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Myra Willard Archives
Myra Willard •ï¿½1 Book
History of the White Australia Policy to 1920 (1924)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Some Recent Books on International Affairs (11 Reviews)
    The British Empire
    1. The Resources of the Empire by E. Geddes and S. Barrow
    2. J. Ramsay MacDonald: The Man of To-Morrow by Iconoclast
    3. Englands Labour Rulers by Iconoclast
    4. Ireland by Robert H. Murray and Hugh Alexander Law
    5. The Voice of Ireland by William George Fitz-Gerald
    6. A Study in Hindu Social Polity by Chandra Chakraberty
    7. The Lost Dominion by Al Carthill
    8. India: A Bird's-Eye View by Earl of Ronaldshay
    9. Indian Politics: A Survey by John Tudor Gwynn
    10. History of the White Australia Policy to 1920 by Myra Willard
    11. Canada: Natural Resources and Commerce
    Foreign Affairs, September 1924, p. 158