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John H. Whitson Archives
John H. Whitson •ï¿½5 Books
Justin Wingate, Ranchman (1905)
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Published Reviews
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    Books of the Week (25 Reviews)
    The Accomplice, by Frederick Trevor Hill
    1. The Accomplice by Frederick Trevor Hill
    2. Adventures Among Books by Andrew Lang
    3. At the Foot of the Rockies by Carter Goodloe
    4. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by William MacDonald and Benjamin Franklin
    5. Bird Life and Bird Lore by R. Bosworth Smith
    6. A Boy's Control and Self-Expression by Eustace Miles
    7. The Case of Russia by Alfred Rambaud, Vladimir G. Simkhovitch, and J. Novicow, ...
    8. Catherine de' Medici and the French Reformation by Edith Sichel
    9. The Church of the Fathers by Leighton Pullan
    10. Diary and Letters of Madame d'Arblay, 1778-1840 by Charlotte Barrett, Austin Dobson, and Madame D'Arblay, ...
    11. Following the Sun-Flag by John Fox, Jr.
    12. James Watt by Andrew Carnegie
    13. Justin Wingate, Ranchman by John H. Whitson
    14. Lady Noggs, Peeress by Edgar Jepson
    15. Mirabeau and the French Revolution by Charles F. Warwick
    16. The Norsk Nightingale by William F. Kirk
    17. Port Arthur: A Monster Heroism by Richard Barry
    18. Russian Literature by Peter Kropotkin
    19. Serena by Virginia Frazer Boyle
    20. Shakespeare's London by Henry Thew Stephenson
    21. A Short History of Venice by William Roscoe Thayer
    22. Twenty-Four Negro Melodies by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    23. The Tyranny of the Dark by Hamlin Garland
    24. William Hickling Prescottt by Harry Thurston Peck
    25. Witness to the Influence of Christ by William Boyd Carpenter
    The Outlook, May 27, 1905, pp. 244-248