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Kenneth E. Boulding Archives
Kenneth E. Boulding •ï¿½57 Items / 28 Reviews, 14 Books, 14 Articles
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  1. The American Economy
    The Many Failures of Success
    The Saturday Review, November 23, 1968, pp. 29-31
  2. [+]
    American Government and Politics (Review)
    What Price Vigilance?, by Bruce M. Russett
    1. What Price Vigilance? by Bruce M. Russett
    American Political Science Review, March 1972, p. 217
  3. Books and the Arts
    Asia: Soft States and Hard Facts (Review)
    Asian Drama: An Inquiry Into the Poverty of Nations, by Gunnar Myrdal
    1. Asian Drama: An Inquiry Into the Poverty of Nations by Gunnar Myrdal
    The New Republic, May 4, 1968, pp. 25-27
  4. Better R-E-D than Dead
    The New Republic, October 20, 1962, p. 15
  5. Beyond Economics (1968)
    Essays on Society, Religion, and Ethics
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  6. Book Reviews
    Big Families Do Pay (3 Reviews)
    The Death of Progress, by Bernard J. James
    1. The Death of Progress by Bernard J. James
    2. The Myth of Population Control by Mahmood Mamdani
    3. The Human Dilemma by Herbert N. Woodward
    The New Republic, March 3, 1973, pp. 22-23
  7. Can We Afford a Warless World?
    The Saturday Review, October 6, 1962, pp. 17-19
  8. [+]
    Case Study in Non-Decision (Review)
    The Ultimate Folly, by Richard Dean McCarthy
    1. The Ultimate Folly by Richard Dean McCarthy
    The New Republic, November 29, 1969, pp. 24-25
  9. [+]
    Chared Journey through Theories of Deterrence (Review)
    Deadly Logic, by Philip Green
    1. Deadly Logic by Philip Green
    Dissent, July 1967, pp. 496-498
  10. Christmas Book Recommendations
    The American Spectator, December 1977, p. 26
  11. The City as an Element in the International System
    Daedalus, Fall 1968, pp. 1111-1123
  12. Conflict and Defense (1962)
    A General Theory
    4 Reviews
  13. [+]
    Crime doesn't pay (Review)
    The Evolution of Cooperation, by Robert Axelrod
    1. The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod
    Commonweal, May 18, 1984, pp. 310-311
  14. Disarmament and the Economy (1963)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  15. The Domestic Implications of Arms Control
    Daedalus, Fall 1960, pp. 846-859
  16. Economic Imperialism (1972)
    A Book of Readings
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  17. The Economics of Peace (1945)
    7 Reviews, 2 Readable
  18. Further Reflections
    The Social Contract, Spring 1991, pp. 113-114
  19. [+]
    The Gospel of St. Malthus (Review)
    Exploring New Ethics for Survival, by Garrett Hardin
    1. Exploring New Ethics for Survival by Garrett Hardin
    The New Republic, September 9, 1972, pp. 22-24
  20. [+]
    Growth and Grace: Incompatible? (3 Reviews)
    Should Churches be Taxed?, by D.B. Robertson
    1. Should Churches be Taxed? by D.B. Robertson
    2. The Religious Business by Alfred Balk
    3. The Church Trap by Arthur Herzog
    The Saturday Review, February 8, 1969, p. 27
  21. The Image (1956)
    Knowledge in Life and Society
    1 Review
  22. The Impact of the Social Sciences (1967)
    1 Review
  23. [+]
    In the Money (2 Reviews)
    The Rich and the Super-Rich, by Ferdinand Lundberg
    1. The Rich and the Super-Rich by Ferdinand Lundberg
    2. Permanent Poverty: An American Syndrome by Ben B. Seligman
    The New York Review of Books, September 12, 1968, pp. 40-41
  24. [+]
    International Politics, Law, and Organization (Review)
    The Society of Man, by Louis J. Halle
    1. The Society of Man by Louis J. Halle
    American Political Science Review, September 1967, p. 843
  25. Is Scarcity Dead?
    The Public Interest, Fall 1966, pp. 36-44
  26. The Jungle of Hugeness
    The Saturday Review, March 1, 1958, pp. 11-13
  27. Options for a Cleaner America
    A Look At National Priorities
    Current History, August 1970, pp. 65-72
  28. The Meaning of the Twentieth Century (1964)
    The Great Transition
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  29. [+]
    The Nature of Communist Crisis (Review)
    The Development of the Soviet Economic System, by Alexander Baykov
    1. The Development of the Soviet Economic System by Alexander Baykov
    The Nation, July 27, 1946, pp. 102-103
  30. The Organizational Revolution (1953)
    A Study in the Ethics of Economic Organization
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  31. Review Articles
    Philosophy, Behaviorial Science, and the Nature of Man (2 Reviews)
    The Human Condition, by Hannah Arendt
    1. The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt
    2. The Structure of Freedom by Christian Bay
    World Politics, January 1960, pp. 272-279
  32. [+]
    Political Theory, History of Political Thought and Methodology (Review)
    Testing Theories of Economic Imperialism, by Steven J. Rosen and James R. Kurth
    1. Testing Theories of Economic Imperialism by Steven J. Rosen and James R. Kurth
    American Political Science Review, June 1977, pp. 658-659
  33. [+]
    Political Theory, History of Political Thought and Methodology (Review)
    Marxism and Imperialism, by V.G. Kiernan
    1. Marxism and Imperialism by V.G. Kiernan
    American Political Science Review, September 1977, p. 1138
  34. Postscript: A Moderately Great Society
    The New Republic, December 18, 1965, p. 15
  35. A Primer on Social Dynamics (1970)
    History as Dialectics and Development
    2 Reviews
  36. A Reconstruction of Economics (1950)
    1 Review
  37. [+]
    Reply to Hayek (Review)
    The Road to reaction, by Herman Finer
    1. The Road to reaction by Herman Finer
    The Nation, January 5, 1946, pp. 22-23
  38. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Political Economy of Change, by Warren F. Ilchman and Norman Thomas Uphoff
    1. The Political Economy of Change by Warren F. Ilchman and Norman Thomas Uphoff
    American Political Science Review, June 1970, p. 603
  39. [+]
    Political Theory, History of Political Thought and Methodology (Review)
    52 Peaceful Societies~~Fifty-Two Peaceful Societies, by Matthew Melko
    1. 52 Peaceful Societies~~Fifty-Two Peaceful Societies by Matthew Melko
    American Political Science Review, March 1976, p. 206
  40. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Essays in Positive Economics, by Milton Friedman
    1. Essays in Positive Economics by Milton Friedman
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1954, p. 132
  41. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    Deterrence and Strategy, by Andre Beaufre
    1. Deterrence and Strategy by Andre Beaufre
    2. Test Ban and Disarmament by Arthur H. Dean
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1968, pp. 109-110
  42. [+]
    Books Reviews (Review)
    Value Systems and Social Process, by Geoffrey Vicker
    1. Value Systems and Social Process by Geoffrey Vicker
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1971, p. 538
  43. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Every War Must End, by Fred Charles Ikle
    1. Every War Must End by Fred Charles Ikle
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1972, pp. 705-706
  44. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Comparison of Economic Systems, by Alexander Eckstein
    1. Comparison of Economic Systems by Alexander Eckstein
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1974, pp. 236-237
  45. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Limits of Politics, by Roger W. Benjamin
    1. The Limits of Politics by Roger W. Benjamin
    Political Science Quarterly, Winter 1980, p. 697
  46. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Inequality in an Age of Decline, by Paul Blumberg
    1. Inequality in an Age of Decline by Paul Blumberg
    Political Science Quarterly, Summer 1981, pp. 321-322
  47. The Shadow of the Stationary State
    Daedalus, Fall 1973, pp. 89-102
  48. The Skills of the Economist (1958)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  49. Stable Peace (1978)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  50. Three Faces of Power (1989)
    1 Review
  51. [+]
    Time as a Commodity (Review)
    The Harried Leisure Class, by Staffan B. Linder
    1. The Harried Leisure Class by Staffan B. Linder
    The New Republic, February 21, 1970, p. 27
  52. [+]
    Tragic Nonsense (Review)
    An Essay on Liberation, by Herbert Marcuse
    1. An Essay on Liberation by Herbert Marcuse
    The New Republic, March 29, 1969, pp. 28-29
  53. [+]
    Yes, the Wolf if Real (Review)
    The Limits to Growth, by Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, and Jorgen Randers, ...
    1. The Limits to Growth by Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, and Jorgen Randers, ...
    The New Republic, April 29, 1972, pp. 27-28
  54. [+]
    Zoom, Gloom, Doom and Room (3 Reviews)
    Models of Doom, by H.S.D. Cole, Marie Jahoda, K.L.R. Pavitt, and Christopher Freeman, ...
    1. Models of Doom by H.S.D. Cole, Marie Jahoda, K.L.R. Pavitt, and Christopher Freeman, ...
    2. The Logarithmic Century by Ralph E. Lapp
    3. The Doomsday Syndrome by John Royden Maddox
    The New Republic, August 11, 1973, p. 25
  55. 3. What the Teach-Ins Taught Us
    Dissent, January 1966, pp. 10-15
  56. No Items Found