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Cecil E. Bohanon Archives
Cecil E. Bohanon •ï¿½6 Articles
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  1. Blockading Ourselves
    What the blockade of confederate ports teaches about protectionism.
    The Freeman, February 1989, pp. 69-70
  2. Bumper-Sticker Economics
    Who really pays those road-use taxes?
    The Freeman, July 1988, pp. 267-268
  3. Foreign Investment Helps Americans
    Restricting the flow of capital weakens our property rights.
    The Freeman, March 1991, pp. 109-110
  4. The Line-Item Veto Won't Work
    Fact and theory tell us that the line-Item veto power will not accomplish what its prop...
    The Freeman, October 1988, pp. 397-399
  5. Roberto and Fidel: Two Versions of "Share the Wealth"
    A tale of two systems
    The Freeman, April 1998, pp. 200-201
  6. The Unintended Consequences of Trade Adjustment Assistance
    Cato Journal, Spring-Summer 1998, pp. 65-74
  7. No Items Found