The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
James Cardinal Gibbons Archives
James Cardinal Gibbons • 28 Items / 18 Articles, 7 Books
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  1. The Ambassador of Christ (1896)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  2. Anglo-American Peace
    The Century Magazine, June 1911, pp. 306-307
  3. Catholic Christianity
    The North American Review, July 1901, pp. 78-90
  4. The Character of Leo XIII
    The Century Magazine, August 1903, pp. 642-645
  5. The Character of Leo XIII
    The Century Magazine, September 1903, pp. 793-795
  6. Christianity and Freedom
    Munsey's Magazine, December 1918, pp. 465-468
  7. The Church and the Republic
    The North American Review, March 1909, pp. 321-336
  8. Discourses and Sermons for Every Sunday and the... (1908)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  9. Divorce
    The Century Magazine, May 1909, pp. 145-148
  10. The Faith of Our Fathers (1880)
  11. The Holy Bible (1901)
    Douay Rheims Version
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  12. A Human Side of the Railways
    An Authorized Interview
    The Outlook, February 28, 1917, p. 353
  13. International Peace
    The North American Review, June 7, 1907, pp. 252-259
  14. Is Divorce Wrong?
    The North American Review, November 1889, pp. 517-523
  15. Is World Security Possible?
    We Shall Need a Moral Governor
    The Forum, October 1918, p. 424
  16. Lynch Law: Its Causes and Remedy
    The North American Review, October 1905, pp. 502-509
  17. The Moral Aspects of Suicide
    The Century Magazine, January 1907, pp. 401-406
  18. Our Christian Heritage (1889)
  19. Patriotism and Politics
    The North American Review, April 1892, pp. 385-400
  20. Personal Reminiscences of the Vatican Council
    The North American Review, April 1894, pp. 385-400
  21. The Preacher and his Province
    The North American Review, May 1895, pp. 513-524
  22. A Retrospect of Fifty Years (1916)
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  23. The Teacher's Duty to the Pupil
    The North American Review, July 1896, pp. 56-63
  24. Wealth and Its Obligations
    The North American Review, April 1891, pp. 385-394
  25. No Items Found