The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Gil Green Archives
Gil Green •ï¿½23 Items / 2 Books, 19 Articles, 2 Reviews
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  1. Accent on Youth
    The New Masses, April 28, 1936, p. 14
  2. American Capitalism and Teheran
    The Communist, February 1944, pp. 148-152
  3. Cold War Fugitive (1985)
    A Personal Story of the McCarthy Years
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  4. The Coming Convention of the Y.C.L.
    The Communist, February 1937, pp. 120-141
  5. The Course of the War and the Present Tasks
    The Communist, April 1942, pp. 214-224
  6. The Dubinsky Social-Democrats
    The Communist, July 1943, pp. 633-641
  7. Forgery by Typewriter
    The Nation, November 10, 1984, p. 468
  8. Book Reviews
    How Not to Struggle for Latin America (Review)
    The Coming Struggle for Latin America, by Carleton Beals
    1. The Coming Struggle for Latin America by Carleton Beals
    The Communist, December 1938, pp. 1144-1154
  9. How the British Empire Is Conjured Away
    The Communist, April 1941, pp. 319-332
  10. Imperialist War and "Democratic" Demagogy
    The Communist, June 1940, pp. 521-530
  11. Book Reviews
    An Inspiring Work on Lenin (Review)
    The Life of Lenin, by Platon M. Kerzhentsev
    1. The Life of Lenin by Platon M. Kerzhentsev
    The Communist, November 1938, pp. 1053-1058
  12. The New Radicalism: Anarchist or Marxist? (1971)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  13. New York in the 1944 Election Line-Up
    The Communist, July 1944, pp. 620-631
  14. Notes on the Defense of American Democracy
    The Communist, May 1938, pp. 410-418
  15. The Open Letter and Tasks of the Y.C.L.
    The Communist, August 1933, pp. 818-823
  16. Our Tasks in the Struggle to Defeat Hitlerism
    The Communist, August 1941, pp. 705-711
  17. Post-War Economic Perspectives
    The Communist, April 1944, pp. 296-309
  18. Roosevelt's "Happy days" for the Young Generation
    (Report to the Meeting of the Central Committee of the C.P.U.S.A., May 25-27,1935)
    The Communist, July 1935, pp. 661-674
  19. Some Effects of War Economy in the U.S.A.
    The Communist, January 1941, pp. 83-98
  20. Spain at Gettysburg
    The New Masses, October 27, 1936, pp. 7-8
  21. Towards Youth Unity
    The Communist, September 1936, pp. 855-864
  22. The Young Communist League Turns to Struggle
    The Communist, August 1931, pp. 714-719
  23. No Items Found