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Evelyn S.M. Eaton Archives
Evelyn S.M. Eaton •ï¿½40 Items / 12 Books, 1 Article, 27 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Apprentice Saint Joan (Review)
    The Voice and the Light, by Edwin Fadiman, Jr.
    1. The Voice and the Light by Edwin Fadiman, Jr.
    The Saturday Review, September 24, 1949, p. 19
  2. [+]
    The Blind Tigress (Review)
    Queen of France, by Andre Castelot
    1. Queen of France by Andre Castelot
    The Saturday Review, July 13, 1957, p. 16
  3. [+]
    Bracing Weather (Review)
    The Weather of February, by Hollis Summers
    1. The Weather of February by Hollis Summers
    The Saturday Review, October 5, 1957, p. 34
  4. [+]
    Brother vs. Sister (Review)
    Laurel, by Alice Fellows
    1. Laurel by Alice Fellows
    The Saturday Review, March 25, 1950, p. 31
  5. [+]
    The Bruising of a Boy's Feet (Review)
    The Magic Fallacy, by David Westheimer
    1. The Magic Fallacy by David Westheimer
    The Saturday Review, February 4, 1950, p. 18
  6. [+]
    The Decent Damned (Review)
    Memory and Desire, by Leonora Hornblow
    1. Memory and Desire by Leonora Hornblow
    The Saturday Review, April 1, 1950, p. 18
  7. Desire---Spanish Version (1933)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  8. [+]
    Doomed Golden Girl (Review)
    Frances, by Catherine Hubbell
    1. Frances by Catherine Hubbell
    The Saturday Review, January 7, 1950, p. 14
  9. [+]
    Dr. & Mrs. (Review)
    Medical Meeting, by Mildred Walker
    1. Medical Meeting by Mildred Walker
    The Saturday Review, December 17, 1949, p. 18
  10. [+]
    Fiction (Review)
    The Mohawk Ladder, by Noel Bertram Gerson
    1. The Mohawk Ladder by Noel Bertram Gerson
    The Saturday Review, July 7, 1951, p. 30
  11. [+]
    A Fine Debut (Review)
    The Gentle Insurrection, and Other Stories, by Doris Betts
    1. The Gentle Insurrection, and Other Stories by Doris Betts
    The Saturday Review, July 10, 1954, p. 14
  12. [+]
    A Gavotte in Austria (Review)
    Invitation from Minerva, by March Cost
    1. Invitation from Minerva by March Cost
    The Saturday Review, April 10, 1954, p. 21
  13. [+]
    Gentle Triangle (Review)
    It Was Like This, by Anne Goodwin Winslow
    1. It Was Like This by Anne Goodwin Winslow
    The Saturday Review, October 29, 1949, p. 16
  14. Give Me Your Golden Hand (1951)
    1 Review
  15. Go Ask the River (1969)
    1 Review
  16. Heart In Pilgrimage (1948)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  17. In What Torn Ship (1944)
    1 Review
  18. The King Is a Witch (1974)
    1 Review
  19. [+]
    Life-in-Death Poet (Review)
    Jean Cocteau, by Margaret Crosland
    1. Jean Cocteau by Margaret Crosland
    The Saturday Review, September 22, 1956, p. 18
  20. [+]
    A Magnificent Mixture (Review)
    The Second Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir
    1. The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
    The American Scholar, Summer 1953, pp. 368-373
  21. [+]
    The Mind's a Wayfarer (Review)
    The Dividing of Time, by Elizabeth Sewell
    1. The Dividing of Time by Elizabeth Sewell
    The Saturday Review, April 14, 1951, p. 52
  22. The North Star Is Nearer (1949)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  23. Pray to the Earth (1938)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  24. Quietly My Captain Waits (1940)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  25. [+]
    A Recognizable South (Review)
    Tall Houses in Winter, by Doris Betts
    1. Tall Houses in Winter by Doris Betts
    The Saturday Review, April 27, 1957, p. 28
  26. Restless Are the Sails (1941)
    2 Reviews
  27. [+]
    Fiction Notes (Review)
    The Trouble with Harry, by Jack Trevor Story
    1. The Trouble with Harry by Jack Trevor Story
    The Saturday Review, December 16, 1950, p. 14
  28. [+]
    Literary Crypt (Review)
    The Pink House, by Nelia Gardner White
    1. The Pink House by Nelia Gardner White
    The Saturday Review, March 4, 1950, p. 30
  29. [+]
    The Criminal Record (Review)
    Purple Passage, by Emily Hahn
    1. Purple Passage by Emily Hahn
    The Saturday Review, November 25, 1950, p. 44
  30. [+]
    Fiction (Review)
    The Innocent Eye, by Robert Nathan
    1. The Innocent Eye by Robert Nathan
    The Saturday Review, June 9, 1951, p. 44
  31. [+]
    Romance a la Mode (Review)
    Another Sky, by Naomi Lane Babson
    1. Another Sky by Naomi Lane Babson
    The Saturday Review, April 7, 1956, p. 26
  32. The Sea Is So Wide (1942)
    1 Review
  33. [+]
    Semper Amorous (Review)
    The Magnificent Bastards, by Lucy Herndon Crockett
    1. The Magnificent Bastards by Lucy Herndon Crockett
    The Saturday Review, February 27, 1954, p. 19
  34. Set in Silver
    Argosy, September 1952, pp. 5-11
  35. [+]
    Son-Hunt (Review)
    Little Boy Lost, by Marghanita Laski
    1. Little Boy Lost by Marghanita Laski
    The Saturday Review, December 31, 1949, p. 16
  36. [+]
    The Splendour That Was India (Review)
    Golden Interlude, by Janet Dunbar
    1. Golden Interlude by Janet Dunbar
    The Saturday Review, August 11, 1956, p. 23
  37. [+]
    SR's Book of the Week (Review)
    Olympio, by Andre Maurois
    1. Olympio by Andre Maurois
    The Saturday Review, May 5, 1956, p. 13
  38. [+]
    Stepmomism (Review)
    A Woman of Means, by Peter Taylor
    1. A Woman of Means by Peter Taylor
    The Saturday Review, June 3, 1950, p. 13
  39. The Trees and Fields Went the Other Way (1974)
  40. [+]
    What Price Royalties (Review)
    The Cost of a Best Seller, by Frances Parkinson Keyes
    1. The Cost of a Best Seller by Frances Parkinson Keyes
    The Saturday Review, October 21, 1950, p. 33
  41. No Items Found