The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
John A. Hobson Archives
John A. Hobson •ï¿½121 Items / 39 Books, 50 Articles, 32 Reviews
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  1. America and Internationalism
    The Nation, May 27, 1925, pp. 599-600
  2. [+]
    Beyond Politics (Review)
    The Passing of Politics, by William Kay Wallace
    1. The Passing of Politics by William Kay Wallace
    The Nation, February 11, 1925, pp. 161-162
  3. The Blundering British Budget
    The Nation, September 30, 1931, p. 328
  4. Britain's Prosperity
    The New Republic, April 29, 1916, pp. 339-340
  5. Britain's Protective Budget
    The Nation, May 18, 1932, p. 568
  6. Britain's Public Finance
    The Nation, October 4, 1919, pp. 456-457
  7. International Relations Section
    Britain's Vanishing Farmer
    The Nation, June 18, 1930, pp. 714-718
  8. [+]
    British Coal (Review)
    The British Coal Dilemma, by Isador Lubin and Helen Everett
    1. The British Coal Dilemma by Isador Lubin and Helen Everett
    The Nation, June 13, 1928, p. 671
  9. International Relations Section
    The British Empire in Conference
    The Nation, December 10, 1930, p. 662
  10. The British Imperial Conference
    The Nation, October 1, 1930, pp. 342-343
  11. [+]
    The British Parliamentary Scene (Review)
    The Public Life, by John A. Spender
    1. The Public Life by John A. Spender
    The Nation, October 14, 1925, p. 425
  12. A Communication
    The New Republic, June 30, 1937, p. 224
  13. [+]
    A Compendium of Imperialism (Review)
    Imperialism and World Politics, by Parker Thomas Moon
    1. Imperialism and World Politics by Parker Thomas Moon
    The Nation, January 19, 1927, p. 68
  14. Compulsory Arbitration
    The North American Review, November 1902, pp. 597-606
  15. The Conditions of Industrial Peace (1927)
    1 Review
  16. Confessions of an Economic Heretic (1938)
    An Autobiography
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  17. The Crisis in British Politics
    The Nation, May 15, 1929, p. 581
  18. The Crisis of Liberalism (1909)
    New Issues of Democracy
    2 Reviews
  19. The Cry for Productivity
    The Nation, March 18, 1925, pp. 290-291
  20. Books
    Democracies and Democracy (Review)
    Modern Democracies, by James Bryce
    1. Modern Democracies by James Bryce
    The Nation, May 4, 1921, p. 666
  21. Democracy After the War (1917)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  22. Democracy and a Changing Civilisation (1934)
    1 Review
  23. [+]
    Disraeli and Gladstone (2 Reviews)
    Benjamin Disraeli: The Romance of a Great Career, 1804-1881, by Edward Clarke
    1. Benjamin Disraeli: The Romance of a Great Career, 1804-1881 by Edward Clarke
    2. Disraeli and Gladstone by D.C. Somervell
    The Nation, December 8, 1926, p. 607
  24. [+]
    A Distinguished Editor (Review)
    Life, Journalism and Politics, by John A. Spender
    1. Life, Journalism and Politics by John A. Spender
    The Nation, December 7, 1927, pp. 648-649
  25. New Books
    The Economic Freedom of Woman (Review)
    Woman and Labour, by Olive Schreiner
    1. Woman and Labour by Olive Schreiner
    The Bookman (U.K.), April 1911, p. 33
  26. [+]
    An Economic Interpretation of Modern History (Review)
    Thirty Years of Modern History, by William Kay Wallace
    1. Thirty Years of Modern History by William Kay Wallace
    The Nation, February 16, 1927, p. 184
  27. The Economic Situation in Great Britain
    The Nation, November 1, 1922, pp. 459-460
  28. The Economic Union of Europe
    The Living Age, November 1, 1926, pp. 197-203
  29. The Economic Urge Toward Free Trade
    The Nation, July 1, 1925, pp. 24-27
  30. Economics and Ethics (1929)
    A Study in Social Values
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  31. The Economics for a People's Front
    The Labour Monthly, January 1937, pp. 20-23
  32. [+]
    Economics in Europe (2 Reviews)
    What Next in Europe?, by Frank A. Vanderlip
    1. What Next in Europe? by Frank A. Vanderlip
    2. A Revision of the Treaty by John Maynard Keynes
    The Nation, April 12, 1922, p. 433
  33. The Economics of Distribution (1900)
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  34. International Relations Section
    The Economics of Reparation
    The Nation, August 31, 1921, pp. 243-250
  35. The Economics of Reparation (1921)
  36. The Economics of Thorstein Veblen
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1937, pp. 139-144
  37. England on the Edge of Chaos
    The Nation, December 9, 1931, pp. 637-640
  38. General Articles
    England's Changing War-Mind
    The New Republic, September 18, 1915, pp. 173-174
  39. England's Coal Tragedy
    The Nation, January 9, 1929, p. 39
  40. England's Economic Plight
    The Nation, November 23, 1927, pp. 567-568
  41. England's Industrial Outlook
    The Nation, October 31, 1928, pp. 446-448
  42. England's Plunge into Protection
    The Nation, October 12, 1921, p. 398
  43. England's Plunge Into Protection
    The Living Age, December 10, 1921, pp. 645-648
  44. The Evolution of Modern Capitalism (1894)
    A Study of Machine Production
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  45. The Fight for Democracy (1917)
  46. General Articles
    Forethoughts about the Conference
    The New Republic, June 21, 1933, p. 143
  47. Free Trade and British Labor
    The Nation, February 13, 1929, p. 184
  48. Free-Thought in the Social Sciences (1926)
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  49. [+]
    A French View of England (Review)
    Post-War Britain, by Andre Siegfried
    1. Post-War Britain by Andre Siegfried
    The Nation, February 24, 1926, p. 207
  50. The German Panic (1913)
  51. [+]
    Germany's "Moral Offensive" (Review)
    Die Moralische Offensive, by Max von Baden
    1. Die Moralische Offensive by Max von Baden
    The Nation, December 7, 1921, pp. 661-663
  52. The Gold Standard
    The Nation, April 29, 1925, pp. 487-488
  53. A Great Editor
    The Nation, August 21, 1929, p. 192
  54. [+]
    The Great Queen (Review)
    The Letters of Queen Victoria: Second Series, 1862-1878, by George Earle Buckle and Que...
    1. The Letters of Queen Victoria: Second Series, 1862-1878 by George Earle Buckle and Queen Victoria
    The Nation, June 30, 1926, p. 726
  55. How Can England Pay the Bill?
    The New Republic, July 10, 1915, pp. 255-256
  56. Imperialism: A Study (1902)
    6 Reviews, 3 Readable
  57. In Praise of Muddling Through
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1926, pp. 177-184
  58. Incentives in the New Industrial Order (1923)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  59. The Industrial System (1909)
    An Inquiry Into Earned and Unearned Income
    1 Review
  60. The Influence of Machinery
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1893, pp. 97-123
  61. International Trade (1904)
    An Application of Economic Theory
    1 Review
  62. John Ruskin, Social Reformer (1899)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  63. [+]
    The King Business (Review)
    King Edward VII: A Biography, by Sidney Lee
    1. King Edward VII: A Biography by Sidney Lee
    The Nation, February 8, 1928, p. 158
  64. [+]
    Labor and Internatinalism (Review)
    Labor and Internationalism, by Lewis L. Lorwin
    1. Labor and Internationalism by Lewis L. Lorwin
    The Nation, August 21, 1929, p. 201
  65. The Liberal Revival in England
    The Nation, June 20, 1928, pp. 689-690
  66. The Limited Market
    The Nation, April 1, 1925, pp. 350-351
  67. [+]
    Lloyd George (Review)
    The Prime Minister, by Harold Spender
    1. The Prime Minister by Harold Spender
    The Nation, October 13, 1920, p. 415
  68. Lloyd George's Land Campaign
    The Nation, November 11, 1925, pp. 542-543
  69. [+]
    Lord Bryce and Economics (3 Reviews)
    International Relations, by James Bryce
    1. International Relations by James Bryce
    2. Russia's Foreign Relations During the Last Half Century by S.A. Korff
    3. Near Eastern Affairs and Conditions by Stephen Panaretoff
    The Nation, October 11, 1922, pp. 380-381
  70. [+]
    Lord Palmerston (Review)
    The Triumph of Lord Palmerston, by B. Kingsley Martin
    1. The Triumph of Lord Palmerston by B. Kingsley Martin
    The Nation, March 25, 1925, p. 331
  71. A Modern Outlook (1910)
    Studies of English and American Tendencies
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  72. [+]
    Mr. Massingham (Review)
    H. W. M., by H.W. Massingham
    1. H. W. M. by H.W. Massingham
    The Nation, September 9, 1925, p. 283
  73. [+]
    The National Myth (Review)
    Political Myths and Economic Realities, by Francis Delaisi
    1. Political Myths and Economic Realities by Francis Delaisi
    The Nation, November 23, 1927, p. 575
  74. Neo-Classical Economics in Britain
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1925, pp. 337-383
  75. The New Holy Alliance
    The Nation, April 19, 1919, pp. 626-627
  76. The New Protectionism (1916)
    1 Review
  77. [+]
    One More Mr. Wilson (Review)
    Woodrow Wilson and His Work, by William E. Dodd
    1. Woodrow Wilson and His Work by William E. Dodd
    The Nation, August 14, 1920, p. 189
  78. [+]
    Our Burden (Review)
    The White Man's Dilemma, by Nathaniel Peffer
    1. The White Man's Dilemma by Nathaniel Peffer
    The Nation, June 6, 1928, p. 647
  79. Books
    Our Social Heritage (Review)
    Our Social Heritage, by Graham Wallas
    1. Our Social Heritage by Graham Wallas
    The Nation, September 21, 1921, p. 322
  80. [+]
    Our Wasteful World (Review)
    The Decay of Capitalist Civilization, by Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb
    1. The Decay of Capitalist Civilization by Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb
    The Nation, April 18, 1923, p. 472
  81. [+]
    The People and the Diplomats (Review)
    Secret Diplomacy: How Far Can It Be Eliminated?, by Paul S. Reinsch
    1. Secret Diplomacy: How Far Can It Be Eliminated? by Paul S. Reinsch
    The Nation, July 19, 1922, p. 73
  82. [+]
    Poor Law (Review)
    The English Poor Law History, by Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb
    1. The English Poor Law History by Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb
    The Nation, August 7, 1929, p. 146
  83. The Population Question
    The Nation, May 13, 1925, pp. 540-541
  84. [+]
    A Prince of Wales (Review)
    King Edward VII: A Biography, by Sidney Lee
    1. King Edward VII: A Biography by Sidney Lee
    The Nation, June 10, 1925, p. 662
  85. The Problem of the Unemployed (1896)
    An Enquiry and an Economic Policy
    2 Reviews
  86. Problems of a New World (1919)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  87. Problems of Poverty (1891)
    1 Review
  88. The Psychology of Jingoism (1901)
  89. Rationalization and Unemployment (1930)
    As Economic Dilemmas
    2 Reviews
  90. Rationalization in British Industry
    The Nation, January 25, 1928, p. 95
  91. "Recovery" in Great Britain
    The Nation, May 23, 1934, pp. 588-589
  92. [+]
    The Religion of the State (Review)
    Essays on Nationalism, by Carlton J.H. Hayes
    1. Essays on Nationalism by Carlton J.H. Hayes
    The Nation, October 13, 1926, p. 378
  93. [+]
    A Report on British Industry (Review)
    The Onditions and Prospects of British Industry and Commerce,
    1. The Onditions and Prospects of British Industry and Commerce
    The Nation, May 29, 1929, pp. 650-651
  94. Representative Government in British Industry
    The New Republic, September 1, 1917, pp. 130-131
  95. The Rich Socialist
    The Nation, May 18, 1927, p. 556
  96. Richard Cobden: The International Man (1919)
    3 Reviews
  97. The Science of Wealth (1911)
  98. The Scientific Basis of Imperialism
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1902, pp. 460-489
  99. The Social Problem (1901)
    Life and Work
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  100. "Socialism" in Britain and America
    The Nation, April 15, 1925, pp. 408-409
  101. A Sovereign People: A Study of Swiss Democracy (1907)
    1 Review
  102. The Tariff Victory in Britain
    The Nation, April 6, 1932, pp. 393-394
  103. Taxation in the New State (1919)
    2 Reviews
  104. [+]
    Three Statesmen (3 Reviews)
    Lord Shaftesbury, and Social-Industrial Progress, by J. Wesley Bready
    1. Lord Shaftesbury, and Social-Industrial Progress by J. Wesley Bready
    2. Richard Cobden and Foreign Policy by William Harbutt Dawson
    3. Lord Brougham, and the Whig Party by Arthur Aspinall
    The Nation, March 21, 1928, p. 324
  105. Towards International Government (1915)
    2 Reviews
  106. [+]
    Turkey, Egypt, India (Review)
    The Changing East, by John A. Spender
    1. The Changing East by John A. Spender
    The Nation, March 30, 1927, p. 345
  107. Unemployment in England
    The Nation, January 27, 1926, pp. 79-80
  108. The United States of Europe
    The Nation, October 30, 1929, pp. 484-485
  109. Veblen (1937)
    1 Review
  110. The War in South Africa (1899)
    Its Causes and Effects
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  111. Why the War Came as a Surprise
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1920, pp. 337-359
  112. [+]
    Women and Wages (Review)
    Victorian Working Women, by Wanda Fraiken Neff
    1. Victorian Working Women by Wanda Fraiken Neff
    The Nation, December 11, 1929, p. 723
  113. Work and Wealth: A Human Valuation (1914)
    2 Reviews
  114. The World's Economic Crisis
    The Nation, July 20, 1932, p. 53
  115. No Items Found