The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Hiram Haydn Archives
Hiram Haydn •ï¿½30 Items / 9 Books, 19 Articles, 1 Review
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  1. American Scholar Forum
    The Application of Scientific Method to the Study of Human Behavior
    The American Scholar, Spring 1952, pp. 208-225
  2. [+]
    A Bleak and Powerful Bestiary (Review)
    The Marmot Drive, by John Hersey
    1. The Marmot Drive by John Hersey
    The American Scholar, Spring 1954, pp. 224-227
  3. By Nature Free (1943)
    2 Reviews
  4. American Scholar Forum
    Changing Values in the Western World
    The American Scholar, Summer 1951, pp. 341-358
  5. The Counter-Renaissance (1950)
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  6. Editorial
    Christian Gauss
    The American Scholar, Spring 1952, pp. 137-138
  7. Editorial
    Irwin Edman
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1954, pp. 393-394
  8. Editorial
    The American Scholar, Winter 1956, pp. 9-10
  9. Editorial
    An Experiment
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1957, pp. 405-406
  10. Editorial
    The American Scholar, Spring 1966, pp. 189-190
  11. Editorial
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1966, pp. 609-612
  12. Editorial
    Joseph Wood Krutch
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1970, p. 555
  13. Editorials
    The American Scholar, Summer 1963, pp. 355-358
  14. The Hands of Esau (1962)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  15. Portrait
    Henry A. Murray
    The American Scholar, Winter 1970, pp. 123-136
  16. The Scholar Cornered
    Humanism in 1984
    The American Scholar, Winter 1966, pp. 12-33
  17. Portrait
    Melville Cane
    The American Scholar, Summer 1964, pp. 428-433
  18. Memoirs
    The Members of the Board
    From Words & Faces
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1974, pp. 630-637
  19. My Vote---And Why: A Symposium
    The New Masses, November 7, 1944, p. 22
  20. American Scholar Forum
    The New Criticism II
    The American Scholar, Spring 1951, pp. 218-231
  21. American Scholar Forum
    The New Criticism
    The American Scholar, Winter 1951, pp. 86-104
  22. Overruled
    An Editorial
    The American Scholar, Winter 1947, pp. 7-8
  23. The Papers of Christian Gauss (1957)
    7 Reviews, 1 Readable
  24. Report from the Red Windmill (1967)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  25. Thesaurus of Book Digests (1949)
    Digests of the World's Permanent Writings from the Ancient Classics to Curren...
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  26. The Time Is Noon (1948)
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  27. The Revolving Bookstand
    What's Wrong with the American Novel?
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1955, pp. 464-503
  28. Words and Faces (1974)
    2 Reviews
  29. A World of Great Stories (1947)
    121 Chapters, 958pp - 1 Review, 1 Readable
  30. No Items Found