The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Geoffrey F. Hudson Archives
Geoffrey F. Hudson •ï¿½75 Items / 47 Articles, 18 Reviews, 10 Books
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  1. After the Shokku
    Survey, Autumn 1972, pp. 150-153
  2. America, Britain, and the Middle East
    Commentary, June 1956, pp. 516-521
  3. [+]
    An Apologia for Adolf Hitler (Review)
    The Origins of the Second World War, by A.J.P. Taylor
    1. The Origins of the Second World War by A.J.P. Taylor
    Commentary, February 1962, pp. 178-186
  4. An Atlas of Far Eastern Politics (1942)
    1 Review
  5. Balance Sheet on Bandung
    Commentary, June 1955, pp. 562-567
  6. The Basis for Our Defense of Formosa
    Commentary, March 1955, pp. 236-241
  7. Berlin: The Menaced City
    Commentary, April 1959, pp. 310-315
  8. [+]
    The Big Three (Review)
    America, Britain and Russia: Their Cooperation and Conflict 1941-1946, by William Hardy...
    1. America, Britain and Russia: Their Cooperation and Conflict 1941-1946 by William Hardy McNeill
    Encounter, June 1954, pp. 81-85
  9. Tensions in the British Community
    Britain in the Nuclear Age
    Current History, June 1958, pp. 321-326
  10. Britain, the U.S., and Asia
    Encounter, December 1953, pp. 20-25
  11. British Flexibility and the Cold War
    Current History, November 1959, pp. 267-271
  12. Can the Middle East Be Held?
    Commentary, August 1958, pp. 93-100
  13. China and the Communist Movement
    Survey, January 1966, pp. 59-66
  14. [+]
    China-Then and Now I. (Review)
    The Chinese and Their Rebellions, by T.T. Meadows
    1. The Chinese and Their Rebellions by T.T. Meadows
    Encounter, January 1955, pp. 76-77
  15. China's New Diplomacy: A Symposium (I)
    Problems of Communism, November 1971, pp. 6-8
  16. [+]
    Communism in Asia (4 Reviews)
    Collision of East and West, by Herrymon Maurer
    1. Collision of East and West by Herrymon Maurer
    2. The State of Asia by Lawrence K. Rosinger
    3. The China Story by Freda Utley
    4. Failure in Japan by Robert B. Textor
    Commentary, September 1951, pp. 294-296
  17. [+]
    Communism on the Continent (Review)
    European Communism, by Franz Borkenau
    1. European Communism by Franz Borkenau
    Commentary, May 1954, pp. 518-519
  18. Comment
    Divided We Stand
    Encounter, May 1955, pp. 44-49
  19. Europe and China (1931)
    A Survey of Their Relations from the Earliest Times to 1800
    1 Review
  20. The Far East in World Politics (1937)
    A Study in Recent History
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  21. Far Eastern Affairs, Number One (1957)
    2 Reviews
  22. Far Eastern Affairs, Number Three (1964)
    1 Review
  23. Fifty Years of Communism (1968)
    Theory and Practice, 1917-1967
    5 Reviews
  24. Notes and Topics
    Footnote to Mr. Crankshaw
    Encounter, November 1959, pp. 57-58
  25. [+]
    From Marx to Mao (4 Reviews)
    Warlord: Yen Hsi-shan in Shansi Province, 1911-1949, by Donald G. Gillin
    1. Warlord: Yen Hsi-shan in Shansi Province, 1911-1949 by Donald G. Gillin
    2. Li Ta-Chao and the Origins of Chinese Marxism by Maurice Meisner
    3. A Study of the Chinese Communist Movement, 1927-1934 by Shanti Swarup
    4. Mao Tse-tung in Opposition, 1927-1935 by John E. Rue and S.R. Rue
    Problems of Communism, May 1968, pp. 59-63
  26. [+]
    From Shang Bronzes to Hiroshige (5 Reviews)
    Chinese Art, by Mario Prodan
    1. Chinese Art by Mario Prodan
    2. Chinese Painting by Peter C. Swann
    3. An Introduction to the Arts of Japan by Peter C. Swann
    4. Two Thousand Years of Japanese Art by Yukio Yashiro and Peter C. Swann
    5. Masterpieces of the Japanese Color Woodcut by Willy Boller
    Encounter, April 1959, pp. 46-47
  27. The Hard and Bitter Peace (1967)
    World Politics Since 1945
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  28. [+]
    Hiroshima and after (2 Reviews)
    Japan Subdued, by Herbert Feis
    1. Japan Subdued by Herbert Feis
    2. Children of the Ashes by Robert Jungk
    Encounter, April 1962, pp. 78-80
  29. A History of China (1951)
    2 Reviews
  30. Books
    Hostile Coexistence (9 Reviews)
    Peaceful Co-Existence, by Wladyslaw W. Kulski
    1. Peaceful Co-Existence by Wladyslaw W. Kulski
    2. Is Peaceful Co-Existence Possible? by Michael Lindsay
    3. The Great Contest by Isaac Deutscher
    4. Russia and the West Under Lenin and Stalin by George F. Kennan
    5. Russia, America, and the World by Louis Fischer
    6. Neither War Nor Peace by Hugh Seton-Watson
    7. The Khrushchev Pattern by Frank Gibney
    8. The Soviet Cultural Offensive by Frederick C. Barghoorn
    9. The Challenge of Coexistence by Milton Kovner
    Problems of Communism, July 1961, pp. 31-36
  31. How Unified Is the Commonwealth?
    Foreign Affairs, July 1955, pp. 679-688
  32. [+]
    In Quest of an Asian Policy (3 Reviews)
    Crusade in Asia: Philippine Victory, by Carlos P. Romulo
    1. Crusade in Asia: Philippine Victory by Carlos P. Romulo
    2. Wanted: An Asian Policy by Edwin O. Reischauer
    3. An American Policy in Asia by Walter W. Rostow and Richard W. Hatch
    Commentary, July 1955, pp. 95-98
  33. [+]
    Intervention & Non-Intervention (Review)
    China and Soviet Russia, by Henry Wei
    1. China and Soviet Russia by Henry Wei
    Commentary, November 1956, pp. 486-494
  34. The Lesson of Yalta
    Commentary, April 1954, pp. 373-380
  35. Mao and Moscow
    Foreign Affairs, October 1957, pp. 78-90
  36. Mao, Marx and Moscow
    Foreign Affairs, July 1959, pp. 561-572
  37. Books and Writers
    Mme. de Beauvoir in China (Review)
    The Long March, by Simone de Beauvoir
    1. The Long March by Simone de Beauvoir
    Encounter, February 1959, pp. 64-66
  38. Moscow and Peiping
    Seeds of Conflict?
    Problems of Communism, November 1956, pp. 17-23
  39. Book Reviews: Eight Views of the Chinese Colossus
    A Nation Under Pressure (5 Reviews)
    An Economic Survey of Communist China, by Yuan-li Wu
    1. An Economic Survey of Communist China by Yuan-li Wu
    2. China Under Communism: The First Five Years by Richard L. Walker
    3. China and the Cold War by Michael Lindsay
    4. Economic Planning in Communist China by Ronald Hsia
    5. Economic Development in New China by Birendranath Ganguli
    Problems of Communism, January 1956, pp. 43-45
  40. Needed: A Pacific Pact
    Commentary, April 1951, pp. 307-311
  41. Negotiating an End to the Cold War
    Commentary, September 1955, pp. 193-199
  42. China
    New Phase of Mao's Revolution
    Problems of Communism, November 1958, pp. 8-14
  43. [+]
    Oppression by Category (Review)
    Report on Southern Africa, by Basil Davidson
    1. Report on Southern Africa by Basil Davidson
    Commentary, December 1952, pp. 623-626
  44. The Paradox of Jawaharlal Nehru
    Commentary, December 1956, pp. 525-532
  45. The Peking-Moscow Axis
    Commentary, December 1958, pp. 492-497
  46. Point Fourism Is Not Enough
    Commentary, April 1953, pp. 346-351
  47. Books
    A Probing Policy (2 Reviews)
    China's Turbulent Quest, by Harold C. Hinton
    1. China's Turbulent Quest by Harold C. Hinton
    2. Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy by Peter Van Ness
    Problems of Communism, January 1971, pp. 75-76
  48. Professor Toynbee Surrenders the West
    Commentary, May 1953, pp. 469-474
  49. Prospects at the Far Eastern Peace Table
    Commentary, September 1953, pp. 191-198
  50. Reform and Revolution in Asia (1972)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  51. The Return to Wishful Thinking
    Commentary, January 1954, pp. 1-8
  52. [+]
    The Screen: Hawking the Bible (Review)
    Encounters With Lenin, by Nikolai Valentinov
    1. Encounters With Lenin by Nikolai Valentinov
    Commonweal, May 2, 1969, p. 210
  53. Russia and China
    The Dilemmas of Power
    Foreign Affairs, October 1960, pp. 1-10
  54. Russian and China
    Survey, June 1962, pp. 39-47
  55. [+]
    Russian or Marxist? (3 Reviews)
    German Marxism and Russian Communism, by John P. Plamenatz
    1. German Marxism and Russian Communism by John P. Plamenatz
    2. Pan-Slavism: Its History and Ideology by Hans Kohn
    3. How Russia Is Ruled by Merle Fainsod
    Encounter, September 1954, pp. 74-77
  56. Notes and Topics
    A Second Holland?
    Encounter, June 1959, p. 55
  57. The Sino-Soviet Dispute (1961)
    Documented and Analysed
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  58. Soviet Fears of the West
    Current History, May 1962, pp. 291-295
  59. Soviet Soft Line Towards the West
    Current History, October 1963, pp. 230-234
  60. The Stability of Mao's Regime
    Current History, December 1960, pp. 327-332
  61. Taking Stock After Geneva
    What Is the Iron Curtain For?
    Commentary, December 1955, pp. 512-517
  62. That Ten per Cent
    Encounter, July 1962, pp. 54-57
  63. The Far East In The Free World
    The Two Chinas
    Current History, July 1956, pp. 1-6
  64. [+]
    Vietnam (Review)
    The Smaller Dragon, by Joseph Buttinger
    1. The Smaller Dragon by Joseph Buttinger
    Encounter, September 1958, pp. 84-85
  65. War and Peace Today
    Moscow's Aims Have Not Changed
    Commentary, March 1958, pp. 209-216
  66. Views and Reviews
    The Warsaw Uprising
    Another View
    Survey, Autumn 1970, pp. 188-194
  67. What Next in Explosive Iran?
    Commentary, July 1951, pp. 45-50
  68. Who Is Guilty of the Katyn Massacre?
    Commentary, March 1952, pp. 203-208
  69. Why Asians Hate the West
    Commentary, May 1952, pp. 411-418
  70. Why Did Khruschev Do It?
    Commentary, May 1957, pp. 439-446
  71. Why We Must Defend Formosa
    Commentary, April 1955, pp. 313-319
  72. Will Britain and America Split in Asia?
    Foreign Affairs, July 1953, pp. 536-547
  73. No Items Found