The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Richard J. Hinton Archives
Richard J. Hinton •ï¿½11 Items / 8 Books, 3 Articles
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  1. American Labor Organizations
    The North American Review, January 1885, pp. 48-62
  2. Cuban Reconstruction
    The North American Review, January 1899, pp. 92-102
  3. The Handbook to Arizona (1878)
    Its Resources, History, Towns, Mines, Ruins, and Scenery
  4. Irrigation in the United States (1890)
    A Report
  5. John Brown and His Men (1894)
    With Some Account of the Roads They Travelled to Reach Harper's Ferry
    1 Review
  6. The Newer West (1890)
  7. Organization of Labor: its Aggressive Phases
    The Atlantic Monthly, May 1871, pp. 544-558
  8. Poems by Richard Realf (1898)
    Poet, Soldier, Workman
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  9. Rebel Invasion of Missouri and Kansas (1865)
    And the Campaign of the Army of the Border Against General Sterling Price, in...
  10. No Items Found