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Andrew Weiner Archives
Andrew Weiner •ï¿½26 Items / 3 Books, 23 Articles
This Is the Year Zero (1998)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The Reference Library (8 Reviews)
    Proxies, by Laura J. Mixon
    1. Proxies by Laura J. Mixon
    2. Carnivores of Light and Darkness by Alan Dean Foster
    3. The Ghost of the Revelator by L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
    4. After the Blue by Russel Like
    5. Dark Tales and Light by Bruce Boston
    6. This Is the Year Zero by Andrew Weiner
    7. The Story of Libraries by Fred Lerner
    8. Time: A Traveler's Guide by Clifford A. Pickover
    Analog/Astounding Science Fiction, January 1999, pp. 128-133
  2. [+]
    On Books (22 Reviews)
    Song for the Basilisk, by Patricia A. McKillip
    1. Song for the Basilisk by Patricia A. McKillip
    2. Starfarers by Poul Anderson
    3. The Engines of Dawn by Paul Cook
    4. Deep Time by Gregory Benford
    5. Q Is for Quantum by John Gribbin
    6. Robot by Hans Moravec
    7. Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8 by Robert Zimmerman
    8. Muddling Through by Mike Fortun and Herbert J. Bernstein
    9. Splitting by Brian Charles Clark
    10. Punktown by Jeffrey Thomas
    11. The Book of Fabulous Beasts by Joseph Nigg
    12. The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fantasy by David Pringle
    13. Pulp Culture: The Art of Fiction Magazines by Frank M. Robinson
    14. Trix by D.J. Williams
    15. The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium by Mark Dery
    16. Satan Is a Mathematician by Keith Allen Daniels
    17. Not the Only Planet by Damien Broderick
    18. This Is the Year Zero by Andrew Weiner
    19. The Dragons of Springplace by Robert Reed
    20. Batman in the Sixties by Bob Kane
    21. Uncle Sam by Alex Ross and Steve Darnall
    22. The Invisibles, Vol. 5: Counting to None by Grant Morrison
    Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, December 1999, pp. 132-141