The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Howard Husock Archives
Howard Husock •ï¿½37 Items / 1 Book, 34 Articles, 2 Reviews
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  1. America's First War on Poverty
    The Wilson Quarterly, Spring 1990, pp. 78-91
  2. America's Most Successful Communist
    City Journal, Summer 2005, pp. 88-99
  3. America's Trillion Dollar Housing Mistake (2003)
    The Failure of American Housing Policy
    1 Review
  4. Atlanta's Public-Housing Revolution
    City Journal, September 2, 2010, pp. 74-81
  5. [+]
    Blacks, Jews, and Neighborhood Change (Review)
    The Death of an American Jewish Community, by Hillel Levine and Lawrence Harmon
    1. The Death of an American Jewish Community by Hillel Levine and Lawrence Harmon
    The Public Interest, Spring 1992, pp. 118-125
  6. Articles
    Boston after Louise Day Hicks
    No More Mileage in Busing
    The Nation, December 31, 1977, pp. 710-711
  7. Bringing Back the Settlement House
    The Public Interest, Fall 1992, pp. 53-72
  8. Broken Ladder
    Government Thwarts Affordable Housing
    Policy Review, March 1997, pp. 46-50
  9. Don't Let CDCs Fool You
    City Journal, Summer 2001, pp. 68-75
  10. The Housing Reform That Backfired
    City Journal, Summer 2004, pp. 81-87
  11. How Charlotte Is Revolutionizing Public Housing
    City Journal, Spring 2000, pp. 52-59
  12. How the Agency Saved My Father
    City Journal, Spring 1999, pp. 38-59
  13. The Landlord as Entrepreneur
    Scorned in Story and Song, Landlording Is Actually a Classic Route into Business Life.
    The American Enterprise, July 1997, pp. 66-67
  14. Let's Break up the Big Cities
    City Journal, Winter 1998, pp. 71-87
  15. Let's End Housing Vouchers
    City Journal, Autumn 2000, pp. 84-91
  16. Mocking the Middle Class
    The Perverse Effects of Housing Subsidies
    Policy Review, Spring 1991, pp. 65-69
  17. Moving Out of Public Housing
    The Public Interest, Winter 2003, pp. 89-100
  18. New Frontiers in Affordable Housing
    Homeownership for Low-Income New Yorkers
    City Journal, Spring 1993, pp. 76-84
  19. New Philanthropists Talk Left, Act Right
    City Journal, Winter 2006, pp. 96-103
  20. New York's Unsung Taxi Triumph
    City Journal, Autumn 1999, pp. 72-79
  21. Now Pot Time Limits on Public Housing
    Public Housing Programs Need the Same Kinds of Fixes Welfare Programs Are Receiving.
    The American Enterprise, January 1997, pp. 70-72
  22. American Music
    Popular Song
    The Wilson Quarterly, Summer 1988, pp. 49-65
  23. Postcard Brookline: Local Hero
    The New Republic, May 30, 1988, pp. 12-13
  24. Public Housing as a "Poorhouse"
    The Public Interest, Fall 1997, pp. 73-85
  25. Rediscovering the Three-Decker House
    The Public Interest, Winter 1990, pp. 49-60
  26. [+]
    The Roots of Homelessness (3 Reviews)
    New Homeless and Old, by Charles Hoch and Robert A. Slayton
    1. New Homeless and Old by Charles Hoch and Robert A. Slayton
    2. Address Unknown by James D. Wright
    3. The Excluded Americans by William Tucker
    Critical Review, Fall 1990, pp. 505-522
  27. Singapore Diarist
    City Journal, Spring 2002, pp. 120-122
  28. Slums of Hope
    City Journal, December 2009, pp. 75-82
  29. Soundings
    Appalled by Sprawl?
    City Journal, Spring 1999, p. 10
  30. Soundings
    A Model Park
    City Journal, Autumn 1999, p. 10
  31. Soundings
    The Frozen Neighborhood
    City Journal, Autumn 2000, p. 6
  32. Soundings
    Adios, San Fernando Valley
    City Journal, Autumn 2001, p. 8
  33. Subsidizing Discrimination at Starrett City
    City Journal, Winter 1992, pp. 48-53
  34. Uplifting the "Dangerous Classes"
    City Journal, Winter 2008, pp. 110-117
  35. Urban Iconoclast
    Jane Jacobs Revisited
    City Journal, Winter 1994, pp. 110-115
  36. No Items Found