The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
David R. Woodward Archives
David R. Woodward •ï¿½18 Items / 9 Books, 2 Articles, 7 Reviews
The Russians at Sea (1965)
A History of the Russian Navy
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    The Russians at Sea, by David Woodward
    1. The Russians at Sea by David Woodward
    The American Historical Review, October 1966, p. 240
  2. [+]
    Communist Bloc (11 Reviews)
    The Birth of Communist China, by C.P. Fitzgerald
    1. The Birth of Communist China by C.P. Fitzgerald
    2. Chinese Communist Education by Stewart E. Fraser
    3. The Communist International and Its Front Organizations by Witold S. Sworakowski
    4. Economic Integration in the Soviet Bloc by Heinz Kohler
    5. The Economics of a Socialist Enterprise by George R. Feiwel
    6. The Foreign Trade of Communist China by Pauline Lewin
    7. Marxism and Psycho-Analysis by Reuben Osborn
    8. The Russians at Sea by David Woodward
    9. Soviet Institutions and Policies by William G. Andrews and Franz D. Scholz
    10. Under Pressure by A. Alvarez
    11. Workers' Councils by Jiri Kolaja
    Orbis, Spring 1966, pp. 298-300