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Anita M. Weiss Archives
Anita M. Weiss •ï¿½1 Book
Islamic Reassertion in Pakistan (1986)
The Application of Islamic Laws in a Modern State (Contemporary Issues in the...
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The Middle East (8 Reviews)
    The Ba'th and the Creation of Modern Syria, by David Roberts
    1. The Ba'th and the Creation of Modern Syria by David Roberts
    2. Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan by Olivier Roy
    3. Islamic Reassertion in Pakistan by Anita M. Weiss
    4. The Concept of an Islamic State by Ishtiaq Ahmed
    5. Reveal and Conceal by Andrea B. Rugh
    6. Shi'ism, Resistance, and Revolution by Martin S. Kramer
    7. Syria and the French Mandate by Philip S. Khoury
    8. Turkey: America's Forgotten Ally by Dankwart A. Rustow
    Orbis, Summer 1987, pp. 255-258