The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
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Robert Eugene Cushman Archives
Robert Eugene Cushman • 85 Items / 11 Books, 45 Articles, 29 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    American Government (Review)
    Progress of the Law in the U. S. Supreme Court, 1930-31, by Gregory Hankin and Charlott...
    1. Progress of the Law in the U. S. Supreme Court, 1930-31 by Gregory Hankin and Charlotte A. Hankin
    American Political Science Review, June 1932, p. 574
  2. [+]
    American Government and Constitutional Law (Review)
    The Social and Economic Views of Mr. Justice Brandeis, by Alfred Lief and Louis Brandeis
    1. The Social and Economic Views of Mr. Justice Brandeis by Alfred Lief and Louis Brandeis
    American Political Science Review, February 1932, p. 165
  3. American Government and Politics
    The Case of the Nazi Saboteurs
    American Political Science Review, December 1942, pp. 1082-1090
  4. American Government in War-Time: The First Year
    Civil Liberties
    American Political Science Review, February 1943, pp. 49-55
  5. American National Government (1931)
    1 Review
  6. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Oregon Minimum Wage Cases, by Felix Frankfurter and Josephine Goldmark
    1. Oregon Minimum Wage Cases by Felix Frankfurter and Josephine Goldmark
    American Political Science Review, November 1917, p. 784
  7. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    New York as an Eighteenth Century Municipality prior to 1731, by Arthur Everett Peterson
    1. New York as an Eighteenth Century Municipality prior to 1731 by Arthur Everett Peterson
    2. New York as an Eighteenth Century Municipality, 1731-1776 by George William Edwards
    American Political Science Review, August 1918, p. 556
  8. Book Reviews
    Book Reviews (Review)
    History of Labour in the United States, by John R. Commons, David J. Saposs, and E.B. M...
    1. History of Labour in the United States by John R. Commons, David J. Saposs, and E.B. Mittelman, ...
    American Political Science Review, May 1920, pp. 331-335
  9. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Economic Democracy, by Clifford Hugh Douglas
    1. Economic Democracy by Clifford Hugh Douglas
    American Political Science Review, February 1921, p. 122
  10. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    Supreme Court and Minimum Wage Legislation,
    1. Supreme Court and Minimum Wage Legislation
    2. American Constitutional Law by Charles W. Gerstenberg
    American Political Science Review, August 1926, p. 687
  11. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Due Process of Law, by Rodney L. Mott
    1. Due Process of Law by Rodney L. Mott
    American Political Science Review, May 1927, pp. 426-428
  12. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Supreme Court of the United States, by Charles Evans Hughes
    1. The Supreme Court of the United States by Charles Evans Hughes
    American Political Science Review, November 1928, p. 1011
  13. Book Reviews and Notices
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Constitutional Law of the United States, by Westel W. Willoughby
    1. The Constitutional Law of the United States by Westel W. Willoughby
    American Political Science Review, August 1930, pp. 746-748
  14. Book Reviews and Notices
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    Theodore Roosevelt: A Biography, by Henry F. Pringle
    1. Theodore Roosevelt: A Biography by Henry F. Pringle
    2. President and Chief Justice by Francis McHale
    American Political Science Review, April 1932, pp. 363-366
  15. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, by Silas Bent
    1. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes by Silas Bent
    American Political Science Review, December 1932, pp. 1108-1110
  16. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Stephen J. Field: Craftsman of the Law, by Carl Brent Swisher
    1. Stephen J. Field: Craftsman of the Law by Carl Brent Swisher
    American Political Science Review, February 1932, pp. 151-153
  17. Book Reviews and Notices
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Mr. Justice Brandeis and the Constitution, by Felix Frankfurter
    1. Mr. Justice Brandeis and the Constitution by Felix Frankfurter
    American Political Science Review, December 1933, p. 985
  18. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Brandeis: Lawyer and Judge in the Modern State, by Alpheus Thomas Mason
    1. Brandeis: Lawyer and Judge in the Modern State by Alpheus Thomas Mason
    American Political Science Review, June 1934, pp. 516-517
  19. Book Reviews and Notices
    Book Reviews (Review)
    A Constitutional History of the United States, by Andrew C. McLaughlin
    1. A Constitutional History of the United States by Andrew C. McLaughlin
    American Political Science Review, June 1936, pp. 565-566
  20. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Selected Papers of Homer Cummings, Attorney General of the United States 1933-1939, by ...
    1. Selected Papers of Homer Cummings, Attorney General of the United States 1933-1939 by Carl Brent Swisher and Homer Cummings
    American Political Science Review, April 1939, pp. 306-307
  21. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Free Speech in the United States, by Zechariah Chafee, Jr.
    1. Free Speech in the United States by Zechariah Chafee, Jr.
    American Political Science Review, February 1942, pp. 136-137
  22. [+]
    Books Reviews (Review)
    Essays on Constitutional Law and Equity and Other Subjects, by Henry Schofield
    1. Essays on Constitutional Law and Equity and Other Subjects by Henry Schofield
    American Political Science Review, May 1923, pp. 314-316
  23. Cases in Constitutional Law (1958)
    1 Review
  24. Civil Liberties in the United States (1957)
    1 Review
  25. Constitutional Law in 1923-24
    American Political Science Review, February 1925, pp. 51-68
  26. Constitutional Law in 1924-25
    American Political Science Review, February 1926, pp. 80-106
  27. Constitutional Law in 1925-26
    American Political Science Review, February 1927, pp. 71-94
  28. Constitutional Law in 1926-27
    American Political Science Review, February 1928, pp. 70-107
  29. Constitutional Law in 1927-28
    American Political Science Review, February 1929, pp. 78-101
  30. Constitutional Law in 1928-29
    American Political Science Review, February 1930, pp. 67-103
  31. Constitutional Law in 1929-30
    American Political Science Review, February 1931, pp. 73-102
  32. Constitutional Law in 1930-31
    American Political Science Review, April 1932, pp. 256-284
  33. Constitutional Law in 1931-32
    American Political Science Review, February 1933, pp. 39-57
  34. Constitutional Law in 1932-33
    American Political Science Review, February 1934, pp. 40-64
  35. Constitutional Law in 1933-34
    American Political Science Review, February 1935, pp. 36-59
  36. Constitutional Law in 1934-35
    American Political Science Review, February 1936, pp. 51-89
  37. Constitutional Law in 1935-36
    American Political Science Review, April 1937, pp. 253-279
  38. Constitutional Law in 1936-37
    American Political Science Review, April 1938, pp. 278-310
  39. Constitutional Law in 1937-38
    American Political Science Review, April 1939, pp. 234-266
  40. Constitutional Law in 1938-1939
    American Political Science Review, April 1940, pp. 249-283
  41. Constitutional Law in 1939-40
    American Political Science Review, April 1941, pp. 250-283
  42. Constitutional Law in 1940-41
    American Political Science Review, April 1942, pp. 263-289
  43. Constitutional Law in 1941-42
    American Political Science Review, April 1943, pp. 263-289
  44. Constitutional Law in 1943-44
    American Political Science Review, April 1945, pp. 293-308
  45. Constitutional Law in 1944-45
    American Political Science Review, April 1946, pp. 231-255
  46. Constitutional Law in 1945-46
    American Political Science Review, April 1947, pp. 248-270
  47. [+]
    Constitutional Orthodoxy (Review)
    Constitutional Limitations, by Thomas M. Cooley and Walter Carrington
    1. Constitutional Limitations by Thomas M. Cooley and Walter Carrington
    The New Republic, June 27, 1928, p. 152
  48. Cushman's Leading Constitutional Decisions (1946)
    1 Review
  49. Excess Condemnation (1917)
    2 Reviews
  50. The Impact of the War on America (1942)
    Six Lectures by Members of the Faculty of Cornell University
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  51. The Independent Regulatory Commissions (1941)
    2 Reviews
  52. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, August 1917, pp. 545-555
  53. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, November 1917, pp. 720-730
  54. Judicial Decisions On Public Law
    American Political Science Review, August 1918, pp. 475-488
  55. Judicial Decisions On Public Law
    War Problems; Woman Suffrage Cases
    American Political Science Review, February 1918, pp. 95-105
  56. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, May 1918, pp. 272-287
  57. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, November 1918, pp. 685-694
  58. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, August 1919, pp. 451-459
  59. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    War Problems
    American Political Science Review, February 1919, pp. 100-107
  60. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, May 1919, pp. 281-292
  61. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, May 1920, pp. 303-316
  62. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, August 1921, pp. 404-416
  63. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, August 1922, pp. 468-478
  64. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, August 1923, pp. 434-444
  65. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, August 1924, pp. 566-573
  66. Judicial Decisions on Public Law
    American Political Science Review, August 1925, pp. 565-581
  67. Leading Constitutional Decisions (1925)
    9 Reviews
  68. [+]
    Mr. Hughes on the Supreme Court (Review)
    The Supreme Court of the United States, by Charles Evans Hughes
    1. The Supreme Court of the United States by Charles Evans Hughes
    The New Republic, October 17, 1928, p. 253
  69. Public Law in the State Courts in 1925-26
    American Political Science Review, August 1926, pp. 583-603
  70. Public Law in the State Courts in 1926-27
    American Political Science Review, August 1927, pp. 573-597
  71. Public Law in the State Courts in 1927-28
    American Political Science Review, August 1928, pp. 617-636
  72. Recent Experience with the Initiative and Referendum
    American Political Science Review, August 1916, pp. 532-539
  73. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    American Civil Church Law, by Carl Zollmann
    1. American Civil Church Law by Carl Zollmann
    American Political Science Review, November 1918, pp. 726-727
  74. [+]
    American Government and Politics (Review)
    Independent Commissions in the Federal Government, by Wilson Keyser Doyle
    1. Independent Commissions in the Federal Government by Wilson Keyser Doyle
    American Political Science Review, June 1940, p. 593
  75. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Carrying Out the City Plan, by Flavel Shurtleff and Frederick Law Olmsted
    1. Carrying Out the City Plan by Flavel Shurtleff and Frederick Law Olmsted
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1915, pp. 527-529
  76. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    City Planning, by Charles Mulford Robinson
    1. City Planning by Charles Mulford Robinson
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1916, pp. 327-328
  77. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The Ordinance-Making Powers of the President of the United States, by James Hart
    1. The Ordinance-Making Powers of the President of the United States by James Hart
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1927, pp. 319-320
  78. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Judicial Interpretation of Political Theory, by William Bennett Bizzell
    1. Judicial Interpretation of Political Theory by William Bennett Bizzell
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1914, pp. 708-709
  79. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    De la Responsabilite Civile des Personnes Publiques et Leurs Agents en Angleterre, Aux ...
    1. De la Responsabilite Civile des Personnes Publiques et Leurs Agents en Angleterre, Aux Etats-Unis et en Allemagne by Roger Bonnard
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1915, pp. 327-329
  80. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The Operation of the Initiative, Referendum, and Recall in Oregon, by James D. Barnett
    1. The Operation of the Initiative, Referendum, and Recall in Oregon by James D. Barnett
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1916, pp. 466-468
  81. Safeguarding Civil Liberty Today (1945)
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  82. Woman Suffrage on the Instalment Plan
    The Nation, December 6, 1917, p. 633
  83. No Items Found