The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Oscar King Davis Archives
Oscar King Davis •ï¿½22 Items / 18 Articles, 4 Books
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  1. "The Battery Fool"
    The Century Magazine, September 1905, pp. 747-756
  2. "Big Business" and the Sherman Law
    The Century Magazine, March 1910, pp. 748-751
  3. Dewey's Capture of Manila
    How the Spaniards came to Surrender without a Stubborn Resistance
    McClure's Magazine, June 1899, pp. 171-183
  4. At the Emperor's Wish (1905)
  5. Hide-and-Seek with the Customs
    The Century Magazine, May 1904, pp. 55-64
  6. Japanese Devotion and Courage
    The Century Magazine, November 1904, pp. 139-146
  7. The Last Appeal of Don Felipe, Revolutionist
    The Century Magazine, April 1904, pp. 833-837
  8. The Lucin Cut-Off
    The Century Magazine, January 1906, pp. 459-468
  9. The Moros in Peace and War
    Munsey's Magazine, August 1902, pp. 787-792
  10. Our Conquests in the Pacific (1899)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  11. Released for Publication (1925)
    Some Inside Political History of Theodore Roosevelt and His Times, 1898-1918
    89 Chapters, 493pp - 7 Reviews, 4 Readable
  12. Roosevelt's Marvelous Escape from Death
    Munsey's Magazine, January 1913, pp. 606-609
  13. Stories of Admiral Dewey
    McClure's Magazine, May 1899, pp. 43-48
  14. Thingography
    The North American Review, December 1929, pp. 698-704
  15. Today in the Philippines
    Munsey's Magazine, May 1899, pp. 193-208
  16. Uncle Jeff's Dream of Wealth
    The Century Magazine, March 1907, p. 803
  17. "What Do We Care for 'Abroad'?"
    The North American Review, May 1923, pp. 601-606
  18. Where Underwood Stands
    An Interview with the Democratic Leader of the House, by The Outlook's Special Represen...
    The Outlook, September 23, 1911, pp. 197-200
  19. Yamato Damashii
    The Century Magazine, December 1906, pp. 177-181
  20. Your Stake in Foreign Trade
    The North American Review, October 1929, pp. 465-473
  21. No Items Found