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Mabel Osgood Wright Archives
Mabel Osgood Wright •ï¿½27 Books
Dogtown (1902)
Being Some Chapters from the Annals of the Waddles Family, Set Down in the La...
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    Books of the Week (35 Reviews)
    American Animals, by Witmer Stone and William Everett Cram
    1. American Animals by Witmer Stone and William Everett Cram
    2. The Book of Romance by Andrew Lang
    3. The Cathedrals of Great Britain by P.H. Ditchfield
    4. Danny by Alfred Ollivant
    5. Dogtown by Mabel Osgood Wright
    6. The Elegy of Faith by William Rader
    7. Emmy Lou: Her Book and Heart by George Madden Martin
    8. Euclid: His Life and System by Thomas Smith
    9. A History of the Babylonians and Assyrians by George Stephen Goodspeed
    10. How to Attract the Birds, and Other Talks About Bird Neighbours by Neltje Blanchan
    11. Incentives for Life, Personal and Public by James M. Ludlow
    12. In the Hour of Silence by John Edgar McFadyen
    13. The Life and Writings of Alexandre Dumas, 1802-1870 by Harry A. Spurr
    14. Life of Ulrich Zwingli by Samuel Simpson
    15. Light for Daily Living by John Maclean
    16. Mayken by Jessie Anderson Chase
    17. Men and Women by Minot J. Savage
    18. Mind Power and Privileges by Albert B. Olston
    19. Mr. Sun and Mrs. Moon by Richard Le Gallienne
    20. A Short History of Monks and Monasteries by Alfred Wesley Wishart
    21. My Life in Many States and in Foreign Lands by George Francis Train
    22. New York, Old and New by Rufus Rockwell Wilson
    23. Poems of Shelley by Percy Bysshe Shelley and Stopford Brooke
    24. The Private Soldier Under Washington by Charles Knowles Bolton
    25. The Quest of Happiness by Newell Dwight Hillis
    26. The Reflections of Ambrosine by Elinor Glyn
    27. Religion as a Credible Doctrine by William Hurrell Mallock
    28. Romances of Early America by Edward Robins
    29. The Smoke and the Flame by Charles F. Dole
    30. Stan Lynn: A Boy's Adventures in China by George Manville Fenn
    31. The Sunset Song and Other Verses by Elizabeth Akers Allen
    32. This Is for You by William Sinclair Lord
    33. Timothy and His Friends by Mary E. Ireland
    34. The Weaving of Webs by Francis W. Van Praag
    35. With a Saucepan Over the Sea by Adelaide Keen
    The Outlook, November 29, 1902, pp. 748-754