The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Carlton J.H. Hayes Archives
Carlton J.H. Hayes • 172 Items / 97 Articles, 55 Reviews, 19 Books, 1 Set
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  1. America and the Aged
    Commonweal, December 18, 1929, pp. 187-188
  2. Presidential Address
    The American Frontier---Frontier of What?
    The American Historical Review, January 1946, pp. 199-216
  3. The American Way (1936)
    A Study of Human Relations Among Protestants, Catholics, and Jews
    1 Review
  4. Books
    Analysis of Intolerance (Review)
    The Shadow of the Pope, by Michael Williams
    1. The Shadow of the Pope by Michael Williams
    Commonweal, December 14, 1932, pp. 191-193
  5. Ancient and Medieval History (1929)
    1 Review
  6. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Distributive Justice, by John A. Ryan
    1. Distributive Justice by John A. Ryan
    American Political Science Review, November 1917, pp. 766-769
  7. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    Catholic Builders of the Nation, by C.E. McGuire
    1. Catholic Builders of the Nation by C.E. McGuire
    The American Historical Review, July 1924, pp. 779-780
  8. Books of Medieval and Modern European History
    The American Historical Review, July 1914, pp. 902-903
  9. [+]
    Books of Medieval and Modern European History (Review)
    Three Peace Congresses of the Nineteenth Century, by Charles Downer Hazen and William R...
    1. Three Peace Congresses of the Nineteenth Century by Charles Downer Hazen and William Roscoe Thayer, ...
    The American Historical Review, October 1917, pp. 155-156
  10. [+]
    Books of Medieval and Modern European History (Review)
    German Social Democracy During the War, by Edwyn R. Bevan
    1. German Social Democracy During the War by Edwyn R. Bevan
    The American Historical Review, January 1920, pp. 284-285
  11. [+]
    Books of Medieval and Modern European History (Review)
    A History of the Great War, by John Buchan
    1. A History of the Great War by John Buchan
    The American Historical Review, October 1923, pp. 140-142
  12. Books of Medieval and Modern European History
    The American Historical Review, July 1928, p. 867
  13. A Brief History of the Great War (1920)
    3 Reviews
  14. British Social Politics (1913)
    Materials Illustrating Contemporary State Action for the Solution of Social P...
  15. Christian Greece
    Commonweal, January 31, 1941, pp. 368-369
  16. Christianity and Western Civilization (1954)
    Being the Raymond Fred West Memorial Lectures at Standford University April 5...
    2 Reviews
  17. Articles
    Contributions of Herder to the Doctrine of Nationalism
    The American Historical Review, July 1927, pp. 719-736
  18. [+]
    Count Karolyi's Memoirs (Review)
    Fighting the World, by Michael Karolyi
    1. Fighting the World by Michael Karolyi
    The New Republic, April 29, 1925, p. 269
  19. Essays on Nationalism (1926)
    7 Reviews, 2 Readable
  20. [+]
    A Fateful Six Weeks (Review)
    The Coming of the War, 1914, by Bernadotte E. Schmitt
    1. The Coming of the War, 1914 by Bernadotte E. Schmitt
    The Saturday Review, October 25, 1930, p. 263
  21. [+]
    Forty Years of European Diplomacy (Review)
    History of Modern Europe, 1878-1919, by G.P. Gooch
    1. History of Modern Europe, 1878-1919 by G.P. Gooch
    The New Republic, November 21, 1923, pp. 337-338
  22. [+]
    France (Review)
    Edgar Quinet: A Study in French Patriotism, by Richard Howard Powers
    1. Edgar Quinet: A Study in French Patriotism by Richard Howard Powers
    The American Historical Review, October 1957, p. 195
  23. France: A Nation of Patriots (1930)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  24. From One Age to Another
    Commonweal, November 2, 1934, pp. 11-12
  25. [+]
    General (Review)
    Spain and Defense of the West: Ally and Liability, by Arthur P. Whitaker
    1. Spain and Defense of the West: Ally and Liability by Arthur P. Whitaker
    The American Historical Review, July 1961, p. 1002
  26. Reviews of Books
    General Books and Books of Ancient History (Review)
    Public Opinion and the Teaching of History in the United States, by Bessie Louise Pierce
    1. Public Opinion and the Teaching of History in the United States by Bessie Louise Pierce
    The American Historical Review, January 1928, p. 360
  27. [+]
    General History (Review)
    Iron Out of Calvary, by Walter Phelps Hall
    1. Iron Out of Calvary by Walter Phelps Hall
    The American Historical Review, July 1947, pp. 709-710
  28. [+]
    General History (Review)
    An Essay for Our Times, by H. Stuart Hughes
    1. An Essay for Our Times by H. Stuart Hughes
    The American Historical Review, October 1951, p. 94
  29. Reviews of Books
    General History (Review)
    Avenues of History, by Lewis B. Namier
    1. Avenues of History by Lewis B. Namier
    The American Historical Review, April 1953, p. 575
  30. Other Recent Publications
    General History (Review)
    The World and the West, by Arnold J. Toynbee
    1. The World and the West by Arnold J. Toynbee
    The American Historical Review, October 1953, p. 173
  31. A Generation of Materialism, 1871-1900 (1941)
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  32. The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism (1931)
    8 Reviews, 2 Readable
  33. [+]
    History in Fool's Cap (Review)
    The Development of the European Nations, 1870-1914, by J. Holland Rose
    1. The Development of the European Nations, 1870-1914 by J. Holland Rose
    The New Republic, September 6, 1922, p. 53
  34. The History of German Socialism Reconsidered
    The American Historical Review, October 1917, pp. 62-101
  35. Italy and the Vatican Agree, I
    Commonweal, March 27, 1929, pp. 588-590
  36. Italy and the Vatican Agree, II
    Commonweal, April 3, 1929, pp. 619-621
  37. Reviews of Books
    The Jews (Review)
    The Jews, by Hilaire Belloc
    1. The Jews by Hilaire Belloc
    The New Republic, July 12, 1922, p. 193
  38. Let Us Make Peace
    Commonweal, July 1, 1925, p. 203
  39. Reviews of Books
    The Liberal View of the British Empire (Review)
    The Expansion of Europe, by Ramsay Muir
    1. The Expansion of Europe by Ramsay Muir
    The New Republic, December 26, 1923, p. 125
  40. Minor Notices
    The American Historical Review, April 1911, p. 659
  41. Minor Notices
    The American Historical Review, October 1916, p. 199
  42. [+]
    Minor Notices (Review)
    William the Second, by S.C. Hammer
    1. William the Second by S.C. Hammer
    The American Historical Review, July 1918, pp. 892-893
  43. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    Reve et Realite, by H.N. Boon
    1. Reve et Realite by H.N. Boon
    The American Historical Review, April 1937, p. 541
  44. Modern European History
    The American Historical Review, October 1937, pp. 126-127
  45. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    The Dreyfus Case by the Man, Alfred Dreyfus, and His Son, Pierre Dreyfus, by Donald C. ...
    1. The Dreyfus Case by the Man, Alfred Dreyfus, and His Son, Pierre Dreyfus by Donald C. McKay, Alfred Dreyfus, and Pierre Dreyfus, ...
    The American Historical Review, January 1938, pp. 395-396
  46. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    Pan-Slavism: Its History and Ideology, by Hans Kohn
    1. Pan-Slavism: Its History and Ideology by Hans Kohn
    The American Historical Review, January 1954, pp. 374-375
  47. [+]
    Modern European History (Review)
    The Catholics and German Unity, 1866-1871, by George G. Windell
    1. The Catholics and German Unity, 1866-1871 by George G. Windell
    The American Historical Review, October 1955, p. 126
  48. Modern History (1923)
    1 Review
  49. Books
    Modern Italy (Review)
    A History of Italy, 1871-1915, by Benedetto Croce
    1. A History of Italy, 1871-1915 by Benedetto Croce
    Commonweal, December 25, 1929, p. 231
  50. [+]
    The Most Ancient of Governments (Review)
    The Vatican: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, by George Seldes
    1. The Vatican: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow by George Seldes
    The Saturday Review, August 4, 1934, p. 34
  51. Nationalism as a Religion, I
    Commonweal, December 16, 1925, p. 149
  52. Nationalism as a Religion, II
    Commonweal, December 23, 1925, p. 178
  53. Nationalism as a Religion, III
    Commonweal, December 30, 1925, pp. 212-213
  54. Nationalism as a Religion, IV
    Commonweal, January 6, 1926, pp. 236-237
  55. Nationalism as a Religion, v. Carlton
    Commonweal, January 13, 1926, pp. 262-263
  56. Nationalism: A Religion (1960)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  57. Obligations to America
    Commonweal, December 31, 1924, p. 200
  58. Obligations to America
    Commonweal, January 7, 1925, p. 227
  59. Obligations to America
    Commonweal, November 16, 1973, p. 154
  60. Obligations to America, III
    Commonweal, January 14, 1925, pp. 255-256
  61. A Political and Cultural History of Modern Europe, Vol. I (1932)
    Three Centuries of Predominantly Agricultural Society, 1500-1830
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  62. A Political and Cultural History of Modern Europe, Vol. II (1936)
    A Century of Predominantly Industrial Society, 1830-1935
    2 Reviews
  63. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe (1916)
    35 Chapters, 1,430pp - 6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  64. [+]
    A Popular Front against Unreason (Review)
    Force or Reason, by Hans Kohn
    1. Force or Reason by Hans Kohn
    The Saturday Review, April 3, 1937, p. 13
  65. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1907, pp. 748-753
  66. Record of Political Events
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1907, pp. 754-764
  67. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1907, p. 765
  68. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1907, pp. 765-768
  69. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1907, pp. 769-774
  70. Record of Political Events
    VI. Asia and Africa
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1907, pp. 775-776
  71. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1908, pp. 746-751
  72. Record of Political Events
    II. United States
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1908, pp. 752-764
  73. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1908, p. 765
  74. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1908, pp. 766-769
  75. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1908, pp. 770-774
  76. Record of Political Events
    VI. Asia and Africa
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1908, pp. 775-776
  77. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1908, pp. 351-356
  78. Record of Political Events
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1908, pp. 357-369
  79. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1908, p. 370
  80. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1908, pp. 371-374
  81. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1908, pp. 375-382
  82. Record of Political Events
    VI. Asia and Africa
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1908, pp. 383-384
  83. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1909, pp. 730-733
  84. Record of Political Events
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1909, pp. 734-746
  85. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1909, pp. 747-748
  86. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1909, pp. 749-752
  87. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1909, pp. 753-758
  88. Record of Political Events
    VI. Africa and Asia
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1909, pp. 759-760
  89. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1909, pp. 343-346
  90. Record of Political Events
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1909, pp. 347-362
  91. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1909, p. 363
  92. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1909, pp. 364-368
  93. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1909, pp. 369-374
  94. Record of Political Events
    Vi. Asia and Africa
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1909, pp. 375-376
  95. Record of Political Events, by C.H. Hayes and E.M. Sait
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1910, pp. 727-730
  96. Record of Political Events, by C.H. Hayes and E.M. Sait
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1910, pp. 731-744
  97. Record of Political Events, by C.H. Hayes and E.M. Sait
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1910, pp. 745-746
  98. Record of Political Events, by C.H. Hayes and E.M. Sait
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1910, pp. 747-750
  99. Record of Political Events, by C.H. Hayes and E.M. Sait
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1910, pp. 751-757
  100. Record of Political Events, by C.H. Hayes and E.M. Sait
    VI. Africa and Asia
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1910, pp. 758-760
  101. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1910, pp. 360-364
  102. Record of Political Events
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1910, pp. 365-377
  103. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1910, p. 378
  104. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1910, pp. 379-383
  105. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1910, pp. 384-390
  106. Record of Political Events
    VI. Africa and Asia
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1910, pp. 391-392
  107. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1911, pp. 735-739
  108. Record of Political Events
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1911, pp. 740-755
  109. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1911, p. 756
  110. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1911, pp. 757-761
  111. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1911, pp. 762-769
  112. Record of Political Events
    VI. Asia and Africa
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1911, pp. 770-772
  113. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1911, pp. 349-351
  114. Record of Political Events
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1911, pp. 352-368
  115. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1911, pp. 369-370
  116. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1911, pp. 371-373
  117. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1911, pp. 374-379
  118. Record of Political Events
    VI. Africa and Asia
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1911, p. 380
  119. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1912, pp. 351-354
  120. Record of Political Events
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1912, pp. 355-366
  121. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1912, pp. 367-368
  122. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1912, pp. 369-373
  123. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1912, pp. 374-381
  124. Record of Political Events
    VI. Asia and Africa
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1912, pp. 382-384
  125. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1912, pp. 728-735
  126. Record of Political Events
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1912, pp. 736-750
  127. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1912, pp. 751-752
  128. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1912, pp. 753-758
  129. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1912, pp. 759-765
  130. Record of Political Events
    VI. Asia and Africa
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1912, pp. 766-768
  131. Record of Political Events, by Carlton Hayes and E.M. Sait
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1913, pp. 350-355
  132. Record of Political Events, by Carlton Hayes and E.M. Sait
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1913, pp. 356-369
  133. Record of Political Events, by Carlton Hayes and E.M. Sait
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1913, pp. 370-371
  134. Record of Political Events, by Carlton Hayes and E.M. Sait
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1913, pp. 372-375
  135. Record of Political Events, by Carlton Hayes and E.M. Sait
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1913, pp. 376-382
  136. Record of Political Events, by Carlton Hayes and E.M. Sait
    VI. Asia and Africa
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1913, pp. 383-384
  137. Record of Political Events
    I. International Relations
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1913, pp. 706-714
  138. Record of Political Events
    II. The United States
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1913, pp. 715-727
  139. Record of Political Events
    III. Latin America
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1913, pp. 728-730
  140. Record of Political Events
    IV. The British Empire
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1913, pp. 731-738
  141. Record of Political Events
    VI. Asia and Africa
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1913, pp. 750-752
  142. Record of Political Events
    V. Continental Europe
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1913, pp. 739-749
  143. [+]
    Communications (Review)
    Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, by Nesta H. Webster
    1. Secret Societies and Subversive Movements by Nesta H. Webster
    Commonweal, April 29, 1925, p. 693
  144. The Play
    Commonweal, March 9, 1927, p. 500
  145. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Democratic England, by Percy Alden
    1. Democratic England by Percy Alden
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1912, pp. 703-704
  146. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Socialism and Democracy in Europe, by Samuel P. Orth
    1. Socialism and Democracy in Europe by Samuel P. Orth
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1913, pp. 679-680
  147. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Patriots in the Making, by Jonathan French Scott
    1. Patriots in the Making by Jonathan French Scott
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1917, pp. 656-658
  148. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Gambetta, by Paul Deschanel
    1. Gambetta by Paul Deschanel
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1921, pp. 306-307
  149. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The Ku Klux Klan, by John Moffatt Mecklin
    1. The Ku Klux Klan by John Moffatt Mecklin
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1924, pp. 502-505
  150. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    French Patriotism in the Nineteenth Century, by Hugh Fraser Stewart and Paul Desjardins
    1. French Patriotism in the Nineteenth Century by Hugh Fraser Stewart and Paul Desjardins
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1924, pp. 524-525
  151. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The Confederation of Europe, by Walter Alison Phillips
    1. The Confederation of Europe by Walter Alison Phillips
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1915, pp. 673-675
  152. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Nationality in Modern History, by J. Holland Rose
    1. Nationality in Modern History by J. Holland Rose
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1916, pp. 605-609
  153. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The German Empire, 1867-1914, and the Unity Movement, by William Harbutt Dawson
    1. The German Empire, 1867-1914, and the Unity Movement by William Harbutt Dawson
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1920, pp. 641-645
  154. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    History of Modern France, 1815-1913, by Emile Bourgeois
    1. History of Modern France, 1815-1913 by Emile Bourgeois
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1921, pp. 304-305
  155. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Liberalism and Industry, by Ramsay Muir
    1. Liberalism and Industry by Ramsay Muir
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1922, pp. 683-685
  156. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Mr. Lloyd George: A Biography, by E.T. Raymond
    1. Mr. Lloyd George: A Biography by E.T. Raymond
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1923, pp. 307-309
  157. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    National Character, and the Factors in Its Formation, by Ernest Barker
    1. National Character, and the Factors in Its Formation by Ernest Barker
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1928, pp. 428-431
  158. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The Hour of Decision, Part One, by Oswald Spengler
    1. The Hour of Decision, Part One by Oswald Spengler
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1934, pp. 284-285
  159. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Nationality in History and Politics, by Friedrich O. Hertz
    1. Nationality in History and Politics by Friedrich O. Hertz
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1945, pp. 279-282
  160. A Syllabus of Modern History (1912)
    Intended for the Use of Students in History a in Columbia University
  161. Teaching Social Science
    Commonweal, June 25, 1930, pp. 207-209
  162. The United States and Spain (1951)
    An Interpretation
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  163. [+]
    Viva la France (2 Reviews)
    A Short History of the French People, by Charles Guignebert
    1. A Short History of the French People by Charles Guignebert
    2. France: A Study in Nationality by Andre Siegfried
    The Nation, June 18, 1930, p. 709
  164. [+]
    Vive la France! A Bas la France! (2 Reviews)
    As We See It, by Rene Viviani
    1. As We See It by Rene Viviani
    2. The Decadence of Europe by Francesco S. Nitti
    The New Republic, July 25, 1923, p. 237
  165. Volume I, 1500-1815 (1924)
    19 Chapters, 633pp
  166. Volume II, 1815-1915 (1924)
    16 Chapters, 797pp
  167. [+]
    War Guilt (Review)
    The Immediate Origins of the War, by Pierre Renouvin
    1. The Immediate Origins of the War by Pierre Renouvin
    The Saturday Review, June 16, 1928, p. 963
  168. [+]
    The War of the Nations (8 Reviews)
    Germany and the Next War, by Friedrich von Bernhardi
    1. Germany and the Next War by Friedrich von Bernhardi
    2. How Germany Makes War by Friedrich von Bernhardi
    3. Imperial Germany by Prince Bernhard von Bulow
    4. Germany and England by J.A. Cramb
    5. How the War Began by J.M. Kennedy
    6. The War and America by Hugo Munsterberg
    7. Why We Are at War: Great Britain's Case
    8. Men Around the Kaiser by Frederic William Wile
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1914, pp. 687-707
  169. Wartime Mission in Spain, 1942-1945 (1945)
    10 Reviews, 4 Readable
  170. [+]
    The Ways of Revolution (2 Reviews)
    Revolution from 1789 to 1906, by Raymond William Postgate
    1. Revolution from 1789 to 1906 by Raymond William Postgate
    2. World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization by Nesta H. Webster
    The Nation, December 7, 1921, p. 669
  171. Reviews of Books
    The World Crisis (Review)
    The World Crisis, 1911-1918, by Winston Churchill
    1. The World Crisis, 1911-1918 by Winston Churchill
    The New Republic, June 6, 1923, p. 48
  172. No Items Found