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Thomas J. DiLorenzo Archives
Thomas J. DiLorenzo •ï¿½74 Items / 13 Books, 53 Articles, 6 Reviews
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  1. America's OPEC: The Public School Cartel
    How state funding strengthens the cartel's grip.
    The Freeman, July 1991, pp. 244-247
  2. Departments
    Antitrust Benefits Consumers? It Just Ain't So!
    The Freeman, January 2001, pp. 6-7
  3. [+]
    Beyond Politics: Markets, Welfare, and the Failure of Bureaucracy (Review)
    Beyond Politics, by William C. Mitchell and Randy T. Simmons
    1. Beyond Politics by William C. Mitchell and Randy T. Simmons
    Cato Journal, Spring-Summer 1995, pp. 140-142
  4. CancerScam (1998)
    Diversion of Federa Cancer Funds to Politics
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  5. Classroom Struggle
    The Free-Market Takeover of Economics Textbooks
    Policy Review, Spring 1987, pp. 44-49
  6. Competition (Except Where Prohibited By Law)
    The Antitrust Laws don't Promote Competition -- they Stifle it. But then, Consider thei...
    Reason, February 1985, pp. 34-37
  7. Competition and Political Entrepreneurship
    Austrian Insights into Public-Choice Theory
    The Review of Austrian Economics, Spring 1988, pp. 59-72
  8. The Consolidation of State Power via Reconstruction, 1865-1890
    The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Spring 2002, pp. 139-164
  9. Constitutional Economics and The Calculus of Consent
    The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Summer 2001, pp. 37-56
  10. A Constitutionalist Approach to Social Security Reform
    Cato Journal, Fall 1983, pp. 443-460
  11. Features
    The Crusade for Politically-Correct Consumption
    Neo-puritanism run amok.
    The Freeman, September 1995, pp. 557-560
  12. A Defense of the Confederate Cause
    The Journal of Historical Review, March 1995, pp. 34-36
  13. Destroying Democracy (1985)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  14. Economic Fascism
    Government control of nominally private property was always a favorite tool of totalita...
    The Freeman, June 1994, pp. 288-293
  15. Economic Priorities for the Next President
    Policy Review, Spring 1988, p. 15
  16. [+]
    Economics on Trial (Review)
    The Vision of the Anointed, by Thomas Sowell
    1. The Vision of the Anointed by Thomas Sowell
    The Freeman, January 1996, p. 61
  17. [+]
    Economics on Trial (Review)
    The Good Life and Its Discontents, by Robert J. Samuelson
    1. The Good Life and Its Discontents by Robert J. Samuelson
    The Freeman, February 1997, p. 119
  18. Departments
    Enron and Argentina Are Examples of Market Failure?
    The Freeman, May 2002, pp. 6-7
  19. The Food and Drink Police (1999)
    America's Nannies, Busybodies and Petty Tyrants
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  20. Frightening America's Elderly (1996)
    How the Age Lobby Holds Seniors Captive
    1 Review
  21. From Pathology to Politics (2000)
    Public Health in America
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  22. The Genesis of Industrial Policy
    The philosophical and ideological roots of socialistic economic policy.
    The Freeman, June 1990, pp. 226-230
  23. George Stigler and the Myth of Efficient Government
    The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Fall 2002, pp. 55-74
  24. Features
    The Ghost of John D. Rockefeller
    Similarities between Microsoft and the old Standard Oil organization.
    The Freeman, June 1998, pp. 334-337
  25. Government's Assault on Freedom to Work
    An analysis of economic freedom in the labor market.
    The Freeman, September 1991, pp. 335-345
  26. Hamilton's Curse (2008)
    How Jefferson's Arch Enemy Betrayed the American Revolution--And What It Mean...
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  27. How Capitalism Saved America (2004)
    The Untold History of Our Country, From the Pilgrims to the Present
    3 Reviews, 3 Readable
  28. How the Government Evades Taxes
    Policy Review, Winter 1982, pp. 71-90
  29. Departments
    Hurricanes Are Creative Destruction? It Just Ain't So!
    The Freeman, February 2000, pp. 6-7
  30. Inflating War
    The American Conservative, August 2010, pp. 16-17
  31. It Just Ain't So!
    The Freeman, December 1998, pp. 708-709
  32. Departments
    Legalized Theft Is Good for the Poor? It Just Ain't So!
    The Freeman, October 1999, pp. 6-7
  33. Correspondence
    The Claremont Review of Books, Fall 2002, pp. 36-37
  34. Life, Liberty, and Pizza Delivery
    How the free market eliminates "service redlining."
    The Freeman, May 1997, pp. 279-280
  35. Lincoln Unmasked (2006)
    What You're Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  36. The Microsoft Corporation in Collision with Antitrust Law
    The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, Spring 2001, pp. 287-302
  37. Monopoly Government
    Government compete unfairly with private businesses in the provision of thousands of go...
    The Freeman, June 1989, pp. 212-216
  38. The Myth of Natural Monopoly
    The Review of Austrian Economics, Summer 1996, pp. 43-58
  39. The Myth of the "Independent" Fed
    The Fed, like any other governmental institution, has always been manipulated by politi...
    The Freeman, April 1997, pp. 203-207
  40. National Service: A Solution in Search of a Problem
    Do young citizens have special "duties" that must be fulfilled through "national service"?
    The Freeman, March 1990, pp. 99-103
  41. The New Industrial Policy
    Timely lessons from previous industrial policies.
    The Freeman, August 1993, pp. 292-300
  42. Normative and Positive Foundations of Tax Reform
    Cato Journal, Fall 1985, pp. 401-406
  43. Official Lies (1992)
    How Washington Misleads Us
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  44. The Origins of Antitrust
    Rhetoric vs. Reality
    Regulation, September 1990, pp. 26-34
  45. Features
    Paul Heyne, R.I.P.
    The Freeman, July 2000, pp. 8-9
  46. Departments
    George Washington on the Role of Government
    The Freeman, May 1997, p. 250
  47. Policing PC
    National Review, August 28, 1995, pp. 36-37
  48. The Political Economy of Corporate Welfare
    Industrial Revenue Bonds
    Cato Journal, Fall 1982, pp. 607-618
  49. The Political Economy of National Industrial Policy
    Cato Journal, Fall 1984, pp. 587-608
  50. The Political Economy of Protectionism
    The ethical and economic ramifications of stifling free trade.
    The Freeman, July 1988, pp. 269-275
  51. Politicians, Policy, and Public Opinion
    The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, Fall 1982, pp. 281-292
  52. [+]
    Power and Privilege: Labor Unions in America (Review)
    Power and Privilege, by Morgan O. Reynolds
    1. Power and Privilege by Morgan O. Reynolds
    Cato Journal, Spring-Summer 1985, pp. 353-356
  53. Book Reviews
    A Pre-History of Misesian Calculation (Review)
    Monopolistic Competition and Macroeconomic Theory, by Robert M. Solow
    1. Monopolistic Competition and Macroeconomic Theory by Robert M. Solow
    The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Winter 1999, pp. 83-88
  54. Features
    Predatory Unionism
    How unions sabotage competition.
    The Freeman, January 1996, pp. 21-28
  55. Departments
    Prosperity Is Hazardous to Our Health and Wealth? It Just Ain't So!
    The Freeman, June 2001, pp. 6-7
  56. The Protectionist Roots of Antitrust
    The Review of Austrian Economics, Summer 1993, pp. 81-98
  57. Public Policy and the Free Economy
    Only the free economy is capable of achieving equity and prosperity.
    The Freeman, August 1982, pp. 492-509
  58. The Real Lincoln (2002)
    A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War
    5 Reviews, 3 Readable
  59. Regulatory Extortion
    The Freeman, March 2000, pp. 37-42
  60. Features
    Regulatory Poison
    How radiation phobia delayed FDA approval of meat irradiation.
    The Freeman, February 1998, pp. 68-70
  61. The Rhetoric of Antitrust
    A rebuttal of some current antitrust myths.
    The Freeman, March 1987, pp. 110-115
  62. The Subjectivist Roots of James Buchanan's Economics
    The Review of Austrian Economics, Spring 1990, pp. 180-198
  63. Features
    Trade and the Rise of Freedom
    The Freeman, June 2000, pp. 23-29
  64. [+]
    Trillion Dollar Welfare State (Review)
    On Borrowed Time, by Peter G. Peterson and Neil Howe
    1. On Borrowed Time by Peter G. Peterson and Neil Howe
    Reason, July 1989, pp. 56-57
  65. Trust Busters
    Turning Back the Clock
    Reason, November 1990, pp. 44-45
  66. Underground Government (1983)
    The Off-Budget Public Sector
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  67. Underground Government
    Subverting Constaints on Public Sector Expansion
    The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, Fall 1981, pp. 219-234
  68. Unfair Competition (1989)
    The Profits of Nonprofits
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  69. Unhealthy Charities (1994)
    Hazardous to Your Health and Wealth
    2 Reviews
  70. Who Says You Can't Cut the Budget? A Symposium
    Policy Review, Winter 1986, p. 55
  71. Why Government Jobs Programs Destroy Jobs
    Government efforts to create jobs are bound to fail.
    The Freeman, November 1987, pp. 428-430
  72. Why Socialism Causes Pollution
    Socialism, not free enterprise, poses the greater threat to the environment.
    The Freeman, March 1992, pp. 107-112
  73. No Items Found