The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Solly Zuckerman Archives
Solly Zuckerman •ï¿½46 Items / 10 Books, 14 Articles, 22 Reviews
Scientists and War (1967)
The Impact of Science on Military and Civil Affairs
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Military Affairs Arms Control Technology (5 Reviews)
    Arms Control for the Late Sixties, by James E. Dougherty and J.F. Lehman, Jr.
    1. Arms Control for the Late Sixties by James E. Dougherty and J.F. Lehman, Jr.
    2. Maritime Strategy by Sir Peter Gretton
    3. The Military-Technical Revolution by John Erickson
    4. Peace and the Strategy Conflict by William R. Kintner
    5. Scientists and War by Solly Zuckerman
    Orbis, Summer 1967, p. 612
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (6 Reviews)
    General: Military, Technical and Scientific
    1. Scientists and War by Solly Zuckerman
    2. Science, Technology, and American Foreign Policy by Eugene B. Skolnikoff
    3. The Breaking Wave by Telford Taylor
    4. The Military Attache by Alfred Vagts
    5. The Polaris Missile Strike by Robert E. Kuenne
    6. Sino-Soviet Relations and Arms Control by Morton H. Halperin
    Foreign Affairs, July 1967, p. 727
  3. [+]
    Briefly Noted (6 Reviews)
    1. The Feasts of Memory by Elias Kulukundis
    2. Calvin Coolidge: The Quiet President by Donald R. McCoy
    3. The Last Days of Napoleon's Empire by Henry Lachouque
    4. Currahee! by Donald R. Burgett
    5. Scientists and War by Solly Zuckerman
    6. What Have You Done for Me Lately? by Warren Moscow
    The New Yorker, June 10, 1967, pp. 150-154