The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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John Gunther Archives
John Gunther •ï¿½124 Items / 14 Reviews, 30 Books, 78 Articles
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  1. After the Dollfuss Murder
    The Nation, August 22, 1934, pp. 204-205
  2. The Ambassador's Wife
    The story of a cautious young man
    Collier's Weekly, November 28, 1936, pp. 7-8
  3. American Books in London
    The Saturday Review, April 18, 1925, p. 691
  4. Avila Camacho of Mexico
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1941, pp. 480-489
  5. The Balkans Swing to Fascism
    The Nation, July 4, 1934, pp. 13-14
  6. Behind Europe's Curtain (1949)
    (Behind the Curtain)
    20 Chapters, 377pp - 7 Reviews, 3 Readable
  7. Behind the Curtain: Hungary
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1949, pp. 70-79
  8. [+]
    Blood and Meat (Review)
    We Cover the World, by Eugene Lyons
    1. We Cover the World by Eugene Lyons
    The Saturday Review, April 17, 1937, p. 6
  9. Brighter Days in Austria
    The Nation, January 21, 1931, pp. 65-66
  10. [+]
    The Case of Mr. George (Review)
    Her Unwelcome Husband, by W.L. George
    1. Her Unwelcome Husband by W.L. George
    The New Republic, August 15, 1923, p. 337
  11. D-Day (1944)
    What Preceded It; What Followed
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  12. Danger Still in Austria
    The Nation, September 20, 1933, pp. 320-321
  13. Danube Blues
    The Nation, September 28, 1932, pp. 275-276
  14. Dateline Vienna
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1935, pp. 198-208
  15. Days to Remember: America, 1945-1955 (1956)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  16. Death Be Not Proud (1949)
    A Memoir
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  17. Book Condensation
    Death Be Not Proud (Review)
    Death Be Not Proud, by John Gunther
    1. Death Be Not Proud by John Gunther
    Coronet Magazine, February 1959, pp. 145-171
  18. [+]
    A Document of Our Time (Review)
    A King's Story, by Edward Windsor
    1. A King's Story by Edward Windsor
    The Saturday Review, April 14, 1951, p. 26
  19. Dollfuss and the Future of Austria
    Foreign Affairs, January 1934, pp. 306-318
  20. Dutch Treat
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1938, pp. 329-330
  21. East Is East
    Coronet Magazine, November 1938, pp. 23-24
  22. Eden for One (1927)
    An Amusement
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  23. Eisenhower: The Man and the Symbol (1952)
    9 Reviews, 2 Readable
  24. The Emperor of Japan
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1939, pp. 225-236
  25. The Emperor's Airline
    Coronet Magazine, May 1954, pp. 137-140
  26. An Exercise in Self-education
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1961, pp. 67-76
  27. A Fragment of Autobiography (1962)
    The Fun of Writing the Inside Books
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  28. French Gold and the Balkans
    The Nation, November 11, 1931, pp. 511-512
  29. From the Bill of Fare: Speeches
    The Nation, May 18, 1940, p. 624
  30. Funneling the European News
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1930, pp. 635-646
  31. [+]
    Gentlemen May Cry Peace (Review)
    Viewed Without Alarm: Europe Today, by Walter Millis
    1. Viewed Without Alarm: Europe Today by Walter Millis
    The Nation, February 20, 1937, pp. 212-213
  32. The Giant World of Texas
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1946, pp. 486-497
  33. [+]
    A Glutton for London (Review)
    The London Spy, by Thomas Burke
    1. The London Spy by Thomas Burke
    The New Republic, December 13, 1922, p. 76
  34. [+]
    A Good Idea Gone Wrong (Review)
    Janet March, by Floyd Dell
    1. Janet March by Floyd Dell
    The New Republic, January 9, 1924, p. 182
  35. Graustark Gets Down to Figures
    The Nation, July 15, 1931, pp. 59-60
  36. Hapsburgs Again?
    Foreign Affairs, July 1934, pp. 579-591
  37. He Wanted to Be King
    The North American Review, November 1929, pp. 536-540
  38. The High Cost of Hoodlums
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1929, pp. 529-540
  39. Hispaniola
    Foreign Affairs, July 1941, pp. 764-777
  40. Hitler
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1936, pp. 148-159
  41. The Hitlerites on Hitlerism
    Quotations from the Nazi Press
    The Nation, February 6, 1935, pp. 149-150
  42. Books in Review
    Hitler's Secret Weapon (Review)
    The Strategy of Terror, by Edmond Taylor
    1. The Strategy of Terror by Edmond Taylor
    The New Republic, July 15, 1940, p. 89
  43. The Indian Sign (1970)
    1 Review
  44. Inside Africa (1955)
    50 Chapters, 981pp - 11 Reviews, 2 Readable
  45. Inside Africa's Gold Coast
    Collier's Weekly, May 28, 1954, pp. 34-47
  46. Inside Asia (1939)
    40 Chapters, 610pp - 6 Reviews, 3 Readable
  47. Inside De Valera
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1936, pp. 311-317
  48. Inside England
    The Atlantic Monthly, March 1937, pp. 266-278
  49. Inside Europe (1936)
    10 Reviews, 5 Readable
  50. Inside Europe (1938)
    Completely Revised 1938 Edition
    43 Chapters, 583pp - 1 Review
  51. Inside Europe Today (1961)
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  52. Inside Latin America (1941)
    34 Chapters, 512pp - 11 Reviews, 5 Readable
  53. Inside London
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1967, pp. 48-52
  54. Inside London: The "City" and the Green Towns
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1967, pp. 79-82
  55. Inside Out
    The Nation, October 22, 1938, p. 398
  56. Inside Russia Today (1958)
    29 Chapters, 577pp - 9 Reviews, 4 Readable
  57. Inside Samarkand and Other Unlikely Places
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1957, pp. 40-45
  58. Inside South America (1966)
    1,638pp - 5 Reviews
  59. Inside U.S.A (1947)
    56 Chapters, 1,018pp - 12 Reviews, 5 Readable
  60. Interim Notes on the Crisis
    The Nation, October 1, 1938, p. 316
  61. Jason and the Golden Fleece (1928)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  62. John Gunther's Inside Australia (1972)
    1 Review
  63. Keeping Hitler Out of Austria
    The Nation, February 14, 1934, pp. 180-181
  64. King of Kings
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1938, pp. 60-69
  65. [+]
    Last of the Empire Builders (Review)
    The Story of My Life, by Harry H. Johnston
    1. The Story of My Life by Harry H. Johnston
    The New Republic, January 30, 1924, p. 264
  66. London on Edge
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1937, pp. 385-396
  67. The Lost City (1964)
    A Novel
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  68. A Macedonian Robin Hood
    The North American Review, October 1929, pp. 417-421
  69. The Malpractitioners (1979)
    1 Review
  70. [+]
    Man with Two Countries (Review)
    Green Worlds, by Maurice Hindus
    1. Green Worlds by Maurice Hindus
    The Saturday Review, September 3, 1938, p. 7
  71. Manuel Quezon
    The Atlantic Monthly, January 1939, pp. 59-70
  72. Meet South Africa (1958)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  73. Meet Soviet Russia (1963)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  74. Mussolini
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1936, pp. 296-307
  75. New Ferment in India
    The Nation, February 19, 1938, pp. 203-205
  76. Notes on the Simpson Crisis
    The Nation, December 19, 1936, p. 724
  77. An Old Grad Returns to Chicago
    The Saturday Review, October 16, 1965, pp. 85-87
  78. Our Pacific Frontier
    Foreign Affairs, July 1940, pp. 583-600
  79. Out of Their Own Mouths
    The New Republic, April 25, 1934, pp. 304-305
  80. Partition in Palestine?
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1938, pp. 95-103
  81. Passion in Poland
    The North American Review, September 1929, pp. 286-290
  82. Pepper Coast Republic
    The Saturday Review, September 24, 1955, p. 11
  83. Policy by Murder
    The Story of the Dollfuss Killing
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1934, pp. 651-662
  84. [+]
    Potential Battlegrounds (Review)
    And Fear Came, by John T. Whitaker
    1. And Fear Came by John T. Whitaker
    The Saturday Review, November 14, 1936, p. 7
  85. Procession (1965)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  86. The Realities of Zionism
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1930, pp. 202-212
  87. The Red Pavilion (1926)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  88. The Reichstag Fire Still Burns!
    The Nation, December 13, 1933, p. 674
  89. Revolt Against Hitler
    The Nation, June 7, 1933, pp. 636-637
  90. The Rhineland Crisis
    The Nation, April 1, 1936, p. 407
  91. The Riddle of MacArthur (1951)
    Japan, Korea, and the Far East
    7 Reviews, 1 Readable
  92. Roosevelt in Retrospect (1950)
    A Profile in History
    23 Chapters, 422pp - 11 Reviews, 3 Readable
  93. [+]
    Rosie Knows Everybody (Review)
    Europe Between the Acts, by R.G. Waldeck
    1. Europe Between the Acts by R.G. Waldeck
    The Saturday Review, January 13, 1951, p. 33
  94. Russian Children All Have Fathers
    The North American Review, January 1930, pp. 45-48
  95. Russia's Riviera
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1957, pp. 27-28
  96. Siam, the Incredible Kingdom
    Foreign Affairs, January 1939, pp. 417-425
  97. The Sketch Book
    The Truth About Arthur Machen
    The Bookman, July 1925, pp. 571-573
  98. The Sketch Book
    Multiple Sir Harry Johnston
    The Bookman, November 1925, pp. 308-311
  99. The Sketch Book
    The Tomlinson Legend
    The Bookman, February 1926, pp. 686-688
  100. Slaughter for Sale
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1934, pp. 649-659
  101. The Slaughter in Austria
    The Nation, March 21, 1934, pp. 328-329
  102. Spain: Liberalism in Excelsis
    The New Republic, March 1, 1933, pp. 65-66
  103. Stalemate in China
    The Nation, June 10, 1939, pp. 667-670
  104. Stalin
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1935, pp. 19-32
  105. Stassen: Young Man Going Somewhere
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1946, pp. 10-18
  106. The Struggle for Power in Austria
    The Nation, May 16, 1934, pp. 557-558
  107. Taken at the Flood (1960)
    The Story of Albert D. Lasker
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  108. Trotsky at Elba
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1933, pp. 587-597
  109. The Troubled Midnight (1945)
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  110. Twelve Cities (1969)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  111. [+]
    Two Countries Shot under Him (Review)
    Not Peace But a Sword, by Vincent Sheean
    1. Not Peace But a Sword by Vincent Sheean
    The Saturday Review, July 29, 1939, p. 5
  112. [+]
    A Useful Study of Hitlerism (Review)
    The Nazi Dictatorship, by Roy Pascal
    1. The Nazi Dictatorship by Roy Pascal
    The Labour Monthly, January 1935, pp. 60-61
  113. Vigil at the Microphone
    Behind the Pact
    The Living Age, October 1, 1939, pp. 122-124
  114. A Visit with Argentina's Borges
    The Atlantic Monthly, January 1967, pp. 96-98
  115. The Westernization of Turkey
    Munsey's Magazine, August 1928, pp. 507-509
  116. What Alfonso Left Behind
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1933, pp. 620-632
  117. Who Killed the German Republic?
    The Nation, May 10, 1933, pp. 526-527
  118. Why the Dutch Fear Japan
    The Nation, September 24, 1938, pp. 291-295
  119. Will Austria Go Fascist?
    The Nation, April 12, 1933, pp. 393-394
  120. Will Japan Hold Out?
    The Nation, August 13, 1938, pp. 143-145
  121. With Eisenhower in Sicily
    A famous correspondent accompanies the commander as he follows up the invasion forces
    Collier's Weekly, September 25, 1943, p. 11
  122. Writing the "Inside" Books, Part I
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1961, pp. 49-55
  123. No Items Found