The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Arthur Hertzberg Archives
Arthur Hertzberg •ï¿½58 Items / 10 Books, 37 Articles, 11 Reviews
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  1. American Jews Through Israeli Eyes
    Commentary, January 1950, pp. 1-7
  2. American Zionism at an Impasse
    Commentary, October 1949, pp. 340-345
  3. Begin and the Jews
    An Exchange
    The New York Review of Books, April 29, 1982, p. 44
  4. Begin and the Jews
    The New York Review of Books, February 18, 1982, pp. 11-12
  5. Being Jewish in America (1979)
    1 Review
  6. [+]
    The Best Man (Review)
    A Life in Peace and War, by Brian Urquhart
    1. A Life in Peace and War by Brian Urquhart
    The New York Review of Books, November 5, 1987, pp. 27-29
  7. The case for untidiness
    Commonweal, November 30, 1984, pp. 655-657
  8. Articles
    Church, State, and the Jews
    Commentary, April 1963, pp. 277-288
  9. [+]
    A Contemporary Koheleth (Review)
    Koheleth: The Man and His World, by Robert Gordis
    1. Koheleth: The Man and His World by Robert Gordis
    Commentary, September 1952, pp. 289-291
  10. Diaspora Dissent
    The Nation, March 22, 1980, pp. 324-325
  11. Dissent and Israel
    An Exchange
    The New York Review of Books, November 18, 1982, pp. 73-76
  12. The Fate of Zionism (2003)
    A Secular Future for Israel & Palestine
    1 Review
  13. [+]
    A Forgotten Voice (Review)
    Hayim Greenberg Anthology, by Marie Syrkin and Hayim Greenberg
    1. Hayim Greenberg Anthology by Marie Syrkin and Hayim Greenberg
    Commentary, September 1969, pp. 98-99
  14. The French Enlightenment and the Jews (1968)
    5 Reviews
  15. Glasnost and the Jews
    The New York Review of Books, October 22, 1987, pp. 20-23
  16. History and Jewish Historians (1964)
    Essays and Addresses
    1 Review
  17. The Illusion of Jewish Unity
    The New York Review of Books, June 16, 1988, pp. 6-11
  18. [+]
    The Impasse Over Israel (5 Reviews)
    Palestine and Israel, by John Quigley
    1. Palestine and Israel by John Quigley
    2. Israel, Palestinians and the Intifada by Geoffrey Aronson
    3. Arafat by Janet Wallach and John Wallach
    4. Palestine and Israel by David McDowall
    5. The False Prophet by Robert I. Friedman
    The New York Review of Books, October 25, 1990, pp. 41-47
  19. [+]
    Is Anti-Semitism Dying Out? (5 Reviews)
    Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred, by Robert S. Wistrich
    1. Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred by Robert S. Wistrich
    2. The History of Anti-Semitism by Leon Poliakov
    3. What do We Know About Black Anti-Semitism? by Jennifer L. Golub
    4. Attitudes Towards Jews in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia by Renae Cohen and Jennifer L. Golub
    5. Attitudes Toward Jews in the Soviet Union by Lev Gudkov
    The New York Review of Books, June 24, 1993, pp. 51-57
  20. [+]
    "Island Within" (Review)
    The American Jew: Character and Destiny, by Ludwig Lewisohn
    1. The American Jew: Character and Destiny by Ludwig Lewisohn
    The Nation, January 27, 1951, p. 89
  21. Israel
    The Tragedy of Victory
    The New York Review of Books, May 28, 1987, pp. 12-17
  22. Israel
    The Uprising
    The New York Review of Books, February 4, 1988, pp. 30-32
  23. Israel and American Jewry
    Commentary, August 1967, pp. 69-74
  24. Israel and the Palestinians
    An Exchange
    The New York Review of Books, March 7, 1991, p. 52
  25. Israel and the West Bank
    The Implications of Permanent Control
    Foreign Affairs, Summer 1983, pp. 1064-1077
  26. A Jew in America (2002)
    My Life and a People's Struggle for Identity
    1 Review
  27. Jewish Education Must Be Religious Education
    Commentary, May 1953, pp. 448-453
  28. Jewish Polemics (1992)
    1 Review
  29. The Jews in America (1989)
    Four Centuries of an Uneasy Encounter: A History
    3 Reviews
  30. Jews: The Essence and Character of a People (1998)
    2 Reviews
  31. Judaism (1962)
  32. Left Bank of the Yarkon
    The Nation, June 10, 1950, pp. 567-569
  33. Letters
    Commentary, June 1988, pp. 2-16
  34. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, October 24, 1968, pp. 37-40
  35. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, March 15, 1990, pp. 53-56
  36. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, September 23, 1993, pp. 67-72
  37. Liberalism & the Jews
    Commentary, January 1980, p. 42
  38. A Lost Chance for Peace
    The New York Review of Books, March 5, 1992, pp. 20-24
  39. [+]
    Modern Jewish Dilemmas (Review)
    Abraham Geiger and Liberal Judaism, by Max Wiener and Abraham Geiger
    1. Abraham Geiger and Liberal Judaism by Max Wiener and Abraham Geiger
    Commentary, February 1963, pp. 172-173
  40. An Open Letter to Elie Weisel
    The New York Review of Books, August 18, 1988, pp. 13-14
  41. Reagan and the Jews
    The New York Review of Books, January 31, 1985, pp. 11-13
  42. Religion and Culture
    Jewish and Christian Versions
    Commonweal, September 28, 1962, pp. 8-9
  43. The Return of Maimonides
    The New York Review of Books, September 25, 1986, pp. 58-61
  44. Showdown
    The New York Review of Books, October 24, 1991, pp. 23-24
  45. A Small Peace for the Middle East
    Foreign Affairs, January 2001, pp. 139-147
  46. The State of Jewish Belief
    Commentary, August 1966, pp. 99-100
  47. The Tragedy and the Hope
    The New York Review of Books, October 21, 1982, pp. 22-26
  48. The Turning Point?
    The New York Review of Books, October 13, 1988, pp. 56-59
  49. [+]
    Up Against the Wailing Wall (Review)
    Jerusalem, Jerusalem, by Lesley Hazleton
    1. Jerusalem, Jerusalem by Lesley Hazleton
    The Nation, June 21, 1986, p. 864
  50. The View from Cairo
    The New York Review of Books, June 26, 1980, p. 45
  51. Waiting for the Messiah
    Commonweal, May 8, 1992, pp. 11-12
  52. What Future for American Jews?
    The New York Review of Books, November 23, 1989, pp. 26-31
  53. [+]
    Writing Jewish History (Review)
    Jews, God, and History, by Max I. Dimont
    1. Jews, God, and History by Max I. Dimont
    Commentary, September 1963, p. 256
  54. Books in Review
    You Can Come Home Again (Review)
    In Search: An Autobiography, by Meyer Levin
    1. In Search: An Autobiography by Meyer Levin
    Commentary, February 1951, p. 197
  55. A Symposium
    Zionism at 100
    The New Republic, September 8, 1997, pp. 1-48
  56. The Zionist Idea (1959)
    A Historical Analysis and Reader
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  57. No Items Found