The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Thomas I. Emerson Archives
Thomas I. Emerson •ï¿½18 Items / 2 Books, 9 Articles, 7 Reviews
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  1. Forgotten Remedy for the Voteless Negro
    The Nation, January 21, 1961, pp. 55-59
  2. [+]
    The Highest Tribunal (2 Reviews)
    The Nine Young Men, by Wesley McCune
    1. The Nine Young Men by Wesley McCune
    2. Lions Under the Throne by Charles P. Curtis, Jr.
    The New Republic, June 2, 1947, p. 26
  3. Information Is Power
    The Dangers of State Secrecy
    The Nation, March 30, 1974, pp. 395-398
  4. [+]
    Liberty and Justice for Some (Review)
    Justice: The Crisis of Law, Order, and Freedom in America, by Richard Harris
    1. Justice: The Crisis of Law, Order, and Freedom in America by Richard Harris
    The Nation, July 20, 1970, pp. 55-57
  5. Articles
    Negro Registration Laws
    Progress or Evasion?
    The Nation, March 19, 1960, pp. 240-241
  6. [+]
    No Clear and Present Danger (Review)
    Cold War Political Justice, by Michal R. Belknap
    1. Cold War Political Justice by Michal R. Belknap
    The Nation, April 8, 1978, pp. 409-410
  7. [+]
    Occupying the High Ground (2 Reviews)
    The Court Years: 1939 to 1975, by William O. Douglas
    1. The Court Years: 1939 to 1975 by William O. Douglas
    2. Independent Journey by James F. Simon
    The Nation, November 22, 1980, pp. 552-553
  8. Books
    Our Years of Fear (3 Reviews)
    False Witness, by Melvin M. Rader
    1. False Witness by Melvin M. Rader
    2. Enough Rope by Arthur V. Watkins
    3. The Anti-Communist Impulse by Michael Parenti
    The Saturday Review, January 17, 1970, pp. 29-30
  9. Political and Civil Rights in the United States (1958)
    1 Review
  10. Protection Our Spies
    The Nation, March 14, 1981, p. 300
  11. Articles
    The Public's Right to Know
    Why We Don't Need an Official Secrets Act
    The Nation, March 10, 1979, pp. 263-265
  12. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Political Justice, by Otto Kirchheimer
    1. Political Justice by Otto Kirchheimer
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1962, pp. 267-268
  13. Segregation and the Law
    The Nation, March 25, 1950, pp. 269-270
  14. Speech Without Assembly?
    The Court v. the Demonstrators
    The Nation, December 26, 1966, pp. 704-708
  15. Symposium: Chartering the F.B.I.
    The Nation, October 6, 1979, p. 296
  16. Toward a General Theory of the First Amendment (1966)
    1 Review
  17. "Two Ups, Two Downs"
    On Keeping a Revolution
    The Nation, March 29, 1975, pp. 369-371
  18. [+]
    The Winds of Truth (Review)
    Defending My Enemy, by Aryeh Neier
    1. Defending My Enemy by Aryeh Neier
    The Nation, March 31, 1979, p. 344
  19. No Items Found