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Fannie Stearns Gifford Archives
Fannie Stearns Gifford •ï¿½24 Items / 1 Book, 1 Article, 22 Poems
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  1. The Ancient Beautiful Things
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1918, pp. 244-246
  2. As I Drank Tea To-Day
    The Atlantic Monthly, August 1914, pp. 189-190
  3. Celestial Rhymes
    The Atlantic Monthly, July 1927, p. 72
  4. Changeling
    The Atlantic Monthly, December 1914, p. 815
  5. Clearness
    The Atlantic Monthly, March 1922, p. 323
  6. Feet---or Wings?
    The Atlantic Monthly, September 1919, p. 356
  7. For a Child
    The Atlantic Monthly, March 1916, pp. 344-345
  8. The Last Dream
    The Atlantic Monthly, June 1927, p. 784
  9. 'Love Has Shining Eyes'
    The Atlantic Monthly, July 1923, p. 71
  10. Myself and I (1914)
  11. The Narrow Doors
    The Atlantic Monthly, March 1915, p. 348
  12. 'New England'
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1921, pp. 505-512
  13. The New House
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1915, p. 278
  14. "O My Love Leonore!"
    The Century Magazine, August 1914, p. 490
  15. Quaint
    The Atlantic Monthly, May 1923, p. 663
  16. To Rebecca, Growing Up
    The Atlantic Monthly, November 1922, p. 657
  17. 'Sometimes we hardly wanted you'
    The Atlantic Monthly, August 1921, p. 188
  18. A Song
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1917, p. 232
  19. 'Soul---Soul'
    The Atlantic Monthly, August 1922, p. 197
  20. Spring Beauty, in Beech Woods
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1940, p. 527
  21. Tired
    The Atlantic Monthly, May 1922, p. 675
  22. Trysts
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1920, p. 185
  23. Wait for Me!
    The Atlantic Monthly, March 1926, p. 369
  24. Winter Dawn in a Country Kitchen
    The Atlantic Monthly, December 1939, pp. 801-802
  25. No Items Found