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Richard Garnett Archives
Richard Garnett •ï¿½105 Items / 28 Reviews, 1 Set, 57 Books, 6 Articles, 2 Poems
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  1. The Age of Dryden (1920)
    20 Chapters, 304pp
  2. [+]
    The Autobiography of Sir Weymss Reid (Review)
    Memoirs of Sir Wemyss Reid, 1842-1885, by Stuart J. Reid and Wemyss Reid
    1. Memoirs of Sir Wemyss Reid, 1842-1885 by Stuart J. Reid and Wemyss Reid
    The Bookman (U.K.), December 1905, p. 135
  3. Benson's Life of Rossetti
    The Bookman (U.K.), May 1904, pp. 51-52
  4. [+]
    The Bookman's Table (Review)
    Matthew Arnold, by George Saintsbury
    1. Matthew Arnold by George Saintsbury
    The Bookman, October 1899, p. 181
  5. [+]
    The Bookman's Table (Review)
    Modern Italy, 1748-1922, by Pietro Orsi
    1. Modern Italy, 1748-1922 by Pietro Orsi
    The Bookman, September 1901, p. 89
  6. [+]
    The Bookman's Table (Review)
    The Novels of Samuel Richardson, by Ethel M.M. McKenna and Samuel Richardson
    1. The Novels of Samuel Richardson by Ethel M.M. McKenna and Samuel Richardson
    The Bookman, January 1902, p. 531
  7. [+]
    Byron's Poetical Works (Review)
    The Poetical Works of Lord Byron, by Ernest Hartley Coleridge and Lord Byron
    1. The Poetical Works of Lord Byron by Ernest Hartley Coleridge and Lord Byron
    The Bookman (U.K.), May 1902, p. 60
  8. [+]
    The Cambridge Milton (Review)
    The Poetical Works of John Milton, by William Aldis Wright and John Milton
    1. The Poetical Works of John Milton by William Aldis Wright and John Milton
    The Bookman (U.K.), October 1903, p. 42
  9. [+]
    Canon Ainger's Crabbe (Review)
    George Crabbe, by Alfred Ainger
    1. George Crabbe by Alfred Ainger
    The Bookman (U.K.), November 1903, p. 97
  10. [+]
    Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English Literature (Review)
    Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English Literature, by David Patrick
    1. Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English Literature by David Patrick
    The Bookman (U.K.), February 1902, p. 166
  11. A Chaplet from the Greek Anthology (1892)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  12. Coleridge (1904)
  13. [+]
    The Elder Rossetti (Review)
    Gabriele Rossetti: A Versified Autobiography, by William Michael Rossetti and Gabriele ...
    1. Gabriele Rossetti: A Versified Autobiography by William Michael Rossetti and Gabriele Rossetti, ...
    The Bookman (U.K.), March 1902, p. 208
  14. [+]
    The English Bible in the Library of the Bible Society (Review)
    Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the Br...
    1. Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society by T.H. Darlow and H.F. Moule
    The Bookman (U.K.), February 1904, pp. 215-216
  15. English Literature: An Illustrated Record (1903)
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  16. Essays of an Ex-Librarian (1901)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  17. Fanny Burney
    The Bookman (U.K.), January 1904, pp. 177-178
  18. [+]
    Gosse's Life of Jeremy Taylor (Review)
    Jeremy Taylor, by Edmund Gosse
    1. Jeremy Taylor by Edmund Gosse
    The Bookman (U.K.), March 1904, pp. 244-246
  19. A History of Italian Literature (1898)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  20. An Illustrated History of English Literature (1904)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  21. [+]
    Indian Love (Review)
    Indian Love, by Laurence Hope
    1. Indian Love by Laurence Hope
    The Bookman (U.K.), September 1905, p. 206
  22. Io in Egypt: And Other Poems (1859)
  23. [+]
    James Russell Lowell (Review)
    James Russell Lowell: His Life and Work, by Ferris Greenslet
    1. James Russell Lowell: His Life and Work by Ferris Greenslet
    The Bookman (U.K.), April 1906, p. 27
  24. [+]
    Jane Austen and her Country (Review)
    Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends, by Constance Hill
    1. Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends by Constance Hill
    The Bookman, March 1902, pp. 44-51
  25. The Reader
    Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
    The Bookman (U.K.), January 1902, pp. 126-127
  26. [+]
    The Last of Byron's Letters and Journals (Review)
    The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. I, by Rowland E. Prothero and Lord Byron
    1. The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. I by Rowland E. Prothero and Lord Byron
    The Bookman (U.K.), December 1901, p. 87
  27. Letters About Shelley (1917)
    Interchanged by Three Friends--Edward Dowden, Richard Garnett and Wm. Michael...
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  28. Life and Writings of John Milton (1890)
    1 Review
  29. Life of John Milton (1890)
  30. Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1888)
  31. Life of Thomas Carlyle (1887)
  32. The Life of W.J. Fox (1909)
    Public Teacher and Social Reformer, 1786-1864
    3 Reviews
  33. Living Critics
    VII. Coventry Patmore
    The Bookman, June 1896, pp. 325-328
  34. [+]
    Maria Edgeworth (Review)
    Maria Edgeworth, by Hon. Emily Lawless
    1. Maria Edgeworth by Hon. Emily Lawless
    The Bookman (U.K.), August 1904, pp. 168-169
  35. Mr. Gosse on Coventry Patmore
    The Bookman (U.K.), April 1905, pp. 13-15
  36. [+]
    Mr. Gosse's Life of Donne (Review)
    The Life and Letters of John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's, by Edmund Gosse and John Donne
    1. The Life and Letters of John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's by Edmund Gosse and John Donne
    The Bookman, February 1900, pp. 582-584
  37. New Books
    Mr. Murray's Byron (2 Reviews)
    The Poetical Works of Lord Byron, by Ernest Hartley Coleridge and Lord Byron
    1. The Poetical Works of Lord Byron by Ernest Hartley Coleridge and Lord Byron
    2. The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. I by Rowland E. Prothero and Lord Byron
    The Bookman (U.K.), June 1898, p. 71
  38. [+]
    The New Richardson (Review)
    The Novels of Samuel Richardson, by Ethel M.M. McKenna and Samuel Richardson
    1. The Novels of Samuel Richardson by Ethel M.M. McKenna and Samuel Richardson
    The Bookman (U.K.), November 1901, p. 61
  39. New York and Its Three Libraries
    The North American Review, June 1911, pp. 850-860
  40. [+]
    The Old Booksellers (Review)
    Sketches of Booksellers of Other Days, by E. Marston
    1. Sketches of Booksellers of Other Days by E. Marston
    The Bookman (U.K.), June 1902, p. 104
  41. [+]
    Pater's Essays from "The Guardian" (Review)
    Essays from "The Guardian", by Walter Pater
    1. Essays from "The Guardian" by Walter Pater
    The Bookman (U.K.), April 1902, p. 29
  42. Poems (1893)
    1 Review
  43. Poems from the German (1862)
  44. The Queen (1901)
  45. [+]
    Reviews of New Books (Review)
    Mr. Murray's "Byron"
    1. The Poetical Works of Lord Byron by Ernest Hartley Coleridge and Lord Byron
    The Bookman, July 1898, p. 424
  46. Richmond on the Thames (1896)
  47. Shelley and Lord Beaconsfield (1916)
  48. [+]
    Six Books of Some Importance (Review)
    The Works of Lord Byron, by Rowland E. Prothero and Lord Byron
    1. The Works of Lord Byron by Rowland E. Prothero and Lord Byron
    The Bookman, February 1902, p. 587
  49. [+]
    Strong's Critical Essays (Review)
    Critical Studies and Fragments, by S. Arthur Strong
    1. Critical Studies and Fragments by S. Arthur Strong
    The Bookman (U.K.), June 1905, pp. 100-101
  50. New Books
    Thomas Moore (Review)
    Thomas Moore, by Stephen Gwynn
    1. Thomas Moore by Stephen Gwynn
    The Bookman (U.K.), March 1905, pp. 248-249
  51. [+]
    Twelve Books of the Day (Review)
    Fanny Burney, by Austin Dobson
    1. Fanny Burney by Austin Dobson
    The Bookman, February 1904, p. 641
  52. The Twilight of the Gods, and Other Tales (1902)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  53. The Undersea Treasure (1961)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  54. The Universal Anthology (1899)
    A Collection of the Best Literature, Ancient, Mediaevel and Modern, with Biog...
    1,294 Chapters, 13,494pp
  55. Volume Eight (1899)
    33 Chapters, 412pp
  56. Volume Eighteen (1899)
    38 Chapters, 414pp
  57. Volume Eleven (1899)
    40 Chapters, 414pp
  58. Volume Fifteen (1899)
    47 Chapters, 412pp
  59. Volume Five (1899)
    44 Chapters, 414pp
  60. Volume Four (1899)
    49 Chapters, 412pp
  61. Volume Fourteen (1899)
    47 Chapters, 412pp
  62. Volume Nine (1899)
    51 Chapters, 414pp
  63. Volume Nineteen (1899)
    41 Chapters, 410pp
  64. Volume One (1899)
    48 Chapters, 408pp
  65. Volume Seven (1899)
    42 Chapters, 418pp
  66. Volume Seventeen (1899)
    38 Chapters, 410pp
  67. Volume Six (1899)
    36 Chapters, 412pp
  68. Volume Sixteen (1899)
    48 Chapters, 418pp
  69. Volume Ten (1899)
    44 Chapters, 412pp
  70. Volume Thirteen (1899)
    52 Chapters, 411pp
  71. Volume Thirty (1899)
    25 Chapters, 410pp
  72. Volume Thirty-One (1899)
    26 Chapters, 412pp
  73. Volume Thirty-Three (1899)
    6 Chapters, 706pp
  74. Volume Thirty-Two (1899)
    23 Chapters, 428pp
  75. Volume Three (1899)
    56 Chapters, 402pp
  76. Volume Twelve (1899)
    59 Chapters, 412pp
  77. Volume Twenty-Eight (1899)
    6 Chapters, 425pp
  78. Volume Twenty-Five (1899)
    43 Chapters, 410pp
  79. Volume Twenty-Four (1899)
    53 Chapters, 412pp
  80. Volume Twenty-Nine (1899)
    27 Chapters, 414pp
  81. Volume Twenty-One (1899)
    56 Chapters, 416pp
  82. Volume Twenty-Seven (1899)
    6 Chapters, 398pp
  83. Volume Twenty-Six (1899)
    67 Chapters, 412pp
  84. Volume Twenty-Three (1899)
    45 Chapters, 412pp
  85. Volume Twenty-Two (1899)
    53 Chapters, 412pp
  86. Volume Two (1899)
    45 Chapters, 410pp
  87. [+]
    Was Wordsworth an Apostate? (Review)
    An Examination of the Charge of Apostasy Against Wordsworth, by William Hale White
    1. An Examination of the Charge of Apostasy Against Wordsworth by William Hale White
    The Bookman (U.K.), May 1898, p. 41
  88. William Blake, Painter and Poet (1895)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  89. [+]
    William Bodham Donne (Review)
    William Bodham Donne and His Friends, by Catharine B. Donne Johnson
    1. William Bodham Donne and His Friends by Catharine B. Donne Johnson
    The Bookman (U.K.), May 1905, p. 67
  90. No Items Found