The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Peter N. Carroll Archives
Peter N. Carroll •ï¿½8 Items / 2 Reviews, 5 Books, 1 Article
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  1. It Seemed Like Nothing Happened (1982)
    The Tragedy and Promise of America in the 1970s
    1 Review
  2. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, March 2, 1995, pp. 44-48
  3. The Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (1994)
    Americans in the Spanish Civil War
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  4. The Other Samuel Johnson (1978)
    A Psychohistory of Early New England
    1 Review
  5. Puritanism and the Wilderness, 1629-1700 (1969)
    The Intellectual Significance of the New England Frontier
    1 Review
  6. Hollywood Musicals
    That's Not Just Entertainment (2 Reviews)
    The Hollywood Musical Goes to War, by Allen L. Woll
    1. The Hollywood Musical Goes to War by Allen L. Woll
    2. The Hollywood Musical by Jane Feuer
    In These Times, October 19, 1983, p. 19
  7. War Is Beautiful (2008)
    An American Ambulance Driver in the Spanish Civil War
    1 Review
  8. [+]
    Westward Ho (Review)
    The New Country, by Richard A. Bartlett
    1. The New Country by Richard A. Bartlett
    The New Republic, December 21, 1974, p. 18
  9. No Items Found