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Daniel Bell Archives
Daniel Bell •ï¿½142 Items / 13 Books, 109 Articles, 19 Reviews, 1 Film
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  1. Controversy
    About Sociodicy
    The American Scholar, Summer 1967, pp. 461-462
  2. The Scholar Cornered
    About The Reforming of General Education (Review)
    The Reforming of General Education, by Daniel Bell
    1. The Reforming of General Education by Daniel Bell
    The American Scholar, Summer 1968, pp. 401-408
  3. [+]
    All Hopes Turned to Moscow (Review)
    American Communism and Soviet Russia, by Theodore Draper
    1. American Communism and Soviet Russia by Theodore Draper
    The Saturday Review, June 18, 1960, p. 17
  4. The Alphabet of Justice
    The Partisan Review, Summer 1963, pp. 417-429
  5. [+]
    America Loses Its Innocence (Review)
    Part of Our Time, by Murray Kempton
    1. Part of Our Time by Murray Kempton
    The Saturday Review, May 14, 1955, p. 13
  6. "American Exceptionalism" Revisited
    The Role of Civil Society
    The Public Interest, Spring 1989, pp. 38-56
  7. [+]
    American Government and Politics (Review)
    The Communist Party vs the CIO, by Max M. Kampelman
    1. The Communist Party vs the CIO by Max M. Kampelman
    American Political Science Review, September 1958, p. 864
  8. American Jews and Israel
    Commentary, February 1988, p. 26
  9. America's Peculiar Recession
    Encounter, November 1958, pp. 66-69
  10. America's Un-Marxist Revolution
    Commentary, March 1949, pp. 207-215
  11. Arguing the World (1998 Film)
  12. As We Go into the Nineties
    Dissent, Spring 1990, pp. 171-176
  13. Behind the European Currency Crisis
    Dissent, Winter 1993, pp. 50-54
  14. Behind the Soviet Economic Crisis
    Dissent, Winter 1991, pp. 46-49
  15. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    Last Man In, by Scott Greer
    1. Last Man In by Scott Greer
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1960, pp. 475-476
  16. The Break-up of Family Capitalism
    The Partisan Review, Spring 1957, pp. 317-322
  17. [+]
    Business and Politics (Review)
    Business as a System of Power, by Robert A. Brady
    1. Business as a System of Power by Robert A. Brady
    The Partisan Review, July 1943, pp. 377-378
  18. C.A.R. Crosland
    Encounter, August 1977, pp. 89-92
  19. Call Me Ismail
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1959, pp. 78-81
  20. The Capitalism of the Proletariat?
    Encounter, February 1958, pp. 17-23
  21. Charles Fourier: Prophet of Eupsychia
    The American Scholar, Winter 1969, pp. 41-58
  22. Christmas Book Recommendations
    The American Spectator, December 1977, p. 25
  23. The Climate of Fear
    Encounter, December 1987, p. 14
  24. Coda: Work in Further Progress
    Daedalus, Summer 1967, pp. 985-989
  25. Controversy
    Collective Bargaining
    Commentary, July 1960, pp. 60-65
  26. Columbia and the New Left
    The Public Interest, Fall 1968, pp. 61-101
  27. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society (1973)
    A Venture in Social Forecasting
    13 Reviews, 1 Readable
  28. Comment
    Government by Commission
    The Public Interest, Spring 1966, pp. 3-9
  29. The Community Revolution
    The Public Interest, Summer 1969, pp. 142-179
  30. Confrontation: The Student Rebellion and Universities (1968)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  31. Conversations in Warsaw
    The Partisan Review, March 1961, pp. 260-279
  32. The Crisis in Economic Theory (1981)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  33. The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (1976)
    13 Reviews, 4 Readable
  34. The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism
    The Public Interest, Fall 1970, pp. 16-43
  35. The Deficits: How Big? How Long? How Dangerous? (1985)
    1 Review
  36. The Disjunction of Culture and Social Structure
    Some Notes on the Meaning of Social Reality
    Daedalus, Winter 1965, pp. 208-222
  37. Dissenting Opinions
    Encounter, September 1959, pp. 56-58
  38. Downfall of the Business Giants
    Dissent, Summer 1993, pp. 316-323
  39. Notes & Topics
    The Eclipse of Distance
    Encounter, May 1963, pp. 54-55
  40. The End of American Exceptionalism
    The Public Interest, Fall 1975, pp. 193-224
  41. The End of Ideology (1960)
    On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties
    24 Chapters, 416pp - 10 Reviews, 2 Readable
  42. The End of Scarcity?
    The Saturday Review, April 21, 1973, pp. 49-52
  43. Books in Review
    The Ethnic Group (Review)
    Beyond the Melting Pot, by Nathan Glazer and Daniel P. Moynihan
    1. Beyond the Melting Pot by Nathan Glazer and Daniel P. Moynihan
    Commentary, January 1964, pp. 74-75
  44. The Post-Industrial Society
    The Evolution of an Idea
    Survey, Spring 1971, pp. 102-168
  45. An Exchange on Post-Industrial Society
    The New York Review of Books, January 24, 1974, pp. 49-51
  46. Articles
    First Love and Early Sorrows
    The Partisan Review, Fall 1981, pp. 532-551
  47. The Future of Europe
    Dissent, Fall 1994, pp. 445-449
  48. "The Future of the Left"
    Encounter, May 1960, pp. 59-60
  49. Germany
    The Enduring Fear
    Dissent, Fall 1990, pp. 461-467
  50. Gutenberg & the Computer
    Encounter, May 1985, pp. 15-19
  51. Hard Times for the Intellectuals
    The New Republic, August 17, 1953, pp. 8-10
  52. Books in Review
    Has America a Ruling Class? (Review)
    Strategy for Liberals, by Irwin Ross
    1. Strategy for Liberals by Irwin Ross
    Commentary, December 1949, pp. 603-606
  53. [+]
    Hometown Revolutionists (Review)
    Report on the American Communist, by Morris L. Ernst and David Loth
    1. Report on the American Communist by Morris L. Ernst and David Loth
    The Saturday Review, December 20, 1952, p. 17
  54. On Equality
    I. Meritocracy and Equality
    The Public Interest, Fall 1972, pp. 29-68
  55. I. The Corporation and Society in the 1970's
    The Public Interest, Summer 1971, pp. 5-32
  56. A Report on England
    I. The Future That Never Was
    The Public Interest, Spring 1978, pp. 35-73
  57. Toward a Social Report
    I. The Idea of a Social Report
    The Public Interest, Spring 1969, pp. 72-84
  58. Controversy
    A Debate
    Commentary, October 1964, pp. 69-76
  59. Communications
    Ideology and the Beau Geste
    Dissent, Winter 1961, pp. 75-77
  60. In Search of Marxist Humanism
    Survey, April 1960, pp. 21-31
  61. IV. Models and Reality in Economic Discourse
    The Public Interest, Special Issue 1980, pp. 46-80
  62. [+]
    Khrushchev and Kremlinology (Review)
    The Rise of Khrushchev, by Myron Rush
    1. The Rise of Khrushchev by Myron Rush
    Problems of Communism, March 1958, pp. 47-50
  63. Labor in the Post-Industrial Society
    Dissent, Winter 1972, pp. 163-189
  64. Letters
    Commentary, October 1971, pp. 8-44
  65. Letters
    Commentary, July 1976, pp. 4-22
  66. Letters
    Commentary, May 1983, pp. 4-20
  67. Letters
    Commentary, May 1986, pp. 4-20
  68. Letters
    Commentary, April 1990, pp. 2-18
  69. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, June 15, 1972, p. 36
  70. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, September 28, 1989, pp. 75-80
  71. Liberal Anti-Communism Revisited
    Commentary, September 1967, pp. 36-38
  72. Liberalism & the Jews
    Commentary, January 1980, pp. 21-22
  73. Liberalism and the Crisis of Authority
    Dissent, Spring 1987, pp. 202-211
  74. Marxian Socialism in the United States (1967)
    1 Review
  75. Meaning in Work-A New Direction
    Dissent, Summer 1959, pp. 242-249
  76. Modernism and Capitalism
    The Partisan Review, Spring 1978, pp. 206-222
  77. The National Style and the Radical Right
    The Partisan Review, Fall 1962, pp. 519-534
  78. A Note on " Splinter-Groups"
    Encounter, April 1957, pp. 54-55
  79. Notes on the Post-Industrial Society (I)
    The Public Interest, Winter 1967, pp. 24-35
  80. Notes on the Post-Industrial Society (II)
    The Public Interest, Spring 1967, pp. 102-118
  81. Notes on Work
    Encounter, June 1954, pp. 3-15
  82. The Old War
    Communism vs. Capitalism? The West vs. Islam? The real new division in world politics i...
    The New Republic, August 23, 1993, pp. 17-21
  83. On the Fate of Communism
    Dissent, Spring 1990, pp. 187-188
  84. [+]
    On Understanding Russia (3 Reviews)
    Russia and Postwar Europe, by David J. Dallin
    1. Russia and Postwar Europe by David J. Dallin
    2. A Short History of Russia by Benedict H. Sumner
    3. The Russian Enigma by William Henry Chamberlin
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1944, pp. 125-126
  85. Articles
    To the Other Shore
    A Visit to the Soviet Union
    Dissent, Fall 1988, pp. 407-414
  86. Our Class Structure
    The Forum, August 1946, pp. 129-132
  87. Our Country---1984
    The Partisan Review, Fall 1984, pp. 620-637
  88. [+]
    Out of the Fight for Warsaw (Review)
    The Seizure of Power, by Czeslaw Milosz
    1. The Seizure of Power by Czeslaw Milosz
    The New Republic, May 16, 1955, pp. 41-42
  89. Letter from New York
    Passion and Politics in America
    Encounter, January 1956, pp. 54-61
  90. [+]
    The Phenomenon of Farben (Review)
    Patents for Hitler, by Guenter Reimann
    1. Patents for Hitler by Guenter Reimann
    The Saturday Review, October 17, 1942, pp. 21-22
  91. The Prospects for a Pacific Century
    Dissent, Spring 1995, pp. 195-201
  92. Reflections
    The Protestant Ethic
    World Policy Journal, Fall 1996, pp. 35-39
  93. The Public Household
    On "Fiscal Sociology" and the Liberal Society
    The Public Interest, Fall 1974, pp. 29-68
  94. Quo Warranto?
    Notes on the Governance of Universities in the 1970's
    The Public Interest, Spring 1970, pp. 53-68
  95. The Rackett-Ridden Longshoremen
    Dissent, Autumn 1959, pp. 417-429
  96. The Radical Right: The New American Right (1955)
    7 Reviews, 2 Readable
  97. [+]
    Reds: A Fable (Review)
    Reds (1981 Film), by Warren Beatty
    1. Reds (1981 Film) by Warren Beatty
    The Partisan Review, Summer 1982, pp. 446-452
  98. Reflections on Jewish Identity
    Commentary, June 1961, pp. 471-478
  99. The Reforming of General Education (1966)
    The Columbia College Experience in Its National Setting
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  100. Religion & Ideology
    A Conversation with Daniel Bell
    Encounter, February 1983, pp. 10-24
  101. Remembering Irving Howe
    Dissent, Fall 1993, p. 517
  102. Replies
    Dissent, Fall 1994, p. 452
  103. [+]
    The Peripatetic Reviewer (Review)
    The Condition of Man, by Lewis Mumford
    1. The Condition of Man by Lewis Mumford
    The Atlantic Monthly, July 1944, p. 131
  104. The Revolt Against Modernity
    The Public Interest, Fall 1985, pp. 42-63
  105. Sensibility in the 60's
    Commentary, June 1971, pp. 63-73
  106. Socialism and Planning
    Dissent, Winter 1991, pp. 50-54
  107. The Scholar Cornered
    A Guide to Modern Usage
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1966, pp. 696-714
  108. Some Comments on Senator Goldwater
    The Partisan Review, Fall 1964, pp. 584-586
  109. The Study of Man
    "Screening" Leaders in a Democracy
    Commentary, April 1948, pp. 368-375
  110. The Study of Man
    The Prospects of American Capitalism
    Commentary, December 1952, pp. 603-612
  111. The Study of Man
    Bolshevik Man, His Motivations
    Commentary, February 1955, pp. 179-187
  112. The Study of Man
    The Theory of Mass Society
    Commentary, July 1956, pp. 75-83
  113. The Study of the Future
    The Public Interest, Fall 1965, pp. 119-130
  114. Articles
    The Subversion of Collective Bargaining
    Commentary, March 1960, pp. 185-197
  115. A Symposium on Morality
    The American Scholar, Summer 1965, pp. 347-369
  116. Symposium: What Is To Be Done?
    The New Republic, May 20, 1991, p. 28
  117. Post-Industrial Society---A Symposium
    Technocracy and Politics
    Survey, Winter 1971, pp. 1-24
  118. Technology, Nature and Society
    The Vicissitudes of Three World Views and the Confusion of Realms
    The American Scholar, Summer 1973, pp. 385-404
  119. Teletext & Technology
    Encounter, June 1977, pp. 9-28
  120. Ten Theories in Search of Reality
    The Prediction of Soviet Behavior in the Social Sciences
    World Politics, April 1958, pp. 327-365
  121. The Third Technological Revolution
    Dissent, Spring 1989, pp. 164-176
  122. Articles
    The Three Faces of New York
    Dissent, Summer 1961, pp. 222-232
  123. Towards Illiberal Democracy in Pacific Asia (1995)
    2 Reviews
  124. Books & Comment
    The Towerless Edifice - II (Review)
    America as a Civilization, by Max Lerner
    1. America as a Civilization by Max Lerner
    The New Republic, March 17, 1958, p. 17
  125. Books & Comment
    The Towerless Edifice (Review)
    America as a Civilization, by Max Lerner
    1. America as a Civilization by Max Lerner
    The New Republic, March 10, 1958, p. 17
  126. New Directions in Modern Thought:
    edited by Daniel Bell
    The Turn to Interpretation
    An Introduction
    The Partisan Review, Spring 1984, pp. 215-219
  127. Prediction
    Twelve Modes of Prediction
    A Preliminary Sorting of Approaches in the Social Sciences
    Daedalus, Summer 1964, pp. 845-880
  128. Unstable America
    Encounter, June 1970, pp. 11-26
  129. Reappraisals
    Veblen and the New Class
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1963, pp. 616-638
  130. Letter from New York
    At a Vecherinka
    Encounter, July 1956, pp. 65-68
  131. Notes and Topics
    "Vulgar Sociology"
    Encounter, December 1960, pp. 54-56
  132. Books
    Who Will Manage the Managers? (Review)
    The Fictions of American Capitalism, by A.A. Berle, Jr.
    1. The Fictions of American Capitalism by A.A. Berle, Jr.
    The Reporter, October 29, 1959, pp. 38-39
  133. The Winding Passage (1980)
    Essays and Sociological Journeys, 1960-1980
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  134. Word Surrealism
    The Partisan Review, Fall 1944, pp. 486-487
  135. Work and Its Discontents (1956)
    The Cult of Efficiency in America
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  136. Work, Alienation, and Social Control
    Dissent, Spring 1974, pp. 207-212
  137. The Writer as Independent Spirit
    As Public Figure
    The Saturday Review, June 4, 1966, pp. 18-19
  138. The Year 2000---The Trajectory of an Idea
    Daedalus, Summer 1967, pp. 639-651
  139. A Symposium
    Zionism at 100
    The New Republic, September 8, 1997, pp. 1-48
  140. No Items Found