The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Michael Walzer Archives
Michael Walzer •ï¿½265 Items / 20 Books, 213 Articles, 31 Reviews, 1 Poem
Just and Unjust Wars (1977)
A Moral Argument With Historical Illustrations
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    General (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    The American Historical Review, December 1978, p. 1228
  2. [+]
    Fellows' Choice (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    The Wilson Quarterly, Spring 1979, p. 148
  3. [+]
    Hard Thoughts About Warfare (Review)
    Total war, nuclear deterrence, terrorism, reprisals drawing some moral lines.
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    Reason, December 1978, pp. 18-19
  4. [+]
    Books Reviews (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    Political Science Quarterly, Spring 1979, p. 190
  5. [+]
    Fighting As Usual (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    The New Statesman, September 29, 1978, p. 414
  6. [+]
    Yoo-hoo! Yooganda? (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    National Review, April 14, 1978, pp. 475-476
  7. Books & the Arts
    The Moral Argument as Apologia (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    The Nation, March 25, 1978, p. 341
  8. [+]
    Rights from the standpoint of hell (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    The Libertarian Review, January 1980, pp. 42-43
  9. Books
    An exception to the rules (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    Inquiry, April 17, 1978, pp. 23-24
  10. [+]
    Poetry (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    First Things, March 2000, p. 52
  11. [+]
    Morality & War (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    Commentary, January 1978, pp. 70-72
  12. [+]
    Political Theory and Methodology (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    American Political Science Review, December 1978, pp. 1393-1394
  13. Review Articles
    Recapturing the Just War for Political Theory (Review)
    Just and Unjust Wars, by Michael Walzer
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    World Politics, July 1979, pp. 588-599
  14. [+]
    The Just War (2 Reviews)
    Reviving an Old Debate
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    2. Ethics and Nuclear Strategy by Harold P. Ford and Francis X. Winters
    Commonweal, August 18, 1978, pp. 532-534
  15. [+]
    Briefly Noted (5 Reviews)
    1. 1066: The Year of the Conquest~~Ten Sixty-Six: The Year of the Conquest by David Howarth
    2. The Fallen Colossus by Robert Sobel
    3. Grassroots by George S. McGovern
    4. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    5. A Field Guide to the Little People by Nancy Arrowsmith and George Moorse
    The New Yorker, February 20, 1978, pp. 134-138
  16. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
    2. The Weak in the World of the Strong by Robert L. Rothstein
    3. U Thant, 1965-1967 by Andrew W. Cordier and Max Harrelson
    4. Nations and States by Hugh Seton-Watson
    5. Humanitarian Politics by David P. Forsythe
    6. Unofficial Diplomats by Maureen R. Berman and Joseph E. Johnson
    7. Europe 2000 by Peter Geoffrey Hall
    8. The Future Global Challenge by Neville Brown
    9. Problems of World Modeling by Karl W. Deutsch, Bruno Fritsch, and Helio Jaguaribe, ...
    10. Broadcasting in the Third World by Elihu Katz and George Wedell
    11. Radicalism in the Contemporary Age, Vol. III by Seweryn Bialer and Sophia Sluzar
    Foreign Affairs, April 1978, pp. 666-667