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Edmund B. Chaffee Archives
Edmund B. Chaffee •ï¿½51 Items / 1 Book, 2 Articles, 48 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Back Toward Heaven (Review)
    The Nature of the Physical World, by Sir Arthur S. Eddington
    1. The Nature of the Physical World by Sir Arthur S. Eddington
    The Outlook, January 30, 1929, p. 189
  2. Editorial
    Do You Believe in Free Speech?
    The Outlook, May 15, 1929, p. 99
  3. [+]
    The Field of Religion and Philosophy (3 Reviews)
    Biology in Human Affairs, by Ivor John Hodgkiss
    1. Biology in Human Affairs by Ivor John Hodgkiss
    2. Reason and Nature by Morris R. Cohen
    3. The Story of Psychic Science by Hereward Carrington
    The Outlook, June 24, 1931, pp. 250-251
  4. [+]
    Food for the Religiously Mature (2 Reviews)
    The Background of the Bible, by Henry Kendall Booth
    1. The Background of the Bible by Henry Kendall Booth
    2. The Impatience of a Layman by Hugh A. Studdert Kennedy
    The Outlook, November 7, 1928, p. 1129
  5. [+]
    In the Field of Religion (3 Reviews)
    The Kingdom of God in the New Testament, by Ernest F. Scott
    1. The Kingdom of God in the New Testament by Ernest F. Scott
    2. World Revolution and Religion by Paul Hutchinson
    3. Religion in a Changing World by Abba Hillel Silver
    The Outlook, May 27, 1931, p. 119
  6. [+]
    It's All an Adventure (Review)
    Adventure, by Burnett H. Streeter
    1. Adventure by Burnett H. Streeter
    The Outlook, May 9, 1928, p. 74
  7. [+]
    Jesus---As Seen by Barbusse (Review)
    Jesus, by Henri Barbusse
    1. Jesus by Henri Barbusse
    The Outlook, January 18, 1928, p. 114
  8. [+]
    Making the Apostles Live (Review)
    The Glorious Company, by Tracy D. Mygatt and Frances Witherspoon
    1. The Glorious Company by Tracy D. Mygatt and Frances Witherspoon
    The Outlook, August 29, 1928, p. 714
  9. [+]
    On Understanding the Catholic (Review)
    Catholicism and the American Mind, by Winfred Ernest Garrison
    1. Catholicism and the American Mind by Winfred Ernest Garrison
    The Outlook, August 8, 1928, p. 596
  10. [+]
    Our Criminal Problem (Review)
    Battling the Crime Wave, by Harry Elmer Barnes
    1. Battling the Crime Wave by Harry Elmer Barnes
    The Outlook, July 29, 1931, p. 411
  11. [+]
    Religion and Philosophy (4 Reviews)
    A Psychological Approach to Theology, by Walter Marshall Horton
    1. A Psychological Approach to Theology by Walter Marshall Horton
    2. The Reality of God, and Religion and Agnosticism by Edmund G. Gardner and Friedrich von Hugel
    3. Since Mrs. Eddy by Altman K. Swihart
    4. Greatest Thoughts on Immortality by Jacob Helder
    The Outlook, August 12, 1931, p. 473
  12. [+]
    Religion's Voice (6 Reviews)
    As Heard in Recent Books
    1. Jesus the Son of Man by Kahlil Gibran
    2. Things to Come by John Middleton Murry
    3. The Christ of God by S. Parkes Cadman
    4. Who Is Then This Man? by Melanie Marnas
    5. Jesus of Nazareth by Charles Gore
    6. The Master: A Life of Jesus Christ by Walter Russell Bowie
    The Outlook, April 24, 1929, p. 669
  13. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    Religion in an Age of Science, by Edwin A. Burtt
    1. Religion in an Age of Science by Edwin A. Burtt
    2. Souls in the Making by John Grant McKenzie
    3. Unravelling the Book of Books by Ernest R. Trattner
    4. Truth and the Faith by Hartley Burr Alexander
    5. Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed Cynic by Reinhold Niebuhr
    The Outlook, August 7, 1929, p. 592
  14. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    The Spirit of Catholicism, by Karl Adam
    1. The Spirit of Catholicism by Karl Adam
    2. The Life of Prayer by Baron Friedrich Von Hugel
    3. The Story of Religious Controversy by Joseph McCabe and E. Haldeman-Julius
    4. A Critical Analysis of the Four Chief Pauline Epistles by L. Gordon Rylands
    5. Man's Social Destiny: In the Light of Science by Charles A. Ellwood
    The Outlook, August 28, 1929, p. 711
  15. [+]
    Religion's Voice (8 Reviews)
    A Preface to Morals, by Walter Lippmann
    1. A Preface to Morals by Walter Lippmann
    2. Truths to Live By by J. Elliot Ross
    3. Religion Lends a Hand by James Myers
    4. Robbing Youth of Its Religion by James F. Halliday
    5. The Primitive Church by Burnett Hillman Streeter
    6. Ways of Sharing with Other Faiths by Daniel J. Fleming
    7. Religion and the Modern Mind by Charles C. Cooper
    8. Whither Christianity by Lynn Harold Hough
    The Outlook, December 18, 1929, p. 631
  16. [+]
    Religion's Voice (6 Reviews)
    Men and Machines, by Stuart Chase
    1. Men and Machines by Stuart Chase
    2. It's Not Our Fault by Alfred Lawrence Hall-Quest
    3. New Lives for Old by Amelia Stead Reynolds
    4. Voices of the Age by James Presley Pound
    5. The World's Miracle, and Other Observations by Karl Reiland
    6. The Rediscovery of Jesus by Fred Merrifield
    The Outlook, July 17, 1929, p. 470
  17. [+]
    Religion's Voice (7 Reviews)
    The Motives of Men, by George A. Coe
    1. The Motives of Men by George A. Coe
    2. Beyond Agnosticism by Bernard Iddings Bell
    3. The Soul Comes Back by Joseph H. Coffin
    4. The Dilemma of Protestantism by William E. Hammond
    5. The Beliefs of 700 Ministers by George Herbert Betts
    6. Can I Teach My Child Religion? by George Stewart
    7. If I Could Preach Just Once
    The Outlook, June 5, 1929, p. 230
  18. [+]
    Religion's Voice (6 Reviews)
    Christian Unity, by Gaius Jackson Slosser
    1. Christian Unity by Gaius Jackson Slosser
    2. Protestantism in the United States by Archer B. Bass
    3. Christ and Modern Education by Charles E. Raven
    4. The Quest for Experience in Worship by Edwin H. Byington
    5. The Story of Religion, as Told in the Lives of Its Leaders by Charles Francis Potter
    6. The Great Conjecture by Winifred Kirkland
    The Outlook, June 19, 1929, p. 312
  19. [+]
    Religion's Voice (9 Reviews)
    The Nature of the Physical World, by Sir Arthur S. Eddington
    1. The Nature of the Physical World by Sir Arthur S. Eddington
    2. The Misbehaviorists by Harvey Wickham
    3. Moral Adventure by Burnett Hillman Streeter
    4. The Changing Family by George Walter Fiske
    5. Methods of Private Religious Living by Henry Nelson Wieman
    6. Frankness in Religion by Robert J. Hutcheon
    7. A Wanderer's Way by Charles E. Raven
    8. The Psychology of Religious Awakening by Elmer Talmage Clark
    9. A History of Christian Missions in China by Kenneth Scott Latourette
    The Outlook, March 13, 1929, pp. 432-433
  20. [+]
    Religion's Voice (7 Reviews)
    The Genesis of the Social Gospel, by Chester Charlton McCown
    1. The Genesis of the Social Gospel by Chester Charlton McCown
    2. Our Economic Morality, and the Ethic of Jesus by Harry F. Ward
    3. Jesus on Social Institutions by Shailer Mathews
    4. Social Principles of the Gospels by Alphonse Lugan
    5. While Peter Sleeps by E. Boyd Barrett
    6. Labels and Libels by W.R. Inge
    7. Saint Paul by Emile Baumann
    The Outlook, May 15, 1929, pp. 108-109
  21. [+]
    Religion's Voice (7 Reviews)
    Survivals and New Arrivals, by Hilaire Belloc
    1. Survivals and New Arrivals by Hilaire Belloc
    2. The Catholic-Protestant Mind by Conrad Henry Moehlman
    3. The Christian God by Richard Roberts
    4. Science and the Unseen World by Arthur S. Eddington
    5. Do We Need a New Religion? by Paul Arthur Schilpp
    6. Conflicts in Religious Thought by Georgia Harkness
    7. Signs of These Times by Willard L. Sperry
    The Outlook, October 16, 1929, p. 271
  22. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    Catholicism and Christianity, by Cecil John Cadoux
    1. Catholicism and Christianity by Cecil John Cadoux
    2. The Present Crisis in Religion by W.E. Orchard
    3. The Recovery of Religion by Dwight J. Bradley
    4. What Do We Mean by God? by Cyril H. Valentine
    5. The Man Who Dared to Be God by Robert Norwood
    The Outlook, September 25, 1929, p. 154
  23. [+]
    Religion's Voice (6 Reviews)
    Our New Religion, by H.A.L. Fisher
    1. Our New Religion by H.A.L. Fisher
    2. Phantom Walls by Oliver Lodge
    3. The Red Harvest by Vincent Godfrey Burns
    4. Factors in the Sex Life of Twenty-Two Hundred Women by Katharine Bement Davis
    5. The Autobiography of God by Ernest R. Trattner
    6. Theism and the Modern Mood by Walter Marshall Horton
    The Outlook, April 9, 1930, p. 592
  24. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    Early Christianity and Its Rivals, by George H. Box
    1. Early Christianity and Its Rivals by George H. Box
    2. The Inquisition by G.G. Coulton
    3. The Coming Age and the Catholic Church by William Francis Barry
    4. The Catholic Church and Current Literature by George N. Shuster
    5. The Catholic Church and the Destitute by John O'Grady
    The Outlook, August 6, 1930, p. 549
  25. [+]
    Religion's Voice (6 Reviews)
    Experience with the Supernatural in Early Christian Times, by Shirley Jackson Case
    1. Experience with the Supernatural in Early Christian Times by Shirley Jackson Case
    2. New Testament in the Light of Modern Research by Adolf Deissmann
    3. The Christian Content of the Bible by George Holley Gilbert
    4. Immortality by S.D. McConnell
    5. The Theology of Crisis by Emil Brunner
    6. Types of Philosophy by William Ernest Hocking
    The Outlook, February 12, 1930, p. 270
  26. [+]
    Religion's Voice (7 Reviews)
    Nature: Cosmic, Human and Divine, by James Young Simpson
    1. Nature: Cosmic, Human and Divine by James Young Simpson
    2. The Universe Around Us by James H. Jeans
    3. The Quest of the Ages by A. Eustace Haydon
    4. The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
    5. Pacifism in the Modern World by Devere Allen
    6. Must We Have War? by Fred B. Smith
    7. The Christian's Alternative to War by Leyton P. Richards
    The Outlook, January 15, 1930, pp. 110-111
  27. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    Virgin Birth of Christ, by J. Gresham Machen
    1. Virgin Birth of Christ by J. Gresham Machen
    2. An Emerging Christian Faith by Justin Wroe Nixon
    3. The Social Sources of Denominationalism by H. Richard Niebuhr
    4. Perpetuation Pentecost by John M. Versteeg
    5. The Spirit of God and the Faith of Today by Richard Roberts
    The Outlook, July 9, 1930, p. 388
  28. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    Treatise on the Gods, by H.L. Mencken
    1. Treatise on the Gods by H.L. Mencken
    2. Humanism: A New Religion by Charles Francis Potter
    3. Armor of Light by Tracy D. Mygatt and Frances Witherspoon
    4. Who Moved the Stone? by Frank Morison
    5. Some Living Issues by Robert E. Speer
    The Outlook, June 4, 1930, p. 191
  29. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    The Quest for Certainty, by John Dewey
    1. The Quest for Certainty by John Dewey
    2. Process and Reality by Alfred North Whitehead
    3. Mind and the World Order by Clarence Irving Lewis
    4. Orpheus: A History of Religions by Salomon Reinach
    5. Confucianism by Frederick Starr
    The Outlook, March 12, 1930, p. 428
  30. [+]
    Religion's Voice (6 Reviews)
    We Believe in Prayer, by Sydney Strong
    1. We Believe in Prayer by Sydney Strong
    2. The Mind of St. Paul by Arthur Holmes
    3. Jeremiah the Prophet by Raymond Calkins
    4. George Fox: Seeker and Friend by Rufus M. Jones
    5. Martin Luther: A Destiny by Lucien Febvre
    6. Cardinal Newman by J. Lewis May
    The Outlook, May 7, 1930, p. 28
  31. Religion's Voice
    The Outlook, November 26, 1930, p. 510
  32. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    The Church in Politics, by Stanley High
    1. The Church in Politics by Stanley High
    2. Puritan Principles and American Ideals by Henry Hallam Saunderson
    3. The Country Church and Public Affairs by Henry W. McLaughlin
    4. The Present and Future of Religion by C.E.M. Joad
    5. The Jews in the Christian Era by Laurie Magnus
    The Outlook, October 1, 1930, p. 190
  33. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    Psychology in Service of the Soul, by Leslie D. Weatherhead
    1. Psychology in Service of the Soul by Leslie D. Weatherhead
    2. Religion and Conduct
    3. Objectives in Religious Education by Paul H. Vieth
    4. The Sources of a Science of Education by John Dewey
    5. The Child's Approach to Religion by Henry Watson Fox
    The Outlook, September 3, 1930, p. 31
  34. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    The Church and Industry, by Spencer Miller, Jr. and Joseph F. Fletcher
    1. The Church and Industry by Spencer Miller, Jr. and Joseph F. Fletcher
    2. The Significance of Personality by Richard M. Vaughan
    3. The Basis of Belief by William G. Ballantine
    4. Worship Through Drama by Ryllis Clair Alexander and Omar Pancoast Goslin, ...
    5. Shakespeare and World Peace by Pauline Jennings
    The Outlook, February 25, 1931, p. 310
  35. [+]
    Religion's Voice (7 Reviews)
    The U.S. Looks at Its Churches, by C. Luther Fry
    1. The U.S. Looks at Its Churches by C. Luther Fry
    2. Christian Science and Organized Religion by Hugh A. Studdert Kennedy
    3. The Religious Background of American Culture by Thomas Cuming Hall
    4. The Story of Religion in America by William Warren Sweet
    5. Modern Religion from Puritan Origins by Henry Hallam Saunderson
    6. The Puritan Mind by Herbert W. Schneider
    7. Church and Newspaper by William Bernard Norton
    The Outlook, January 28, 1931, p. 149
  36. [+]
    Religion's Voice (5 Reviews)
    Cosmic Religion, by Albert Einstein
    1. Cosmic Religion by Albert Einstein
    2. The Religion of Man by Rabindranath Tagore
    3. Science and Faith, or the Spiritual Side of Science by Hugh W. Sanford
    4. Which Way Religion? by Harry F. Ward
    5. A Country Parson Looks at Religion by Harold Adye Prichard
    The Outlook, March 25, 1931, p. 441
  37. [+]
    Religion's Voice (4 Reviews)
    The Flight from Reason, by Arnold H.M. Lunn
    1. The Flight from Reason by Arnold H.M. Lunn
    2. The Academy for Souls by John O'Hara Cosgrave
    3. Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon
    4. American Religion as I See It Lived by Burris Jenkins
    The Outlook, May 6, 1931, p. 25
  38. [+]
    Religion's Voice as Heard in Recent Books (6 Reviews)
    The Twilight of Christianity, by Harry Elmer Barnes
    1. The Twilight of Christianity by Harry Elmer Barnes
    2. Mysticism and Logic, and Other Essays by Bertrand Russell
    3. New Views of Evolution by George Perrigo Conger
    4. Do the Churches Dare? by Chauncey J. Hawkins
    5. The Religious Response by Henry Wilkes Wright
    6. Things That Remain by Carl E. Grammer
    The Outlook, November 13, 1929, p. 430
  39. [+]
    Religion's Voice in Recent Books (6 Reviews)
    Christian Ethics and Modern Problems, by William R. Inge
    1. Christian Ethics and Modern Problems by William R. Inge
    2. Studies in Matthew by Benjamin W. Bacon
    3. The Gospel of Luke by William Manson
    4. Why Rome by Selden Peabody Delany
    5. The Magnificent Illusion by E. Boyd Barrett
    6. The End of the World by Geoffrey Dennis
    The Outlook, October 29, 1930, p. 350
  40. [+]
    A Reply in the Affirmative (Review)
    Does Civilization Need Religion?, by Reinhold Niebuhr
    1. Does Civilization Need Religion? by Reinhold Niebuhr
    The Outlook, February 29, 1928, pp. 354-360
  41. [+]
    Three Novels by Women (Review)
    The Personality of Criminals, by Albert Warren Stearns
    1. The Personality of Criminals by Albert Warren Stearns
    The Outlook, August 5, 1931, p. 441
  42. [+]
    The New Movies (Review)
    Has Science Discovered God?, by Edward H. Cotton
    1. Has Science Discovered God? by Edward H. Cotton
    The Outlook, December 2, 1931, p. 442
  43. [+]
    The Ideology of a Nomad (Review)
    The Forest Hospital at Lambarene, by Albert Schweitzer
    1. The Forest Hospital at Lambarene by Albert Schweitzer
    The Outlook, December 16, 1931, p. 506
  44. [+]
    Theatre (Review)
    Will America Become Catholic?, by John Ferguson Moore
    1. Will America Become Catholic? by John Ferguson Moore
    The Outlook, October 14, 1931, p. 217
  45. [+]
    A Scientist Looks at Religion (Review)
    Science in Search of God, by Kirtley F. Mather
    1. Science in Search of God by Kirtley F. Mather
    The Outlook, October 24, 1928, p. 1035
  46. [+]
    A Spiritual Journey (Review)
    Religion and Social Justice, by Sherwood Eddy
    1. Religion and Social Justice by Sherwood Eddy
    The Outlook, June 6, 1928, pp. 236-237
  47. [+]
    Theology for the Common Man (Review)
    Beliefs that Matter, by William Adams Brown
    1. Beliefs that Matter by William Adams Brown
    The Outlook, June 27, 1928, p. 356
  48. [+]
    Was Jesus a Pacifist? (Review)
    Madness of War, by Harold S. Brewster
    1. Madness of War by Harold S. Brewster
    The Outlook, January 2, 1929, p. 29
  49. [+]
    The Week's Reading (Review)
    Since Calvary, by Lewis Browne
    1. Since Calvary by Lewis Browne
    The Outlook, July 15, 1931, p. 346
  50. [+]
    What Value Religion? (Review)
    The Wrestle of Religion with Truth, by Henry Nelson Wieman
    1. The Wrestle of Religion with Truth by Henry Nelson Wieman
    The Outlook, April 4, 1928, pp. 557-560
  51. No Items Found