The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
David L. Bazelon Archives
David L. Bazelon •ï¿½6 Items / 1 Book, 4 Articles, 1 Review
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  1. Adventures of the Mind, 44
    The Awesome Decision
    The Saturday Evening Post, January 23, 1960, pp. 32-33
  2. [+]
    Evidence and Justice (Review)
    Evidence of Guilt, by John MacArthur Maguire
    1. Evidence of Guilt by John MacArthur Maguire
    The Nation, October 1, 1960, p. 213
  3. The Imperative to Punish
    The Atlantic Monthly, July 1960, pp. 41-47
  4. Justice for Juveniles
    The New Republic, April 22, 1967, pp. 13-16
  5. Let's Keep Legal Services
    The New Republic, June 13, 1981, pp. 17-18
  6. Questioning Authority (1988)
    Justice and Criminal Law
    1 Review
  7. No Items Found