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William A. Galston Archives
William A. Galston •ï¿½41 Items / 19 Articles, 3 Books, 19 Reviews
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  1. An Agenda for a Second Term
    The education presidency
    The New Republic, November 11, 1996, p. 35
  2. [+]
    American Politics (Review)
    Democracy, Education, and the Schools, by Roger Soder
    1. Democracy, Education, and the Schools by Roger Soder
    American Political Science Review, September 1996, p. 660
  3. America's Civic Condition
    A Glance at the Evidence
    The Brookings Review, Fall 1997, pp. 32-35
  4. A Big Choice.
    The American Enterprise, September 1995, pp. 41-42
  5. Braking Divorce
    Divorce Should Be Less Easy. Here's Why. Here's How.
    The American Enterprise, May 1996, p. 36
  6. [+]
    Color-blind Justice? (Review)
    Race, Crime, and the Law, by Randall Kennedy
    1. Race, Crime, and the Law by Randall Kennedy
    The Wilson Quarterly, Spring 1997, pp. 100-101
  7. Articles
    Contending with Liberalism
    Commonweal, April 6, 2001, pp. 12-17
  8. Controversy: Unsolved Mysteries: The Tocqueville Files II
    Won't You Be My Neighbor?
    The American Prospect, May 1996, pp. 16-17
  9. The Danger of Absolutes
    The Public Interest, Winter 2003, pp. 50-53
  10. [+]
    The Democracy Solution (3 Reviews)
    The Case for Democracy, by Natan Sharansky and Ron Dermer
    1. The Case for Democracy by Natan Sharansky and Ron Dermer
    2. The Democracy Advantage by Morton H. Halperin, Joseph T. Siegle, and Michael M. Weinstein, ...
    3. Uncharted Journey by Thomas Carothers and Marina Ottaway
    The American Prospect, June 2005, pp. 67-70
  11. Divorce American Style
    The Public Interest, Summer 1996, pp. 12-26
  12. The Future of the Democratic Party
    The Brookings Review, Winter 1985, pp. 16-24
  13. [+]
    Home of the tolerant (Review)
    One Nation, After All, by Alan Wolfe
    1. One Nation, After All by Alan Wolfe
    The Public Interest, Fall 1998, pp. 116-120
  14. How Big Government Got Its Groove Back
    The American Prospect, June 2008, pp. 23-26
  15. How Should Liberals Think About Liberty?
    The Washington Monthly, May 2005, pp. 18-19
  16. Kant and the Problem of History (1975)
    2 Reviews
  17. Liberal Pluralism (1992)
    The Implications of Value Pluralism for Political Theory and Practice
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  18. Liberal Purposes (1991)
    Goods, Virtues, and Diversity in the Liberal State
    1 Review
  19. Liberal Virtues
    American Political Science Review, December 1988, pp. 1277-1292
  20. [+]
    Political Booknotes (2 Reviews)
    Life Without Father, by David Popenoe
    1. Life Without Father by David Popenoe
    2. Divorce by George Feifer
    The Washington Monthly, May 1996, p. 53
  21. [+]
    Political Theory (Review)
    Toward a Liberalism, by Richard E. Flathman
    1. Toward a Liberalism by Richard E. Flathman
    American Political Science Review, September 1990, p. 964
  22. Putting a Democrat in the White House
    The Democratic Party Won't Win the Presidency Until It Begins to Address Its Weaknesses...
    The Brookings Review, Summer 1989, pp. 21-25
  23. [+]
    Religion & Philosophy (Review)
    Diversity and Distrust, by Stephen Macedo
    1. Diversity and Distrust by Stephen Macedo
    The Wilson Quarterly, Spring 2000, p. 137
  24. [+]
    Political Theory and Methodology (Review)
    Political Concepts: A Reconstruction, by Felix E. Oppenheim
    1. Political Concepts: A Reconstruction by Felix E. Oppenheim
    American Political Science Review, December 1981, pp. 1024-1025
  25. [+]
    Political Theory (2 Reviews)
    Finding the Mean, by Stephen G. Salkever
    1. Finding the Mean by Stephen G. Salkever
    2. Aristotle on the Human Good by Richard Kraut
    American Political Science Review, March 1992, p. 220
  26. [+]
    Political Theory (Review)
    Political Theory Today, by David Held
    1. Political Theory Today by David Held
    American Political Science Review, September 1992, p. 781
  27. [+]
    Political Theory (Review)
    Democratic Community: Nomos XXXV, by John W. Chapman and Ian Shapiro
    1. Democratic Community: Nomos XXXV by John W. Chapman and Ian Shapiro
    American Political Science Review, September 1994, p. 732
  28. Books in Review
    The Medicalization of Unhappiness (Review)
    Culture and Equality, by Brian Barry
    1. Culture and Equality by Brian Barry
    The Public Interest, Summer 2001, pp. 100-108
  29. Books in Review
    Moynihan's Legacy (Review)
    On Hallowed Ground, by John Patrick Diggins
    1. On Hallowed Ground by John Patrick Diggins
    The Public Interest, Winter 2001, pp. 107-110
  30. [+]
    The rights stuff (Review)
    From Parchment to Power, by Robert A. Goldwin
    1. From Parchment to Power by Robert A. Goldwin
    The Public Interest, Fall 1997, pp. 107-111
  31. [+]
    Rules of Attack (2 Reviews)
    Striking First, by Michael W. Doyle
    1. Striking First by Michael W. Doyle
    2. Heads in the Sand by Matthew Yglesias
    The American Prospect, May 2008, pp. 41-43
  32. [+]
    Scold War (Review)
    It Takes a Family, by Rick Santorum
    1. It Takes a Family by Rick Santorum
    The Washington Monthly, December 2005, pp. 34-36
  33. Book Reviews
    Still Dreaming (Review)
    The American Dream and the Public Schools, by Jennifer Hochschild and Nathan Scovronick
    1. The American Dream and the Public Schools by Jennifer Hochschild and Nathan Scovronick
    Education Next, Winter 2004, p. 83
  34. Taking Liberty
    Liberals ignore and conservatives misundersand America's guiding value: freedom
    The Washington Monthly, April 2005, pp. 36-42
  35. Teachers
    Corps values
    Blueprint/The New Democrat, Fall 1999, pp. 19-22
  36. [+]
    The trouble with Fish (Review)
    The Trouble With Principle, by Stanley Fish
    1. The Trouble With Principle by Stanley Fish
    The Public Interest, Spring 2000, pp. 99-105
  37. What about the children?
    Blueprint/The New Democrat, May/June 2002, pp. 53-55
  38. [+]
    What's at stake in biotech? (2 Reviews)
    The Future is Now, by William Kristol and Eric Cohen
    1. The Future is Now by William Kristol and Eric Cohen
    2. Our Posthuman Future by Francis Fukuyama
    The Public Interest, Fall 2002, pp. 103-107
  39. The Challenge: In a time when powerful forces are changing the nation, Americans must adapt our civic life for a new era
    Where We Stand
    Blueprint/The New Democrat, Spring 1999, pp. 6-13
  40. The White Male Problem
    Most don't vote Democratic, but many can be won back
    Blueprint/The New Democrat, July/August 2001, pp. 18-23
  41. 5 Realities That Will Shape 21st Century Politics
    The shifting demographics of the American landscape will call for a very different poli...
    Blueprint/The New Democrat, Fall 1998, pp. 6-29
  42. No Items Found