The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Dan Jacobson Archives
Dan Jacobson •ï¿½105 Items / 16 Books, 62 Articles, 26 Reviews, 1 Poem
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  1. [+]
    Acquainted With the Night (Review)
    Robert Frost: The Years of Triumph, 1915-1938, by Lawrance R. Thompson
    1. Robert Frost: The Years of Triumph, 1915-1938 by Lawrance R. Thompson
    Commentary, July 1971, pp. 90-98
  2. Adult Pleasures (1988)
    Essays on Writers and Readers
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  3. Africa, Whose Africa?
    Encounter, June 1956, pp. 22-27
  4. After Notting Hill
    Encounter, December 1958, pp. 3-10
  5. After the Riot
    A Story
    Commentary, July 1958, pp. 49-55
  6. Among the South Africans
    Commentary, March 1978, pp. 32-48
  7. Another Day
    A Story
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1964, pp. 91-93
  8. An Apprenticeship
    A Story
    Commentary, May 1962, pp. 405-409
  9. The Beginners (1966)
    7 Reviews, 1 Readable
  10. [+]
    "Between Hampstead and Hendon" (Review)
    The Bankrupts, by Brian Glanville
    1. The Bankrupts by Brian Glanville
    Commentary, August 1958, p. 178
  11. Books in Review
    Beyond Whose Culture? (Review)
    Beyond Culture, by Lionel Trilling
    1. Beyond Culture by Lionel Trilling
    Commentary, March 1966, pp. 87-92
  12. Books in Review
    The Bloomsbury Idea (Review)
    Downhill All The Way, by Leonard Woolf
    1. Downhill All The Way by Leonard Woolf
    Commentary, March 1968, pp. 79-82
  13. Boaz and the Israelites
    A Story
    Commentary, February 1968, pp. 40-52
  14. The Box
    A Story
    Commentary, June 1953, pp. 602-605
  15. "Brian"
    The New Yorker, August 13, 1984, pp. 28-29
  16. The Budgerigar
    A Short Story
    The Reporter, March 2, 1961, pp. 42-43
  17. [+]
    The Burning of the Temple (Review)
    The Collected Works of Isaac Rosenberg, by Ian Parsons and Isaac Rosenberg
    1. The Collected Works of Isaac Rosenberg by Ian Parsons and Isaac Rosenberg
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1980, pp. 564-566
  18. Cars, Cars, Cars, Roads, Roads, Roads
    The Reporter, February 21, 1957, pp. 18-21
  19. Common and Uncommon Readers
    Literature in the University
    The American Scholar, Summer 1978, pp. 383-386
  20. Confessions of a Visiting Professor
    Commentary, November 1971, pp. 58-62
  21. The Confessions of Josef Baisz (1977)
    8 Reviews, 2 Readable
  22. A Dance in the Sun (1956)
    A Novel
    7 Reviews, 2 Readable
  23. [+]
    Dog Spelled Backwards (Review)
    Only Yesterday, by S.Y. Agnon
    1. Only Yesterday by S.Y. Agnon
    The New York Review of Books, December 21, 2000, pp. 78-81
  24. Dr. Livingstone, He Presumed
    The American Scholar, Winter 1994, pp. 96-101
  25. Dutchman, Jew, Piccanin
    A Story
    Commentary, September 1953, pp. 219-222
  26. [+]
    The End of the Road (Review)
    Final Entries, 1945, by Joseph Goebbels and Hugh Trevor-Roper
    1. Final Entries, 1945 by Joseph Goebbels and Hugh Trevor-Roper
    Commentary, July 1978, pp. 78-82
  27. An End to Pornography?
    Commentary, November 1966, pp. 76-81
  28. Everything without Tears
    Encounter, June 1958, pp. 29-37
  29. Evidence of Love (1960)
    A Novel
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  30. The Example of Lipi Lippmann
    A Story
    Commentary, November 1961, pp. 408-413
  31. The Example of Solzhenitsyn
    Commentary, May 1969, pp. 81-86
  32. Books
    F. Scott Fitzgerald (2 Reviews)
    The Bodley Head Scott Fitzgerald, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    1. The Bodley Head Scott Fitzgerald by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    2. Afternoon of an Author by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    Encounter, June 1960, pp. 71-76
  33. F.R. Leavis
    The American Scholar, Spring 1985, pp. 221-226
  34. A Family Man
    A Story
    Commentary, December 1953, pp. 568-573
  35. Fresh Fields
    Encounter, October 1961, pp. 3-9
  36. From Generation to Generation
    A Memoir
    Commentary, January 1983, pp. 32-44
  37. The Game
    A Story
    The Atlantic Monthly, October 1958, pp. 72-76
  38. [+]
    Gloomy England (Review)
    Some Corner of an English Field, by Dannie Abse
    1. Some Corner of an English Field by Dannie Abse
    Commentary, June 1957, p. 593
  39. [+]
    Graves on War (Review)
    Good-Bye to All That, by Robert Graves
    1. Good-Bye to All That by Robert Graves
    Commentary, April 1958, p. 360
  40. Her Story (1988)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  41. Observations
    Herzl's Fate
    Commentary, September 1975, pp. 68-71
  42. Heshel's Kingdom (1999)
    1 Review
  43. Holy, Holy, Holy...
    Commentary, August 1970, pp. 29-34
  44. Chronicle
    In a Lost Language
    Encounter, July/August 1987, pp. 54-56
  45. In Coventry---A Memoir
    Commentary, June 1984, pp. 55-59
  46. [+]
    Interviewing the American Mind (Review)
    As We Are, by Henry Brandon
    1. As We Are by Henry Brandon
    Commentary, August 1961, pp. 176-177
  47. The Isolation of South Africa
    The Atlantic Monthly, June 1961, pp. 58-61
  48. James Baldwin as Spokesman
    Commentary, December 1961, pp. 497-502
  49. Jewish Writing in England
    Commentary, May 1964, pp. 46-50
  50. The Jews of South Africa
    Commentary, January 1957, pp. 39-45
  51. Letters
    Commentary, June 1978, pp. 4-24
  52. [+]
    The Literary Vocation (2 Reviews)
    The Bit Between My Teeth, by Edmund Wilson
    1. The Bit Between My Teeth by Edmund Wilson
    2. Edmund Wilson by Sherman Paul
    Commentary, May 1966, pp. 92-98
  53. Lithuanian Pastoral
    Commentary, October 1997, pp. 34-39
  54. Books in Review
    A Lost World? (Review)
    The Golden Tradition, by Lucy S. Dawidowicz
    1. The Golden Tradition by Lucy S. Dawidowicz
    Commentary, June 1967, pp. 81-83
  55. [+]
    Magic and Morality (Review)
    The Magic Barrel, by Bernard Malamud
    1. The Magic Barrel by Bernard Malamud
    Commentary, October 1958, pp. 359-360
  56. The Mary Elinore Smith Poetry Prize
    A Month in the Country
    The American Scholar, Spring 1992, pp. 223-240
  57. Articles
    A Matter of Faith
    Commentary, January 1964, pp. 38-42
  58. Observations
    A Memoir of Jabotinsky
    Commentary, June 1961, pp. 520-523
  59. [+]
    Memory Uncorrupted (Review)
    The Fertile Plain, by Esther Salaman
    1. The Fertile Plain by Esther Salaman
    Commentary, December 1956, pp. 580-581
  60. My Jewish Childhood
    Commentary, November 2000, pp. 38-43
  61. Observations
    The New Philistinism
    Commentary, October 1973, pp. 72-73
  62. No Further West (1961)
    California Visited
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  63. Books
    No Secret, No Joke
    Encounter, April 1962, pp. 67-71
  64. Of Time and Poetry
    Commentary, November 1989, pp. 48-53
  65. [+]
    The Old Country (Review)
    The Fixer, by Bernard Malamud
    1. The Fixer by Bernard Malamud
    The Partisan Review, Spring 1967, pp. 307-310
  66. On Migratory Workers
    The Partisan Review, Fall 1983, pp. 576-585
  67. On the Horizon
    A Visit from Royalty
    Commentary, February 1954, pp. 181-184
  68. Only the Best (Story)
    Encounter, February 1964, pp. 11-21
  69. Books
    Out of Africa
    Encounter, October 1959, pp. 68-70
  70. Philip Larkin's "element"
    The New Criterion, February 2005, pp. 14-20
  71. Notes and Topics
    Plague Spot
    Encounter, December 1959, pp. 44-45
  72. The Price of Diamonds (1958)
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  73. The Problem of Isaac Bashevis Singer
    Commentary, February 1965, pp. 48-52
  74. [+]
    The Public Platform (Review)
    H. G. Wells: A Biography, by Norman Ian MacKenzie and Jeanne MacKenzie
    1. H. G. Wells: A Biography by Norman Ian MacKenzie and Jeanne MacKenzie
    Commentary, May 1974, pp. 75-79
  75. The Rape of Tamar (1970)
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  76. The Rape of Tamar
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1970, pp. 54-70
  77. [+]
    Reflections on an Old Truth (Review)
    Portrait of a Jew, by Albert Memmi
    1. Portrait of a Jew by Albert Memmi
    Commentary, November 1962, pp. 451-452
  78. [+]
    Representation of Life (Review)
    The Story of a Life, by Konstantin Paustovsky
    1. The Story of a Life by Konstantin Paustovsky
    Encounter, January 1965, pp. 80-82
  79. Request Stop
    Encounter, October 1954, pp. 45-48
  80. [+]
    Return to Africa (Review)
    African Laughter, by Doris M. Lessing
    1. African Laughter by Doris M. Lessing
    The Partisan Review, Spring 1994, pp. 327-331
  81. Return to South Africa
    Commentary, July 1960, pp. 6-16
  82. Settling in England
    Commentary, January 1960, pp. 23-28
  83. Books in Review
    Sickness & Psyche (Review)
    Illness as Metaphor, by Susan Sontag
    1. Illness as Metaphor by Susan Sontag
    Commentary, October 1978, pp. 78-81
  84. Observations
    Sinyavsky's Art
    Commentary, November 1976, pp. 66-68
  85. [+]
    Slings and Arrows (2 Reviews)
    Joy to Levine!, by Norma Stahl Rosen
    1. Joy to Levine! by Norma Stahl Rosen
    2. Notes from a Dark Street by Edward Adler
    Commentary, April 1962, pp. 358-361
  86. [+]
    Sociology Homework (2 Reviews)
    Protest, by Gene Feldman and Max Gartenberg
    1. Protest by Gene Feldman and Max Gartenberg
    2. The Shook-Up Generation by Harrison E. Salisbury
    Encounter, September 1959, pp. 75-77
  87. Sonia
    A Story
    Commentary, May 1965, pp. 47-50
  88. The Story of the Stories (1982)
    The Chosen People and Its God
    5 Reviews
  89. [+]
    The Surviving Word (Review)
    A Treasury of Yiddish Verse, by Irving Howe and Eliezer Greenberg
    1. A Treasury of Yiddish Verse by Irving Howe and Eliezer Greenberg
    Commentary, April 1970, pp. 92-98
  90. The Survivor
    A Story
    Commentary, June 1963, pp. 501-505
  91. That one talent which is death to hide
    The New Statesman, December 22, 1978, p. 864
  92. The Thief
    A Story
    Commentary, April 1956, pp. 339-342
  93. Thomas Hardy
    The Poet as Philospher
    The American Scholar, Winter 1996, pp. 114-118
  94. Through the Wilderness, and Other Stories (1968)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  95. Time of Arrival
    Encounter, September 1962, pp. 13-31
  96. Time of Arrival, and Other Essays (1963)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  97. The Trap (1955)
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  98. [+]
    Unhappy South Africa (2 Reviews)
    The South African Way of Life, by George H. Calpin
    1. The South African Way of Life by George H. Calpin
    2. The People of South Africa by Sarah Gertrude Millin
    Commentary, June 1954, pp. 611-613
  99. The Vanishing Act
    Encounter, November 1985, pp. 44-45
  100. A White Liberal Trapped by His Prejudices
    Commentary, May 1953, pp. 454-459
  101. [+]
    White Men and Cheetahs (Review)
    Blanket Boy, by Peter Lanham and A.S. Mopeli-Paulus
    1. Blanket Boy by Peter Lanham and A.S. Mopeli-Paulus
    Commentary, July 1953, p. 93
  102. Fall Books
    Why Read Novels?
    The Nation, November 14, 1959, p. 343
  103. The Wonder-Worker (1974)
    8 Reviews, 2 Readable
  104. Zion Revisited
    Commentary, July 1959, pp. 1-6
  105. The Zulu and the Zeide (1959)
    Short Stories
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  106. No Items Found