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F. Reid Buckley Archives
F. Reid Buckley •ï¿½68 Items / 5 Books, 39 Articles, 24 Reviews
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  1. An American Family: The Buckleys (2008)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  2. The Anatomy of an American Town
    Modern Age, Spring 1974, pp. 186-196
  3. Another Country
    National Review, April 13, 1979, pp. 482-486
  4. Be Yourself
    A short story. It's the best way to get what you want---so Mr. Wales, Chief Officer, fo...
    Collier's Weekly, June 8, 1929, pp. 10-11
  5. [+]
    Books in Brief (Review)
    The Rules of Civility, by Richard Brookhiser
    1. The Rules of Civility by Richard Brookhiser
    National Review, April 21, 1997, pp. 78-80
  6. The Buzz-Saw
    A short short story
    Collier's Weekly, February 2, 1929, pp. 22-23
  7. Childhood of Miss Churt
    Why Mr. Wharton brought a kitten to his wedding
    Collier's Weekly, July 27, 1940, pp. 22-23
  8. Comments on Robert Dudley French
    Modern Age, Spring 1957, pp. 216-217
  9. [+]
    A Critics' Critic (Review)
    Craft and Character, by Morton Dauwen Zabel
    1. Craft and Character by Morton Dauwen Zabel
    National Review, May 25, 1957, p. 504
  10. [+]
    The Dangerous Summer (Review)
    The Dangerous Summer, by Ernest Hemingway and James A. Michener
    1. The Dangerous Summer by Ernest Hemingway and James A. Michener
    The American Spectator, October 1985, pp. 44-46
  11. Davy Jones, I Love You (1944)
    1 Review
  12. Death and Domingum
    The Atlantic Monthly, June 1968, pp. 95-102
  13. Death of a Republic: An Impression
    National Review, August 1, 1975, pp. 828-832
  14. Delectations
    National Review, October 21, 1969, p. 1067
  15. Delectations
    National Review, November 3, 1970, p. 1166
  16. [+]
    Distant Neighbors (Review)
    Distant Neighbors, by Alan Riding
    1. Distant Neighbors by Alan Riding
    The American Spectator, August 1985, pp. 34-35
  17. Does the Pope Love America?
    In the wake of Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, conservatives are crying "foul!" But during hi...
    The American Spectator, May 1988, pp. 19-21
  18. Elle to Pay
    Beauty and wisdom in Spain
    National Review, December 20, 1999, pp. 46-49
  19. European Document/The Neolib Spanish Right
    The American Spectator, February 1984, pp. 26-28
  20. Eye of the Hurricane (1967)
    1 Review
  21. False-Face
    A short short story complete on one page
    Collier's Weekly, September 28, 1929, pp. 28-29
  22. Gold-Mounted Guns
    Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, August 1951, pp. 81-86
  23. [+]
    Good Second-Rater (Review)
    The Short Reign of Pippin IV, by John Steinbeck
    1. The Short Reign of Pippin IV by John Steinbeck
    National Review, July 6, 1957, p. 44
  24. [+]
    Hamiltonian Schizophrenia (Review)
    Alexander Hamilton in the American Tradition, by Louis M. Hacker
    1. Alexander Hamilton in the American Tradition by Louis M. Hacker
    National Review, May 11, 1957, p. 455
  25. How Does It Fare with Felipe?
    National Review, May 4, 1984, pp. 36-37
  26. Hunting Birds---and Bucks
    National Review, December 14, 1955, pp. 18-19
  27. I'll Dress You in Gold
    National Review, September 8, 1970, pp. 943-944
  28. In Memoriam
    Ave Ava
    National Review, April 16, 1990, pp. 52-55
  29. [+]
    Marching to Jubilo (Review)
    Jesse Jackson and the Politics of Race, by Thomas H. Landess and Richard M. Quinn
    1. Jesse Jackson and the Politics of Race by Thomas H. Landess and Richard M. Quinn
    National Review, March 14, 1986, pp. 50-51
  30. [+]
    Mysterious Triumph (Review)
    Francesco: A Legend, by August C. Mahr
    1. Francesco: A Legend by August C. Mahr
    National Review, August 11, 1956, p. 19
  31. Never above Pennies
    Benny faces temptation
    Collier's Weekly, March 29, 1930, p. 12
  32. No Errors
    Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 1950, pp. 79-80
  33. [+]
    No Offense (Review)
    Americans No More, by Georgie Anne Geyer
    1. Americans No More by Georgie Anne Geyer
    National Review, October 28, 1996, pp. 71-72
  34. Not Only Mailer Has Problems with Bull---t!
    National Review, September 9, 1969, pp. 904-906
  35. Once Shy
    A short short story
    Collier's Weekly, June 1, 1929, pp. 22-23
  36. The Passing of the Patrician South
    National Review, April 21, 1997, pp. 67-68
  37. Places: Return to Lanzarote
    National Review, August 10, 1971, pp. 883-887
  38. Punch, Brother, Punch
    The Short Short Story
    Collier's Weekly, May 10, 1930, p. 13
  39. [+]
    Reverence---for What? (Review)
    The Great Chain of Life, by Joseph Wood Krutch
    1. The Great Chain of Life by Joseph Wood Krutch
    National Review, April 6, 1957, p. 337
  40. [+]
    The Talkies/A Cartoon Odyssey (Review)
    The End of the World News, by Anthony Burgess
    1. The End of the World News by Anthony Burgess
    The American Spectator, August 1983, pp. 38-39
  41. [+]
    European Document/Reaganophobes (Review)
    The Loser, by George Konrad
    1. The Loser by George Konrad
    The American Spectator, March 1983, pp. 36-37
  42. [+]
    The Talkies/Rosenbergs II (Review)
    The Color Purple, by Alice Walker
    1. The Color Purple by Alice Walker
    The American Spectator, November 1983, p. 38
  43. [+]
    The Campus/Young Turk Tunes (Review)
    Testing the Current, by William McPherson
    1. Testing the Current by William McPherson
    The American Spectator, October 1984, pp. 41-44
  44. [+]
    American Document/How Does the State Imagine? (Review)
    The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta, by Mario Vargas Llosa
    1. The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta by Mario Vargas Llosa
    The American Spectator, April 1986, p. 41
  45. [+]
    Politique Internationale/The Colonel's Comedians (Review)
    Pioneering Space, by James E. Oberg and Alcestis R. Oberg
    1. Pioneering Space by James E. Oberg and Alcestis R. Oberg
    The American Spectator, July 1986, p. 38
  46. [+]
    The Talkies/Tough Guys (Review)
    Don't Blame the Indians, by Ted Williams
    1. Don't Blame the Indians by Ted Williams
    The American Spectator, August 1987, p. 47
  47. [+]
    Politique Internationale/Travails With Arnaud (Review)
    The Undying Flame, by Ellen Garwood
    1. The Undying Flame by Ellen Garwood
    The American Spectator, February 1987, pp. 46-48
  48. [+]
    The Great American Saloon Series/The Wheel Generation (Review)
    Paradise Postponed, by John Mortimer
    1. Paradise Postponed by John Mortimer
    The American Spectator, January 1987, pp. 43-44
  49. The Revolt of Enoch Peters
    National Review, August 25, 1970, pp. 886-889
  50. The Right Choice?
    The American Conservative, November 3, 2008, p. 7
  51. Right Life
    The American Conservative, November 2009, pp. 35-38
  52. [+]
    Scalps and Poetry (Review)
    A Pictorial History of the American Indian, by Oliver La Farge
    1. A Pictorial History of the American Indian by Oliver La Farge
    National Review, February 9, 1957, p. 141
  53. Serfing U.S.A.
    The American Conservative, February 2010, pp. 27-29
  54. Servants and Their Masters (1973)
    A Novel
    1 Review
  55. Articles
    Sham in the Bullring
    National Review, August 24, 1971, pp. 920-922
  56. A Short Short Story
    No Errors
    Collier's Weekly, December 26, 1931, p. 20
  57. The Short Short Story
    Among the Casualties
    Collier's Weekly, October 11, 1930, p. 21
  58. [+]
    The Sister of Kings (Review)
    Queen of France, by Andre Castelot
    1. Queen of France by Andre Castelot
    National Review, August 3, 1957, p. 137
  59. [+]
    Sonja and the Pharisees (Review)
    True Morality and Its Counterfeits, by Dietrich von Hildebrand
    1. True Morality and Its Counterfeits by Dietrich von Hildebrand
    National Review, February 29, 1956, p. 27
  60. A Spanish Disquisition
    How one European nation can distinguish itself
    National Review, August 6, 2001, p. 26
  61. Travel
    National Review, May 31, 1985, pp. 50-51
  62. Up From Conservatism
    The American Conservative, January 26, 2009, pp. 19-20
  63. Vile Bodies
    The American Conservative, April 20, 2009, pp. 25-26
  64. The Way of Sinners (1927)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  65. [+]
    Work of Art (Review)
    The Hell Bent Kid, by Charles O. Locke
    1. The Hell Bent Kid by Charles O. Locke
    National Review, April 13, 1957, p. 360
  66. [+]
    Worst Book of the Year/Ferraro (Review)
    A Maggot, by John Fowles
    1. A Maggot by John Fowles
    The American Spectator, January 1986, pp. 43-44
  67. The Write Stuff
    The American Conservative, September 2009, pp. 37-38
  68. No Items Found