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William L. Watkinson Archives
William L. Watkinson •ï¿½13 Books
Studies in Christian Character, Work, and Experience (1903)
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Published Reviews
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    Books of the Week (32 Reviews)
    Christ the Apocalypse, by James Cooke Seymour
    1. Christ the Apocalypse by James Cooke Seymour
    2. A Descriptive Guide to the Best Fiction, British and American by Ernest A. Baker
    3. Down the Orinoco in a Canoe by Santiago Perez Triana
    4. Euripides: Translated Into English Rhyming Verse by Gilbert Murray and Euripides
    5. From the Unvarying Star by Elsworth Lawson
    6. The Great Siberian Railway by Michael Myers Shoemaker
    7. Heredity and Social Progress by Simon N. Patten
    8. The History of Woman Suffrage by Susan B. Anthony and Ida Husted Harper
    9. Human Destiny in the Light of Revelation by John Ferguson Weir
    10. In Piccadilly by Benjamin Swift
    11. Italy and the Italians by Edward Hutton
    12. Jewish Ceremonial Institutions and Customs by William Rosenau
    13. Mazzini by Bolton King
    14. My Woodland Intimates by Effie Bignell
    15. Phillips Brooks by William Lawrence
    16. The Principles of Criticism by W. Basil Worsfold
    17. Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society by Franklin L. Riley
    18. A Selection of the Shorter Poems of Wordsworth by Edward Fulton and William Wordsworth
    19. The Socialist and the Prince by Mrs. Fremont Older
    20. Spirals in Nature and Art by Theodore Andrea Cook
    21. Studies in Christian Character, Work, and Experience by W.L. Watkinson
    22. Studies in the History of Educational Opinion from the Renaissance by S.S. Laurie
    23. The Story of the Churches: The Presbyterians by Charles Lemuel Thompson
    24. Short History of the Baptists by Henry C. Vedder
    25. The Theory of Education in Plato's "Republic" by John E. Adamson
    26. Theism by Borden P. Bowne
    27. Under the Rose by Frederic S. Isham
    28. "Unofficial" by Mrs. Walter R.D. Forbes
    29. Veronica by Martha W. Austin
    30. We Shall Live Again by George H. Hepworth
    31. What Manner of Man by Edna Kenton
    32. The Wisdom of James the Just by William Boyd Carpenter
    The Outlook, March 28, 1903, pp. 736-741