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S.M. Hafeez Zaidi Archives
S.M. Hafeez Zaidi •ï¿½1 Book
The Village Culture in Transition (1970)
A Study of East Pakistan Rural Society
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    East Asia and the Pacific (6 Reviews)
    Asia and the International System, by Wayne Wilcox, Leo E. Rose, and Gavin Boyd
    1. Asia and the International System by Wayne Wilcox, Leo E. Rose, and Gavin Boyd
    2. Communications and National Integration in Communist China by Alan P.L. Liu
    3. Imperial Tragedy by Thomas M. Coffey
    4. Problems of Defense of South and East Asia by K.K. Sinha
    5. The Strenuous Decade by Paul K.T. Sih
    6. The Village Culture in Transition by S.M. Hafeez Zaidi
    Orbis, Summer 1972, p. 581