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James Truslow Adams Archives
James Truslow Adams •ï¿½150 Items / 60 Articles, 30 Books, 58 Reviews
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  1. The Adams Family (1930)
    11 Reviews, 7 Readable
  2. Album of American History, Vol. I: Colonial Period (1944)
    2 Reviews
  3. Album of American History, Vol. II: 1783-1853 (1945)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  4. Album of American History, Vol. III (1946)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  5. Album of American History, Vol. IV (1946)
    End of an Era
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  6. [+]
    An American Diplomat (Review)
    Henry White: Thirty Years of American Diplomacy, by Allan Nevins
    1. Henry White: Thirty Years of American Diplomacy by Allan Nevins
    The Nation, April 8, 1931, p. 384
  7. [+]
    American History (Review)
    The Puritan Family, by Edmund S. Morgan
    1. The Puritan Family by Edmund S. Morgan
    The American Historical Review, October 1944, p. 133
  8. [+]
    An American History (Review)
    The Growth of the American Republic, by Samuel Eliot Morison and Henry Steele Commager,...
    1. The Growth of the American Republic by Samuel Eliot Morison and Henry Steele Commager, ...
    The Nation, December 3, 1930, p. 629
  9. [+]
    The American Spirit (Review)
    The Brown Decades, 1865-1895, by Lewis Mumford
    1. The Brown Decades, 1865-1895 by Lewis Mumford
    The Saturday Review, September 26, 1931, p. 145
  10. [+]
    American Tapestry (Review)
    The United States, by John Donald Hicks
    1. The United States by John Donald Hicks
    The Saturday Review, March 29, 1941, pp. 16-17
  11. The American: The Making of a New Man (1943)
    7 Reviews, 2 Readable
  12. America's Lost Opportunity
    Scribners, October 1932, pp. 205-208
  13. America's Real Job
    Scribners, April 1933, pp. 197-203
  14. America's Tragedy (1934)
    6 Reviews, 3 Readable
  15. [+]
    The Architect of Italy (Review)
    Cavour, by Maurice Paleologue
    1. Cavour by Maurice Paleologue
    The New Republic, October 26, 1927, p. 268
  16. Atlas of American History (1943)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  17. To "Be" or to "Do"
    A Note on American Education
    The Forum, June 1929, pp. 321-327
  18. Big Business in a Democracy (1945)
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  19. [+]
    Biography as an Art (Review)
    Biography: The Literature of Personality, by James Chapman Johnston
    1. Biography: The Literature of Personality by James Chapman Johnston
    The Saturday Review, November 12, 1927, pp. 297-298
  20. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    Nationalism and Religion in America, 1774-1789, by Edward Frank Humphrey
    1. Nationalism and Religion in America, 1774-1789 by Edward Frank Humphrey
    The American Historical Review, October 1924, pp. 155-156
  21. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    The Dominion of New England, by Viola F. Barnes
    1. The Dominion of New England by Viola F. Barnes
    The American Historical Review, January 1925, pp. 373-374
  22. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    The Letters of Henry Adams, Vol. I: 1858-1891, by Worthington Chauncey Ford and Henry A...
    1. The Letters of Henry Adams, Vol. I: 1858-1891 by Worthington Chauncey Ford and Henry Adams
    The American Historical Review, April 1931, pp. 616-617
  23. [+]
    Bryce's America: 1888-1938 (Review)
    The American Commonwealth, by James Bryce
    1. The American Commonwealth by James Bryce
    The Saturday Review, June 11, 1938, p. 3
  24. Building the British Empire (1938)
    To the End of the First Empire
    7 Reviews, 3 Readable
  25. The Burgoyne Expedition
    The North American Review, September 1927, pp. 374-380
  26. [+]
    Buried Treasure (Review)
    Sir William Phips, by Alice Lounsberry
    1. Sir William Phips by Alice Lounsberry
    The Saturday Review, June 7, 1941, p. 12
  27. A Business Man's Civilization
    The Harpers Monthly, July 1929, pp. 133-142
  28. [+]
    But the Dream Lingers On... (Review)
    Where Angels Dared to Tread, by Victor F. Calverton
    1. Where Angels Dared to Tread by Victor F. Calverton
    The Saturday Review, April 12, 1941, p. 6
  29. [+]
    Can England Come Through? (Review)
    England's Crisis, by Andre Siegfried
    1. England's Crisis by Andre Siegfried
    The Nation, May 20, 1931, p. 561
  30. The Cost of Prosperity
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1928, pp. 70-80
  31. [+]
    Court & Constitution (Review)
    Our Constitution: Tool or Testament?, by Beryl Harold Levy
    1. Our Constitution: Tool or Testament? by Beryl Harold Levy
    The Saturday Review, March 8, 1941, p. 12
  32. The Crisis and the Constitution, I
    Scribners, December 1935, pp. 326-330
  33. The Crisis and the Constitution
    Scribners, April 1936, pp. 210-214
  34. The Crisis and the Constitution
    Scribners, February 1936, pp. 65-69
  35. The Crisis and the Constitution
    Scribners, January 1936, pp. 1-6
  36. The Crisis and the Constitution
    Scribners, March 1936, pp. 135-139
  37. The Crisis in Character
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1933, p. 257
  38. Dark Days Ahead
    A Dialogue on the Bankruptcy of Business Leadership
    The Forum, October 1930, pp. 200-207
  39. Reviews of Books
    The Declaration of Independence (Review)
    The Declaration of Independence, by Carl L. Becker
    1. The Declaration of Independence by Carl L. Becker
    The New Republic, November 22, 1922, p. 338
  40. [+]
    A Defense of the Puritans (Review)
    Builders of the Bay Colony, by Samuel Eliot Morison
    1. Builders of the Bay Colony by Samuel Eliot Morison
    The Nation, July 2, 1930, p. 20
  41. [+]
    The Democratic Fashion (Review)
    The Democratic Spirit, by Bernard Smith
    1. The Democratic Spirit by Bernard Smith
    The Saturday Review, September 27, 1941, pp. 3-4
  42. Dictionary of American History (1940)
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  43. Diminishing Returns in Modern Life
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1930, pp. 529-536
  44. [+]
    "Diplomacy of Expansion" (Review)
    Our Rising Empire, 1763-1803, by Arthur Burr Darling
    1. Our Rising Empire, 1763-1803 by Arthur Burr Darling
    The Saturday Review, August 3, 1940, p. 18
  45. Disfranchisement of Negroes in New England
    The American Historical Review, April 1925, pp. 543-546
  46. [+]
    Early Transatlantic Travelers (Review)
    The American in England, by Robert E. Spiller
    1. The American in England by Robert E. Spiller
    The New Republic, January 5, 1927, p. 199
  47. [+]
    Edward Everett (Review)
    Edward Everett: Orator and Statesman, by Paul Revere Frothingham
    1. Edward Everett: Orator and Statesman by Paul Revere Frothingham
    The New Republic, September 30, 1925, p. 4
  48. Emerson Re-Read
    The Atlantic Monthly, October 1930, pp. 484-492
  49. Empire on the Seven Seas (1940)
    The British Empire, 1784-1939
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  50. Enforced Gambling
    Scribners, May 1936, pp. 273-276
  51. The Epic of America (1931)
    8 Reviews, 3 Readable
  52. [+]
    The Foremost American Puritan (Review)
    Increase Mather: The Foremost American Puritan, by Kenneth Ballard Murdock
    1. Increase Mather: The Foremost American Puritan by Kenneth Ballard Murdock
    The New Republic, January 6, 1926, p. 194
  53. The Founding of New England (1921)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  54. Frontiers of American Culture (1944)
    A Study of Adult Education in Democracy
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  55. The Future of American Government
    The Forum, May 1932, pp. 289-296
  56. [+]
    Georgia History (Review)
    James Edward Oglethorpe: Imperial Idealist, by Amos Aschbach Ettinger
    1. James Edward Oglethorpe: Imperial Idealist by Amos Aschbach Ettinger
    The Saturday Review, February 22, 1936, p. 25
  57. [+]
    Great Britain in Midpassage (Review)
    Zones of International Friction, Vol. V, by Lawrence Henry Gipson
    1. Zones of International Friction, Vol. V by Lawrence Henry Gipson
    The Saturday Review, October 31, 1942, p. 9
  58. Hamiltonian Principles (1928)
    Extracts from the Writings of Alexander Hamilton
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  59. Has History Value?
    The Forum, August 1933, pp. 113-115
  60. Henry Adams (1933)
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  61. [+]
    Henry Adams (Review)
    The Letters of Henry Adams, Vol. I: 1858-1891, by Worthington Chauncey Ford and Henry A...
    1. The Letters of Henry Adams, Vol. I: 1858-1891 by Worthington Chauncey Ford and Henry Adams
    The Nation, October 15, 1930, pp. 408-410
  62. [+]
    A Historian's Essays (Review)
    A Layman's View of History, by Henry Osborn Taylor
    1. A Layman's View of History by Henry Osborn Taylor
    The Saturday Review, May 25, 1935, pp. 18-19
  63. Historic Determinism and the Individual
    The Atlantic Monthly, October 1924, pp. 510-519
  64. [+]
    Historical Essays (Review)
    The Colonial Background of the American Revolution, by Charles McLean Andrews
    1. The Colonial Background of the American Revolution by Charles McLean Andrews
    The Saturday Review, January 3, 1925, p. 430
  65. [+]
    Historical Science (Review)
    The Theory of History, by Frederick J. Teggart
    1. The Theory of History by Frederick J. Teggart
    The Saturday Review, February 6, 1926, p. 541
  66. History and the Lower Criticism
    The Atlantic Monthly, September 1923, pp. 308-316
  67. Home Thoughts from Abroad
    The Atlantic Monthly, October 1927, pp. 433-444
  68. Hoover and Law Observance
    The Forum, July 1929, pp. 1-7
  69. How Be Good?
    Living Philosophies IX
    The Forum, June 1930, pp. 335-342
  70. [+]
    How Presidents Are Made (Review)
    The President Makers, by Matthew Josephson
    1. The President Makers by Matthew Josephson
    The Saturday Review, November 30, 1940, p. 11
  71. Is America Young?
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1929, pp. 755-761
  72. Is History Science?
    The Saturday Review, January 7, 1928, pp. 497-498
  73. Is Science a Blind Alley?
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1928, pp. 265-271
  74. Jefferson and Hamilton To-day
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1928, pp. 443-449
  75. Jeffersonian Principles (1928)
    Extracts from the Writings of Thomas Jefferson
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  76. John Marshall
    The American Scholar, Summer 1932, pp. 261-264
  77. [+]
    Lawyer and Lobbyist (Review)
    William E. Chandler, Republican, by Leon Burr Richardson
    1. William E. Chandler, Republican by Leon Burr Richardson
    The Saturday Review, February 1, 1941, p. 15
  78. [+]
    Letters on the American Revolution (Review)
    Letters on the American Revolution, 1774-1776, by Margaret Wheeler Willard
    1. Letters on the American Revolution, 1774-1776 by Margaret Wheeler Willard
    The New Republic, June 24, 1925, p. 133
  79. Liberty---Is It Worth Fighting For?
    Scribners, May 1935, pp. 269-274
  80. [+]
    The Library (6 Reviews)
    The Question of the Hour
    1. The Promise of American Politics by Thomas V. Smith
    2. After Roosevelt by G.H. Speece
    3. Roosevelt Revealed by James Capers Young
    4. Without Grease by Frank R. Kent
    5. Give Me Liberty by Rose Wilder Lane
    6. Two Ordeals of Democracy by John Buchan
    The American Mercury, August 1936, pp. 490-492
  81. The Living Jefferson (1936)
    7 Reviews, 5 Readable
  82. [+]
    The Man Who Never Died (Review)
    This Man Adams, by Samuel D. McCoy
    1. This Man Adams by Samuel D. McCoy
    The Saturday Review, December 8, 1928, p. 459
  83. The March of Democracy (1932)
    A History of the United States
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  84. The March of Democracy, Vol. I (1932)
    The Rise of the Union
    7 Reviews, 3 Readable
  85. The March of Democracy, Vol. II (1933)
    From Civil War to World Power
    4 Reviews
  86. May I Ask?
    The Forum, October 1929, pp. 207-213
  87. Memorial of Old Bridgehampton (1916)
  88. Memorials of Old Brideghampton (1916)
  89. [+]
    Minor Notices (Review)
    The Evolution of Long Island, by Ralph Henry Gabriel
    1. The Evolution of Long Island by Ralph Henry Gabriel
    The American Historical Review, April 1922, p. 614
  90. [+]
    Minor Notices (Review)
    A History of the Town of Middlefield, Massachusetts, by Edward Church Smith, Philip Mac...
    1. A History of the Town of Middlefield, Massachusetts by Edward Church Smith, Philip Mack Smith, and Theodore Clarke Smith, ...
    The American Historical Review, July 1925, p. 866
  91. Morituri Te Salutamus
    The Saturday Review, April 27, 1929, pp. 952-953
  92. The Mucker Pose
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1928, pp. 661-670
  93. My Methods as a Historian
    The Saturday Review, June 30, 1934, pp. 777-778
  94. New England in the Republic, 1776-1850 (1926)
    10 Reviews, 5 Readable
  95. [+]
    A New Paul Revere (Review)
    Paul Revere and the World He Lived In, by Esther Forbes
    1. Paul Revere and the World He Lived In by Esther Forbes
    The Saturday Review, July 11, 1942, p. 7
  96. Notes and Suggestions
    On the Term "British Empire"
    The American Historical Review, April 1922, pp. 485-488
  97. [+]
    An Old New Yorker (Review)
    The Diary of Philip Hone, 1828-1851, by Allan Nevins and Philip Hone
    1. The Diary of Philip Hone, 1828-1851 by Allan Nevins and Philip Hone
    The Saturday Review, December 31, 1927, p. 481
  98. [+]
    Old Song (Review)
    Conflicts with Oblivion, by Wilbur Cortez Abbott
    1. Conflicts with Oblivion by Wilbur Cortez Abbott
    The New Republic, March 25, 1925, pp. 137-139
  99. Our Business Civilization (1929)
    Some Aspects of American Culture
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  100. Our Changing Characteristics
    The Forum, December 1930, pp. 321-328
  101. Our Dissolving Ethics
    The Atlantic Monthly, November 1926, pp. 577-582
  102. Our Lawless Heritage
    The Atlantic Monthly, December 1928, pp. 732-740
  103. Our Racial Amnesia
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1928, pp. 172-176
  104. Our Stake in the British Empire
    The American Mercury, August 1940, pp. 422-427
  105. Our Whispering Campaigns
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1932, pp. 444-450
  106. Pollyanna, Our Patron Goddess
    The Forum, November 1930, pp. 257-262
  107. Portrait of an Empty Barrel
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1930, pp. 425-433
  108. Presidential Prosperity
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1930, pp. 257-267
  109. The Press of Two Nations
    The Saturday Review, February 8, 1930, pp. 710-711
  110. Provincial Society, 1690-1763 (1927)
    A History of American Life, Vol. III
    6 Reviews, 3 Readable
  111. [+]
    Puritan Women (Review)
    Women of the Wilderness, by Margaret E. Bell
    1. Women of the Wilderness by Margaret E. Bell
    The Saturday Review, May 21, 1938, p. 4
  112. The Responsibility of Bankers
    The Forum, August 1931, pp. 80-86
  113. [+]
    History Widens Her Sphere (Review)
    The Dominion of New England, by Viola F. Barnes
    1. The Dominion of New England by Viola F. Barnes
    The New Republic, May 13, 1925, p. 325
  114. Reviewing in America
    The Saturday Review, February 7, 1931, p. 582
  115. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The Soul of America Yesterday and Today, by Arthur Hobson Quinn
    1. The Soul of America Yesterday and Today by Arthur Hobson Quinn
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1932, pp. 602-604
  116. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Ideas in Motion, by Dixon Ryan Fox
    1. Ideas in Motion by Dixon Ryan Fox
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1936, pp. 273-274
  117. [+]
    Revolutionary Letters (Review)
    Letters from America, 1776-1779, by Ray W. Pettengill
    1. Letters from America, 1776-1779 by Ray W. Pettengill
    The Saturday Review, March 28, 1925, p. 628
  118. Revolutionary New England, 1601-1776 (1923)
    8 Reviews, 4 Readable
  119. [+]
    A Revolutionary Source Book (Review)
    Sources and Documents Illustrating the American Revolution, 1764-1788, by Samuel Eliot ...
    1. Sources and Documents Illustrating the American Revolution, 1764-1788 by Samuel Eliot Morison
    The New Republic, December 10, 1924, p. 17
  120. [+]
    Roger Williams (Review)
    Roger Williams: New England Firebrand, by James E. Ernst
    1. Roger Williams: New England Firebrand by James E. Ernst
    The Nation, November 16, 1932, p. 482
  121. [+]
    Roll Call of American Heroes (Review)
    The Hero in America, by Dixon Wecter
    1. The Hero in America by Dixon Wecter
    The Saturday Review, June 21, 1941, p. 7
  122. [+]
    Samuel Adams (Review)
    Samuel Adams: Promoter of the American Revolution, by Ralph Volney Harlow
    1. Samuel Adams: Promoter of the American Revolution by Ralph Volney Harlow
    The New Republic, December 19, 1923, p. 100
  123. [+]
    Setting the American Mold (Review)
    Jefferson in Power, by Claude G. Bowers
    1. Jefferson in Power by Claude G. Bowers
    The Saturday Review, September 5, 1936, p. 5
  124. Shadow of the Man on Horseback
    The Atlantic Monthly, January 1932, pp. 1-10
  125. Shall We Writers Fail Again?
    The Saturday Review, April 3, 1943, p. 5
  126. [+]
    A Shelf of Recent Books (Review)
    American Cults and Crazes
    1. The Stammering Century by Gilbert Seldes
    The Bookman, November 1928, p. 356
  127. Sir Christopher Gardiner
    The Bookman, November 1928, pp. 311-315
  128. [+]
    A Soldier of the Civil War (Review)
    The Life of Johnny Reb, by Bell Irvin Wiley
    1. The Life of Johnny Reb by Bell Irvin Wiley
    The Saturday Review, June 12, 1943, p. 9
  129. Standards
    The Forum, October 1931, pp. 232-239
  130. [+]
    The Story of American Liberty (Review)
    Landscape of Freedom, by Mauritz A. Hallgren
    1. Landscape of Freedom by Mauritz A. Hallgren
    The Saturday Review, February 22, 1941, pp. 14-17
  131. Sweetness and Light---Sixty Years After
    The Atlantic Monthly, November 1929, pp. 629-637
  132. The Tempo of American Life
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1931, pp. 439-448
  133. The Tempo of Modern Life (1931)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  134. [+]
    Too Many If's (Review)
    If, Or History Rewritten, by John C. Squire
    1. If, Or History Rewritten by John C. Squire
    The Nation, June 24, 1931, p. 682
  135. The Trouble With Colleges
    The Forum, December 1933, p. 348
  136. The Unexplored Region in New England History
    The American Historical Review, July 1923, pp. 673-681
  137. The Unknown Soldier
    The Atlantic Monthly, November 1927, pp. 585-588
  138. [+]
    Visiting the Old Home (Review)
    Americans in England, by Robert B. Mowat
    1. Americans in England by Robert B. Mowat
    The Saturday Review, May 18, 1935, pp. 16-17
  139. [+]
    Walter Lippmann (Review)
    Interpretations, 1931-1932, by Walter Lippmann and Allan Nevins
    1. Interpretations, 1931-1932 by Walter Lippmann and Allan Nevins
    The Saturday Review, January 7, 1933, pp. 361-362
  140. Wanted: Perspective
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1931, pp. 257-265
  141. The War Debts
    What Cancellation Would Mean
    The Forum, April 1931, pp. 200-207
  142. [+]
    What Are the English Like? (Review)
    Rough Islanders, or The Natives of England, by Henry Woodd Nevinson
    1. Rough Islanders, or The Natives of England by Henry Woodd Nevinson
    The Nation, April 15, 1931, p. 417
  143. Articles
    What Next in America?
    The Outlook, December 19, 1928, pp. 1347-1349
  144. [+]
    When the Veterans Return (Review)
    When Johnny Comes Marching Home, by Dixon Wecter
    1. When Johnny Comes Marching Home by Dixon Wecter
    The Saturday Review, September 30, 1944, p. 11
  145. Why Be Good?
    Living Philosophies IX
    The Forum, May 1930, pp. 294-301
  146. [+]
    With Sherman to the Sea (Review)
    Marching with Sherman, by Henry Hitchcock and M.A. DeWolfe Howe
    1. Marching with Sherman by Henry Hitchcock and M.A. DeWolfe Howe
    The Saturday Review, November 26, 1927, p. 340
  147. [+]
    2033---or 1933? (Review)
    Thunder and Dawn, by Glenn Frank
    1. Thunder and Dawn by Glenn Frank
    The Nation, June 22, 1932, p. 705
  148. No Items Found