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David Harry Walker Archives
David Harry Walker •ï¿½13 Items / 12 Books, 1 Article
Big Ben (1969)
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    Fall Books for Young People (54 Reviews)
    Where Is Daddy?, by Beth Goff
    1. Where Is Daddy? by Beth Goff
    2. The Very Tall Little Girl by Phyllis Krasilovsky
    3. The Sky Dog by Brinton Turkle
    4. Someone Small by Barbara Borack
    5. Mrs. Poggi's Holiday by Saul Lambert
    6. And It Rained by Ellen Raskin
    7. Anatole and the Thirty Thieves by Eve Titus
    8. Fly Homer Fly by Bill Peet
    9. The Story of a Singular Hen and Her Peculiar Children by Mary Stolz
    10. Rain Rain Rivers by Uri Shulevitz
    11. The Eggs by Aliki
    12. Lakshmi: The Water Buffalo Who Wouldn't by Mehlli Gobhai
    13. If You Lived in the Days of the Wild Mammoth Hunters by Mary Elting and Franklin Folsom
    14. The Little Cock by Joseph Domjan
    15. Before You Came This Way by Byrd Baylor
    16. ABC's of Space by Isaac Asimov
    17. The Time-Ago Tales of Jahdu by Virginia Hamilton
    18. The Wizard of Washington Square by Jane Yolen
    19. I Thought I Heard the City by Lilian Moore
    20. A Time for Watching by Gunilla B. Norris
    21. A Book of Venus for You by Franklyn M. Branley
    22. The Falcon Under the Hat by Guy Daniels
    23. A Few Flies and I by Issa, Jean Merrill, and Ronni Solbert
    24. Journeys by Richard Lewis
    25. Hugo and Josephine by Maria Gripe
    26. Big Ben by David Harry Walker
    27. Goldie the Dollmaker by M.B. Goffstein
    28. A Cavalcade of Goblins by Alan Garner
    29. Have a Ball by A. Harris Stone and Bertram M. Siegel
    30. The Button Boat by Glendon F. Swarthout and Kathryn Swarthout
    31. The Art of India by Shirley Glubok
    32. Plants for Plots: Projects for Indoor Gardeners by D.X. Fenten
    33. The Young United States, 1783-1830 by Edwin Tunis
    34. Julia Harrington: Winnebago, Iowa, 1913 by Richard Pike Bissell
    35. Banner, Forward! by Eva Rappaport
    36. Name: Johnny Pierce by Barbara Rinkoff
    37. The Cedars of Charlo by Virginia Weisel Johnson
    38. Standing Lions by Mary Ray
    39. The Mermaid's Daughter by Joyce Gard
    40. Cleared for Takeoff by Charles Ira Coombs
    41. Wonders of Ancient Chinese Science by Robert Silverberg
    42. When Movies Began to Speak by Frank Manchel
    43. Claudia, Where Are You? by Hila Colman
    44. City in All Directions by Arnold Adoff
    45. The Ramayana by Elizabeth Seeger
    46. The Shaping of England by Isaac Asimov
    47. Fogarty by Emily Cheney Neville
    48. The Waters of November by Howard Greenfeld
    49. Danger--Men Talking! by Stuart Chase
    50. Poems from India by Daisy Aldan
    51. Hound of the Sea by Leonard P. Wibberley
    52. The Spotted Sphinx by Joy Adamson
    53. Jane Austen and Her World by Marghanita Laski
    54. Allegra's Child by Jennette D. Letton
    The Saturday Review, November 8, 1969, pp. 62-72