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Thomas F. Woodlock Archives
Thomas F. Woodlock •ï¿½26 Items / 19 Reviews, 3 Books, 4 Articles
The Catholic Pattern (1942)
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Published Reviews
  1. Books of the Week
    A Few Blocks from Barclay Street (Review)
    The Catholic Pattern, by Thomas F. Woodlock
    1. The Catholic Pattern by Thomas F. Woodlock
    Commonweal, June 12, 1942, p. 184
  2. [+]
    Universal Order (Review)
    The Catholic Pattern, by Thomas F. Woodlock
    1. The Catholic Pattern by Thomas F. Woodlock
    The Saturday Review, July 18, 1942, p. 18
  3. [+]
    Briefly Noted (8 Reviews)
    1. The Bond Between Us by Frederic M. Loomis
    2. John Woolman, American Quaker by Janet Whitney
    3. Weep No More, My Lady by Alvin F. Harlow
    4. Georgia: Unfinished State by Hal A. Steed
    5. The Catholic Pattern by Thomas F. Woodlock
    6. Mythology of Being by Andre Masson
    7. American Primitive Painting by Jean Lipman
    8. The Emergence of an American Art by Jerome Mellquist
    The New Yorker, May 16, 1942, pp. 62-63
  4. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (20 Reviews)
    General: Economic and Social
    1. Economics in Uniform by Albert T. Lauterbach
    2. The Economics of 1960 by Colin Clark
    3. Can We Win the Peace? by Paul Einzig
    4. An Economic Program for a Living Democracy by Irving H. Flamm
    5. Economic Planning: Its Aims and Implications by Claude David Baldwin
    6. World Minerals and World Peace by Charles K. Leith, J.W. Furness, and Cleona Lewis, ...
    7. Economic Mineral Deposits by Alan M. Bateman
    8. The Myth of Open Spaces by W.D. Forsyth
    9. Lenin on the Agrarian Question by Anna Rochester
    10. Climate Makes the Man by Clarence A. Mills
    11. Man and Society in Calamity by Pitirim A. Sorokin
    12. Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question by I. Rennap
    13. In Defense of the West by Herbert von Beckerath
    14. The Moral Ideals of Our Civilization by Radoslav A. Tsanoff
    15. The Great Century in the Americas, Australia, and Africa, A.D. 1800-A.D. 1914 by Kenneth Scott Latourette
    16. Where Are They Marching? by J. Stanley Durkee
    17. The Judgment of the Nations by Christopher Dawson
    18. Old Principles and the New Order by Vincent J. McNabb
    19. The Catholic Pattern by Thomas F. Woodlock
    20. The Christian Approach to the Moslem by James Thayer Addison
    Foreign Affairs, July 1943, pp. 758-759
  5. [+]
    Religious Books in Wartime (26 Reviews)
    We Can Win This War, by William F. Kernan
    1. We Can Win This War by William F. Kernan
    2. The World of Sholom Aleichem by Maurice Samuel
    3. The Complete Life by John Erskine
    4. The Judgment of the Nations by Christopher Dawson
    5. Abundant Living by E. Stanley Jones
    6. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
    7. On Being a Real Person by Harry Emerson Fosdick
    8. Autobiography by Eric Gill
    9. The Edge of the Abyss by Alfred Noyes
    10. The Hope of a New World by William Temple
    11. Heritage and Destiny by John A. Mackay
    12. France, My Country: Through the Disaster by Jacques Maritain
    13. Until that Day by K. Kressmann Taylor
    14. It's Your Souls We Want by Stewart W. Herman, Jr.
    15. God Is My Fuehrer by Martin Niemoller
    16. I Was in Hell with Niemoeller by Leo Stein
    17. Christian Europe Today by Adolf Keller
    18. The Church in Disrepute by Bernard Iddings Bell
    19. The Nature and Destiny of Man by Reinhold Niebuhr
    20. A Companion to the Summa by Walter Farrell
    21. Ransoming the Time by Jacques Maritain
    22. Christian Crisis by Michael de la Bedoyere
    23. The Catholic Pattern by Thomas F. Woodlock
    24. Basic Verities: Prose and Poetry by Charles Peguy
    25. Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke
    26. The Collected Poems by Charles L. O'Donnell
    The Saturday Review, April 3, 1943, pp. 22-23