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Bailey W. Diffie Archives
Bailey W. Diffie •ï¿½16 Items / 4 Books, 3 Articles, 9 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Africa (Review)
    Portugal in Africa, by James Duffy
    1. Portugal in Africa by James Duffy
    The American Historical Review, April 1963, p. 810
  2. [+]
    American History (2 Reviews)
    The Conquest and Colonization of Honduras, 1502-1550, by Robert S. Chamberlain
    1. The Conquest and Colonization of Honduras, 1502-1550 by Robert S. Chamberlain
    2. Tlaxcala in the Sixteenth Century by Charles Gibson
    The American Historical Review, April 1954, p. 664
  3. [+]
    Americas (Review)
    Spain in America, by Charles Gibson
    1. Spain in America by Charles Gibson
    The American Historical Review, April 1967, p. 1068
  4. [+]
    Europe (Review)
    The Life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus, by Fernando Colon and Benjamin Keen
    1. The Life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus by Fernando Colon and Benjamin Keen
    The American Historical Review, July 1959, p. 1002
  5. Foundations of the Portuguese Empire, 1415-1580 (1977)
    1 Review
  6. [+]
    Latin American History (Review)
    The Conquistadors, by Jean Descola
    1. The Conquistadors by Jean Descola
    The American Historical Review, July 1957, p. 1032
  7. Latin-American Civilization: Colonial Period (1945)
    2 Reviews
  8. [+]
    Latin-American History (Review)
    From Barter to Slavery, by Alexander Marchant
    1. From Barter to Slavery by Alexander Marchant
    The American Historical Review, January 1943, p. 438
  9. Latin-American History
    The American Historical Review, January 1956, pp. 492-493
  10. [+]
    Newspapers and War (Review)
    The Cuban Crisis as Reflected in the New York Press, 1895-1898, by Joseph E. Wisan
    1. The Cuban Crisis as Reflected in the New York Press, 1895-1898 by Joseph E. Wisan
    The Nation, February 27, 1935, p. 256
  11. Porto Rico: A Broken Pledge (1931)
    3 Reviews
  12. Prelude to Empire (1960)
    Portugal Overseas Before Henry the Navigator
    1 Review
  13. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Brazil: People and Institutions, by T. Lynn Smith
    1. Brazil: People and Institutions by T. Lynn Smith
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1946, pp. 295-296
  14. The "Revolt of the Masses" in Spain
    The Nation, February 1, 1933, pp. 119-120
  15. Spain under the Republic
    Foreign Policy Report, December 20, 1933, pp. 234-244
  16. The Spanish Republic Meets the Test
    The Nation, September 14, 1932, p. 226
  17. No Items Found