  84. [+]
    A Scientific Spree (Review)
    The Religion Called Behaviorism, by Louis Berman
    1. The Religion Called Behaviorism by Louis Berman
    The Saturday Review, January 7, 1928, p. 505
  85. [+]
    Seeking Happiness (Review)
    Understanding Ourselves: The Fine Art of Happiness, by Harold Dearden
    1. Understanding Ourselves: The Fine Art of Happiness by Harold Dearden
    The Saturday Review, December 25, 1926, p. 468
  86. Sigmund Freud: His Dream and Sex Theories (1932)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  87. [+]
    So This Is Behavorism? (Review)
    Behaviorism, by John B. Watson
    1. Behaviorism by John B. Watson
    The Saturday Review, September 12, 1925, p. 120
  88. Spirit Communication---A Debate
    II---The Animus of Psychical Research
    The Forum, February 1924, pp. 155-164
  89. [+]
    Sprightly Psychology (Review)
    Psychology: A Simplification, by Loyd Ring Coleman and Saxe Comrains
    1. Psychology: A Simplification by Loyd Ring Coleman and Saxe Comrains
    The Saturday Review, April 28, 1928, p. 826
  90. The Story of Human Error (1936)
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  91. [+]
    The Story of "I" (Review)
    The Psychology of Consciousness, by C. Daly King
    1. The Psychology of Consciousness by C. Daly King
    The Saturday Review, December 17, 1932, p. 330
  92. [+]
    The Story of Psychology (Review)
    The Meaning of Psychology, by C.K. Ogden
    1. The Meaning of Psychology by C.K. Ogden
    The Nation, October 6, 1926, p. 327
  93. [+]
    The Stuff of Dreams (Review)
    Dreams, by Percy G. Stiles
    1. Dreams by Percy G. Stiles
    The Saturday Review, December 10, 1927, p. 426
  94. The Subconscious (1906)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  95. [+]
    A Survey of Human Logicality (Review)
    The Psychology of Reasoning, by Eugenio Rignano
    1. The Psychology of Reasoning by Eugenio Rignano
    The Nation, July 2, 1924, p. 24
  96. [+]
    Tabloid Science (6 Reviews)
    Types of Mind and Body, by Emanuel Miller
    1. Types of Mind and Body by Emanuel Miller
    2. A Short Outline of Comparative Psychology by Carl John Warden
    3. The Nature of Man by George A. Dorsey
    4. The Age of the Earth by Arthur Holmes
    5. Science of Today by Oliver Lodge
    6. The Stream of Life by Julian S. Huxley
    The Nation, June 15, 1927, p. 672
  97. [+]
    A Tribute to a Master Mind (Review)
    Chance, Love, and Logic, by Charles S. Peirce and Morris R. Cohen
    1. Chance, Love, and Logic by Charles S. Peirce and Morris R. Cohen
    The Nation, November 5, 1924, p. 498
  98. [+]
    Triple Personality (Review)
    Persons One and Three, by Shepherd Ivory Franz
    1. Persons One and Three by Shepherd Ivory Franz
    The Saturday Review, October 28, 1933, p. 220
  99. [+]
    Two Books on the Child Mind (Review)
    The Mind of the Child, by Charles Baudouin
    1. The Mind of the Child by Charles Baudouin
    The Saturday Review, October 7, 1933, p. 168
  100. [+]
    Unhappiness Psycho-analyzed (Review)
    Civilization and Its Discontents, by Sigmund Freud
    1. Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud
    The Saturday Review, December 6, 1930, p. 426
  101. [+]
    Unpedestalling Women (Review)
    Understanding Women, by K.A. Wieth-Knudsen
    1. Understanding Women by K.A. Wieth-Knudsen
    The Saturday Review, May 11, 1929, p. 994
  102. [+]
    Vital Machanisms (Review)
    The Thinking Machine, by C. Judson Herrick
    1. The Thinking Machine by C. Judson Herrick
    The Saturday Review, September 7, 1929, p. 108
  103. [+]
    Watson's Behaviorism (Review)
    The Ways of Behaviorism, by John B. Watson
    1. The Ways of Behaviorism by John B. Watson
    The Saturday Review, August 11, 1928, p. 36
  104. [+]
    Ways of Living (Review)
    The Motives of Men, by George A. Coe
    1. The Motives of Men by George A. Coe
    The Saturday Review, February 23, 1929, p. 705
  105. What Price Analysis?
    The American Spectator (Dreiser), June 1935, p. 3
  106. [+]
    What's Wrong With Us? (Review)
    Our Neurotic Age, by Samuel D. Schmalhausen
    1. Our Neurotic Age by Samuel D. Schmalhausen
    The Saturday Review, December 3, 1932, p. 286
  107. [+]
    Where Psychology and Psychiatry Converge (Review)
    Psychopathology: Its Development and Its Place in Medicine, by Bernard Hart
    1. Psychopathology: Its Development and Its Place in Medicine by Bernard Hart
    The New Republic, June 15, 1927, pp. 105-106
  108. Who Is Grown Up?
    The Psychologist
    The Survey, April 1, 1928, p. 19
  109. Who Runs the Universities
    They Cannot Flourish, Any More Than a Nation, Half Slave, Half Free
    The Century Magazine, April 1928, pp. 668-675
  110. [+]
    Why Live? (Review)
    On the Meaning of Life, by Will Durant
    1. On the Meaning of Life by Will Durant
    The Saturday Review, October 1, 1932, p. 144
  111. Wish and Wisdom (1935)
    Episodes in the Vagaries of Belief
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  112. The Withered Arm
    And What It Did for the Kaiser
    The Century Magazine, August 1927, pp. 398-406
  113. [+]
    Your Nervous Child (Review)
    Your Nervous Child, by Erwin Wexberg
    1. Your Nervous Child by Erwin Wexberg
    The New Republic, July 20, 1927, p. 232
  114. No Items Found