The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Harold A. Innis Archives
Harold A. Innis •ï¿½18 Items / 12 Books, 6 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    American History (Review)
    Minutes of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1671-1674, by E.E. Rich
    1. Minutes of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1671-1674 by E.E. Rich
    The American Historical Review, January 1944, p. 331
  2. The Bias of Communication (1952)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  3. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    Journals of Samuel Hearne and Philip Turnor, by J.B. Tyrrell, Samuel Hearne, and Philip...
    1. Journals of Samuel Hearne and Philip Turnor by J.B. Tyrrell, Samuel Hearne, and Philip Turnor
    The American Historical Review, April 1935, p. 524
  4. [+]
    The British Empire (Review)
    Journal of Occurrences in the Athabasca Department by George Simpson, 1820 and 1821, an...
    1. Journal of Occurrences in the Athabasca Department by George Simpson, 1820 and 1821, and Report by E.E. Rich and George Simpson
    The American Historical Review, July 1939, p. 971
  5. The Canadian Economy and Its Problems (1934)
    Papers and Proceedings of Study Groups of Members of the Canadian Institute o...
    2 Reviews
  6. Changing Concepts of Time (1953)
    1 Review
  7. The Cod Fisheries (1940)
    The History of an International Economy
    3 Reviews
  8. The Dairy Industry in Canada (1937)
    1 Review
  9. The Diary of Simeon Perkins, 1766-1780 (1948)
    1 Review
  10. Empire and Communications (1950)
    1 Review
  11. Essays in Canadian Economic History (1956)
    1 Review
  12. The Fur Trade in Canada (1930)
    An Introduction to Canadian Economic History
    1 Review
  13. [+]
    General History (Review)
    The Gold Rushes, by W.P. Morrell
    1. The Gold Rushes by W.P. Morrell
    The American Historical Review, October 1941, p. 89
  14. History of the Canadian Pacific Railway (1923)
    1 Review
  15. Labor in Canadian-American Relations (1937)
    The History of Labor Interaction and Labor Costs and Labor Standards
    4 Reviews
  16. [+]
    New England and Middle Colonies and States (Review)
    New England's Fishing Industry, by Edward A. Ackerman
    1. New England's Fishing Industry by Edward A. Ackerman
    The American Historical Review, July 1942, pp. 948-949
  17. [+]
    Shorter Notices (Review)
    The Federal Railway Land Subsidy Policy of Canada, by James B. Hedges
    1. The Federal Railway Land Subsidy Policy of Canada by James B. Hedges
    The American Historical Review, April 1935, pp. 571-572
  18. No Items Found